2000字范文 > 地方文化建设 local cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

地方文化建设 local cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-07 03:24:06


地方文化建设 local cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

地方文化建设,local cultural construction

1)local cultural construction地方文化建设

1.Collegiate libraries can play an important role in thelocal cultural construction.高校图书馆在地方文化建设中可以发挥其应有的重要作用,可以尝试地方与高校共建图书馆。


1.Intangible Culture and Local Cultural Construction:A Case Study of Nanjing:the Capital of the Six Dynasties非物质文化与地方文化建设——以“六朝古都”南京为例

2.On Construction of Local Document Resources in Regional Culture;试论地域文化中的地方文献资源建设

3.Spiritual Culture Cultivation and Cultural Construction on Local Campus;培育大学精神文化与地方高校校园文化建设

4.Construction of Qujing Local Document under the Situation of Heating Research of Culture;文化研究热背景下的曲靖市地方文献建设

5.A Brief Account on the Characteristics Construction of Local Documents in West China;西部地区地方文献资源特色化建设论要

6.Tendencies of the Marginalization of Local Campus Culture Construction and Their Countermeasures;地方高校校园文化建设边缘化趋向及其对策

7.The Capitalization Path of Traditional Cultural Resources in Local Economic Construction传统文化资源在地方经济建设中的资本化路径

8.Research on the Regional Culture,Environment and the Construction of Local Characteristic Literature Database--Take the Region of Guangdong as Example地域文化、环境与地方特色文献资源库建设探究——以广东地区为例

9.On the Function of Libraries in Higher Education in the Cultural Construction in New Rural Area;论地方高校图书馆在新农村文化建设中的作用

10.Research on the Role of Local Government in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside Culture地方政府在新农村文化建设中的作用研究

11.Study on the Leading Role of Local Goverments in the New Rural Cultural Construction地方政府在新农村文化建设中的主导作用研究

12.The Role of Campus Culture of Colleges and Universities in the Building of Regional Economy高校校园文化在地方经济建设中的作用探析

13.Studies on the Effect of Media Dialect on the Construction of Regional Culture传媒方言在地域文化建设上的效用研究

14.the Continuity of the the Characteristics of Local Culture in the Contemporary Architectural Designing地方文化特质在现代建筑设计中的体现和延续

15.Consideration on Construction of Research Culture in Local Undergraduate College关于地方性本科院校科研文化建设的思考

16.College Library Should Strengthen Its Construction of Cultural Characteristic Resources高校图书馆应加强地方特色文化资源馆藏建设

17.University Culture and the Building Characteristics and Thinking of University Culture in Local College大学文化及其地方高校的大学文化建设特点与思考

18.The State will tilt toward the region in allocating funds for construction of local cultural facilities, radio and television systems and for the protection of cultural relics.国家安排的补助地方文化设施建设、广播电视建设投资和文物经费,向西部地区倾斜。


regional literature construction地方文献建设

1.Reinforcingregional literature construction has important meaning.本文以分析民族地区图书馆在地方文献建设中存在的问题为出发点,就如何进一步加强民族地区图书馆地方文献建设进行了探讨。

3)regional cultural construction地域文化建设

4)regional tax culture construction地税文化建设

1.In the process of culture construction, it is an important problem how to deal with the relationship betweenregional tax culture construction and team construction and for culture construction to play an effective role in promoting all - round development of man.在文化建设过程中,如何看待地税文化建设与队伍建设的关系,有效地发挥文化建设在促进人的全面发展中的作用是一个很重要的问题。

5)local construction地方建设

6)utilization of local literature地方文献利用建设


地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forcesdifang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。
