2000字范文 > 地方文化资源 local cultural resources英语短句 例句大全

地方文化资源 local cultural resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-09 08:47:15


地方文化资源 local cultural resources英语短句 例句大全

地方文化资源,local cultural resources

1)local cultural resources地方文化资源

1.The conduct of cultural research related to the novel is beneficial to the development oflocal cultural resources,the building of city cultural spirit and brand,and the promotion of economic and social development.开展《西游记》文化研究与连云港挖掘地方文化资源,塑造城市文化精神、打造城市文化品牌,促进经济、社会发展的目标相辅相成。

2.To emphasize the development oflocal cultural resources,and to concern about the development and the utilization of the local curriculum resources,is the main direction of the recent curriculum development in our country,also the important contents that the primary and secondary school teachers teaching art curriculum should pay attention to.强调发展地方文化资源,关注地方课程资源的开发与利用,是当前我国课程发展的主要方向,也是中小学美术课程教学中教师需要重点关注的内容。


1.A Journey to the West:Its Relation with the Development of Local Cultural Resources in Lianyungang《西游记》与连云港地方文化资源开发

2.On the Relationship between the Local Tourist Resources and Tourism Professional English Teaching in Vocational Colleges地方文化资源与高职旅游英语教学的关系

3.On Construction of Local Document Resources in Regional Culture;试论地域文化中的地方文献资源建设

4.On working together to build and share the digitization of the local external resources;论地方文献资源数字化的共建与共享

5.The Exploration of District Culture and Tourist Resources in South Zhejiang;地方文化特色与浙南旅游资源的开发

6.On the Media Content Exploitation of the Local Historic Cultural Resources论地方历史文化资源的传媒内容开发

7.The Capitalization Path of Traditional Cultural Resources in Local Economic Construction传统文化资源在地方经济建设中的资本化路径

8.On Construction of Traditional Cultural Course Resources;地方文化课程资源的开发、利用——浅谈传统文化课程资源的构建

9.Promote Minnanese culture Resource sharing--Minnanese literature of the local building and sharing of resources弘扬闽南文化 实现资源共享——浅谈闽南地方文献资源建设与共享

10.Excavating Culture Resources in Linchuan,Setting up the Characteristic Storehouse of Local Documentation and Information;挖掘临川文化资源,建立特色地方文献信息库

11.A Study on the Special Nationa Cultural Resources of the Local Document;转型时期民族地方文献的特色文化资源研究

12.A Brief Account on the Characteristics Construction of Local Documents in West China;西部地区地方文献资源特色化建设论要

13.Yueyang Literature on Local Resources and Local Literature Work谈岳阳地方文献资源与地方文献工作

14.Research on the Regional Culture,Environment and the Construction of Local Characteristic Literature Database--Take the Region of Guangdong as Example地域文化、环境与地方特色文献资源库建设探究——以广东地区为例

15.Local Universities Need to Strengthen their Efforts to Preserve and Make a Better Use of Local Cultures;地方高校与本土文化资源的保护与开发

16.On the Cultural Connotations of Local Course Resources;浅谈地方课程资源开发与利用的文化意义

17.Description of Digital Local Documents Based on DC and RDF;基于DC与RDF的数字化地方文献资源描述

18.Development of Local Cultural Characteristics of the Fine Art Curriculum Resources开发具有地方文化特色的美术课程资源


excellent local cultural resources地方优秀文化资源

3)local documentary resources地方文献资源

1.The exploitation of thelocal documentary resources of natural sciences in west China has great value and significance to the economic and social development of west China,which deserves more concern.西部地区的自然科学民族地方文献资源是我国地方文献资源的重要一翼,是地区文化资源乃至地区战略资源的重要组成部分,但长期以来一直没有得到社会和地方文献工作领域的足够重视。

4)Local humanity resource地方人文资源

5)geo-cultural resources地域文化资源

1.Chongqing is rich ingeo-cultural resources that form the stable foundation for the development of cultural innovation industry in Chongqing.重庆具有丰富多彩的地域文化资源,它们共同为重庆文化创意产业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。

6)cultural resource geography文化资源地理学


