2000字范文 > 工人权益 the right and benefit of employees英语短句 例句大全

工人权益 the right and benefit of employees英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-09 06:14:09


工人权益 the right and benefit of employees英语短句 例句大全

工人权益,the right and benefit of employees

1)the right and benefit of employees工人权益


1.The warranty of the workers rights and interests in private businesses from the perspective of harmonious society;和谐社会视角下的私营企业工人权益保障

2.To View "Legal Rights and Interests of Workers and Staff" in the Perspective of Human Rights and Civil Rights从人权和公民权利的角度解读“职工合法权益”

3.Protection of Legitimate Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers from the Perspective of Human Rights Law从人权法角度看农民工合法权益的保护

4.On a Claim of Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers from Rural Areas and the Countermeasures of Trade Unions;进城务工人员权益的诉求与工会的对接

5.Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.四、人有为维护其利益而组织和参加工会的权利。

6.China has all along attached importance to guaranteeing the various rights and interests of the disabled.中国一贯重视残疾人各项权益的保障工作。

7.The Study on the Legal Security of the Rural Laborers Rights in the Sight of the Humane Concern;人文关怀视野中的农民工权益法制保障研究

8.On a Consideration of Investigation of Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Migrant Workers From Rural Areas;对进城务工人员权益维护问题的调查与思考

9.On an Exploration of Protecting the Rights and Interests and Social Security of the Migrant Workers in Rural Areas;进城务工人员权益维护与保障问题探讨

10.A Probe of Rights and Interests Protection for the Disabled in the Reconstruction after the Earthquake灾后重建工作中残疾人权益保障问题探究

11.Growing labor shortage in some field will give workers more rights to demand higher wages.某些产业劳动力日益短缺,将使工人更有权利要求较高的工资。

12.VIII.Guarantee of the Rights and Interests of the Disabled八、残疾人权益的保障

13.On the Lack of Constitutional Rights and Safeguarding the Peasant-Workers Rights and Interests;宪法缺失权利与农民工权益保障研究

14.The person who assigns a right or interest to another person.将权利或权益转让给其他人的人。

15.Cash Dividend Policy:the Means for Corporate Controllers to Excavate Benefit Expropriation "Tunnels";现金股利政策:控制权人挖掘利益侵占“隧道”的工具

16.Guarantee the Interests of Migrant Wokers on the View of Poeple Oriented Development Perspective;从以人为本发展观来看保障农民工合法权益问题

17.An Approach to the Law for Protecting the Rights and Interests of the Elderly;对《老年人权益保障法》的探索——学习全国老龄工作会议精神的体会

18.On Safeguarding the Professional Rights and Interestsof Tour Guides and their Benefit Expression;导游人员职业权益维护及其利益表达


beneficial interest受益人权益

3)legal rights of patients病人权益

4)The rights and interests of witnesses证人权益

5)Chinese people"s rights and interests华人权益

6)the usufructuarious用益权人

1.Usufruct refers to the right ofthe usufructuarious to use and benefit from others possessions.用益权是指用益权人对他人之物进行使用和收益的权利。


