2000字范文 > 留日学生 students studying in Japan英语短句 例句大全

留日学生 students studying in Japan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 22:18:17


留日学生 students studying in Japan英语短句 例句大全

留日学生,students studying in Japan

1)students studying in Japan留日学生

1.The prominent position in China s revolutionary history is indebted from thestudents studying in Japan at that time,which can be seen from following aspects: 1.云南辛亥革命在辛亥各省中最为彻底和成功,其在中国近代革命史上的突出地位与留日学生密不可分:1。

2.In the great movement,Sichuanstudents studying in Japan had propagated continuously the fighting for the railway and then led and pushed forward the movement from a petition to an armed uprising,giving a heavy blow to the government of the Qing Dynasty and accelerating its destruction.在这场伟大的运动中,川籍留日学生先是进行了持续的争路宣传,其后又领导和推动了运动从和平请愿抗争发展到武装起义,给腐朽的清政府以沉重的打击,加速了它的灭亡。

3.Then, in this special time, lots of students studying abroad appeared, especiallystudents studying in Japan.于是,在这一时代背景下,出现了大量的留学生,特别是留日学生,他们在中国的近代化道路上留下了不可泯灭的痕迹。


1.On the Literary Differences and Identities Between Students Studying in Japan and Studying in Europe and America;留日学生文学与留欧美学生文学异同

2.revolutionary publications of Chinese studentsin Japan during the period of modern China中国近代留日学生革命报刊

3.Returned Students from Japan of Sichuan Province in the Late Qing Dynasty and Modernization of Sichuan s Education;清末四川留日学生与四川教育近代化

4."Henan" Magzine·Henan Student Studying in Japan·Henan Revolution of 1911;《河南》杂志·河南留日学生·河南辛亥革命

5.On the Fighting Against the Twenty-one Demants by the Chinese Students Studying in Japan;留日学生反对“二十一条”斗争述论

6.Selection of Student Studying Japan of Yunnan in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清云南留日学生的选拔及相关情况

7.The Research on the Republic of China Youth Corps Students in Japan in 191819中华民国留日学生救国团研究

8.A Re-interpretation of the "Chinese Students’ Regulations" Incident in Japan in 1905清末留日学生“取缔规则”事件再解读

9.The Taiwanese Students Who Studied in Japan from 1895 to 1945 and the Postwar Politics of Taiwan;日据时期台湾留日学生与战后台湾政治

10.On Clashes between Chinese Students Studying in Japan and Japanese Society;战前中国留日学生与日本的矛盾冲突考略


12.Japanese Teaching Characteristics and Enlightenment of Foreign Students in Japan日本外国留学生日语教学特点及启示

13.Addendum to Historical Materials on Chinese Students Studying in Japan--On Education on Chinese Students of Asian University of Japan;中国人日本留学史料补遗——兼谈日本亚细亚大学的中国留学生教育

14.Reflection of Chinese Teaching in Classroom for Japanese &South Korean Students;关于日韩留学生汉语课堂教学的思考

15.Analysis of the Mistakes Made by Japanese Students in their Learning of Passive Expressions;日本留学生学习被动表述的偏误分析

parison of Chinese Students Studying in Japan and U.S. in the Early 20~(th) Century;二十世纪初中国留日留美学生群体的比较

17.A Study on the Differences and Influences between Students Studying in Japan and Students Studying in the United States in Modern China;简析近代中国留日、留美学生差异及其影响

18.Japan Solidarity Committee for Asian Alumni-- International亚洲留日回国学生国际团结委员会


returned students from Japan留日学生

1.The outstanding representatives of the three groups,particularly those that have played an important role in the revolution,are thereturned students from Japan.在这次革命中,三个派别的代表人物,尤其是留日学生对云南护国起义的爆发起了重要作用。

2.During the period of Nanjing government,the primary decision-making power is mainly predominated by thereturned students from Japan.从实际作用看,先后掌握过对日外交实权者如黄郛、张群、戴季陶、何应钦等,多是留日学生。

3.The research topic of this paper is the historical roles that thereturned students from Japan, officials and the gentry on investigation in Japan and others play in the course of modernization in Zhili province.1900~1928年间留日学生群体、赴日考察官绅及其他人士在直隶省近代化进程中扮演了重要角色。

3)Chinese students in Japan留日学生

1.Chinese students in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century were not only concerned about the crisis of the Chinese nation and the destiny of China, but also featured by their efforts to learn the advanced foreign culture, introduce new knowledge and theories into China and undertake their "mission during the transitional times".20世纪初,留日学生心系民族危亡、祖国命运,他们怀着爱国主义激情, 努力输入异域文明,介绍新知识、新理论、新学术于国人,自觉承担“过渡时代所必负之责任”。

2.In late Qing Dynasty and early Minguo,inspired by the ideal of "Saving the Country Through Education",manyChinese students in Japan regarded compulsory education as the basic means of saving and enriching the country.清末民初 ,广大留日学生在“教育救国”理念的感召下 ,视义务教育为救国图强、富国强民的根本途径 ,积极地从事义务教育的宣传、推进工作 ,在义务教育的思想传播、政策制订及师资培养等方面为中国近代义务教育的发展做出了巨大的贡献 ,使中国教育近代化事业得到了大幅度的拓

3.The research of the modern history on the Chinese students studying in Japan is a big topic to which the academic circles have been already paid attention, but the study ofChinese students in Japan organized returning to china remains a weak link at present.近代留日运动的研究是学术界很早就关注的一大课题,但对留日学生归国运动的研究目前还是一个薄弱环节。

4)Chinese students studying in Japan留日学生

1.Chinese students studying in Japan is a special group in the modern China.留日学生是中国近代社会的一个特殊群体,他们对中国近代社会各个领域的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

5)the Chinese students in Japan留日学生

1.The Japanese government instilledthe Chinese students in Japan with idea of Sino-Japanese goodwill and trained them to be slavish people,so the Japanese policies have the obviously utilitarian,selective,symbolic and international characteristics.从19至1926年的大正中后期,日本政府支持成立日华学会,颁布改善中国留日学生待遇的系列法案,退还部分庚款建立中国留日学生学费补给制度等,一改此前相对冷漠的留日学生政策。

6)medical students to Japan留日医学生


中国近代留日学生革命报刊1900~19,在日本的中国留学生创办的宣传民族民主革命思想的报刊,累计达30余种。主要在日本的东京出版。主编和撰稿人大多是当时在日本各大专学校肄业的学生。留日学生最早出版的一批革命报刊,是1899~1901年创办的《开智录》、《译书汇编》和《国民报》。这些报刊反映了正在由改良向革命转化的资产阶级、小资产阶级知识分子的政治倾向。《开智录》由郑贯一、冯自由、冯斯栾于1899年12月22日在横滨创刊,着重宣传自由平等、天赋人权等资产阶级政治思想。后期积极反清,革命色彩日益鲜明。《译书汇编》由戢元丞、杨廷栋、杨荫杭、雷奋于1900年12月 6日在东京创刊,与第1 个留日学生团体" 励志会" 关系密切,曾译载过不少介绍 18、19 世纪西方资产阶级民主革命思想的文章。《国民报》1901年5月10日创刊于东京,其第4期发表章太炎的《正仇满论》,是资产阶级革命派反对改良派思想理论的第 1篇文章。留日学生创办的第 2批革命报刊,是1902~1905年在东京出版的《游学译编》、《湖北学生界》、《浙江潮》 、《直说》 、《江苏》、《二十世纪之支那》等。这些刊物多由各省留日学生同乡会主办,带有不同程度的地方色彩。 主编人黄兴、 宋教仁、刘成禹、许寿裳、秦毓鎏等, 都是拒俄义勇队、 军国民教育会或华兴会、光复会的成员。这些刊物起初主要从爱国爱乡土的感情出发,歌颂中华民族的悠久历史和祖国的壮丽河山,分析帝国主义侵略造成的危急形势,呼吁爱国救亡刻不容缓。在1903年 6月清政府镇压参加拒俄、拒法运动的爱国学生和"苏报案"发生以后,则日益把清政府作为主要抨击对象,积极展开反清宣传。《江苏》第 4期发表了陈去病的《革命岂可免乎?》,是这个转折的一个标志。留日学生创办的第 3批革命报刊,是1905~19在东京出版的《云南》、《洞庭波》、《鹃声》、《四川》、《粤西》、《河南》、《 关陇 》、《夏声》等。主编人李根源、陈家鼎、吴永珊(玉章)、刘积学等,都是同盟会员。《河南》就是同盟会河南分会的机关刊物。它们的宣传和当时国内的革命形势紧密结合,带有强烈的民主主义和爱国主义的色彩。除《云南》、《河南》等少数几家外,多数为月刊。一般存在时间不长,有的只出版一二期就自行停刊。大部分秘密运销国内,发行数字最大的可达万份。上述报刊普遍设有"论说""时评""纪事""学艺""调查""文苑"等栏目,介绍国外社会科学方面的新思潮,刊载国内政治、经济等方面的调查报告和诗词小说。鲁迅早期的作品《斯巴达之魂》等,就是在这些刊物上发表的。留日学生创办的这些报刊,得到过孙中山的热情支持与赞助。它们的出版,促进了资产阶级民主革命思想的传播,对国内革命形势的发展,起了一定的推动作用。参考书目实藤惠秀著,谭戊谦、林启修译:《中国人留学日本史》,三联书店,北京,1983。
