2000字范文 > 室町时代 Muromachi in Japan英语短句 例句大全

室町时代 Muromachi in Japan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-13 04:23:47


室町时代 Muromachi in Japan英语短句 例句大全

室町时代,Muromachi in Japan

1)Muromachi in Japan室町时代

1.It is of considerable significance for research into the root cause of the formation of modern Japanese culture and its development to conduct a study and have a basic knowledge of the culture ofMuromachi in Japan.研究和了解日本室町时代的文化对于研究现代日本文化的形成根源及其文化底流具有相当重要的意义和很大的帮助。


1.Based on this,this paper sums up the different real and unreal features existing in the male homosexual literary works of China\"s Ming Dynasty and Japanese male love stories during theMuromachi period.并且在此基础上总结得出,中国明朝男同性恋小说与日本室町男色物语,所存在的现实与非现实的迥异特征。


1.Tea Culture and Japanese Sado in Kamakura and Muromachi Period;镰仓、室町时期的茶文化与日本茶道

2.Municipal Merger Promotion Support Office市町村合并推进支持室

3.Xi-Men-Ding Gun Shoot is an original narrative.「西门町枪击事件」一个完全原创的故事。

4.The construction of municipal disaster management radio communication network in Japan and its inspiration for China;日本市町村防灾无线网的建设与启示

5."Gou Ding"and concurrently discussed the Guangxi Xilin with it related Xilin geographic name s textual research and explication--once for sentence JuTing country political center;对“句町”及与之相关的西林地名的考释——兼谈广西西林曾为句町国政治中心

6.Kyoka Izumi"s Shunchū,Shunchū Gokoku and Ono no Komachi"s Waka on Love泉镜花的《春昼》、《春昼后刻》与小野小町的恋歌

7.a minor and almost extinct branch of the Indo-European languages; spoken along the Dalmatian coast.印-欧语的一个较小的几乎灭绝的分支;分布于大麦町海岸。

8.The goods will be despatch within a few day to sakuragicho station, to your order.依照贵公司指示,货物将在数日内迅速运抵樱木町站。

9.Otolaryngological screening examinations were performed on 2702 schoolchildren in Shiraoi, Hokkaido,Japan.对日本北海道白老町2702例学童进行耳鼻咽喉科体检。

10.Mr Shinmachi"s tenure as chief executive– a little over one year– is the shortest in JAL"s history.新町先生的首席执行官任期仅一年多一点,是日航历史上最短的。

11.It focuses on four youths in Hsimenting who come across a mystery.本片是以四个的年轻人在西门町所遇到的悬疑事件为主轴。

12.We have removed our office to the third floor of the nippon kaijo building, No.23, nichome, honcho, yokohama.我司已迁至横滨市本町2丁目23番地,日本海上大楼三楼办公。

13.I inform you that I have recently open a branch establishment for the sale of my woolen at 10, jimbocho, kanda.我最近在神田神保町10番,开设一毛织品分店,谨此通知。

14.However, damage is extensive on the tiny island of Genkai at the mouth of Fukuoka Bay.但是,位于福冈湾入口处的小岛玄海町受到的破坏相当严重。

15.The Yunessun also offers baths of coffee, tea and Japanese sake.箱根町温泉胜地还向游客提供咖啡浴、茶浴及日本米酒浴。

16.The City-town-village Mergence and the Effects on the Development of Japanese Rural Area;日本的市町村合并及其对现代化农村建设的影响

17."Jie He Space" of the Traditional Folk Dwelling in the Southern Japan--Take Kagoshima Yiliki District for Example;日本南方传统住宅中的“接合空间”——以鹿儿岛县入来町地区为例

18.Modernization of Relationship between Japanese Government and Rural Society--Formation of Modern Shichoson Autonomy;日本国家与农村社会关系的近代化——近代町村自治的形成



1.Based on this,this paper sums up the different real and unreal features existing in the male homosexual literary works of China\"s Ming Dynasty and Japanese male love stories during theMuromachi period.并且在此基础上总结得出,中国明朝男同性恋小说与日本室町男色物语,所存在的现实与非现实的迥异特征。

3)Muromachi bakufu (shogunate)室町幕府

4)Municipal Affairs division Annex市町村课分室

5)The kingdom of Gouding句町

1.The kingdom of Gouding was taken over by emperor Han Wu-di and lately its head was conferred by emperor Zhaodi."句町",西南古国名,始见于《汉书》。

6)Japanese merchant町人

1.1688 and it was the representative works ofJapanese merchants written by Ihara Saikaku.成书于贞享5年初(1688年1月)的《日本永代藏》,是井原西鹤町人物的代表作。


