2000字范文 > 生态系统健康 ecosystem health英语短句 例句大全

生态系统健康 ecosystem health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-14 16:35:18


生态系统健康 ecosystem health英语短句 例句大全

生态系统健康,ecosystem health

1)ecosystem health生态系统健康

1.Review of research onecosystem health in riverine phreatic zones;河流潜流带的生态系统健康研究进展

2.Indicators and evaluation ofecosystem health of typical rivers in Shenzhen City;深圳典型河流生态系统健康指标及评价

3.A kind of method and its application for urbanecosystem health assessment;一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用


1.The Health Assessment of the Agro-ecosystem in Weihai City of Shandong Province;山东省威海市农业生态系统健康评价

2.The Ecosystem Health Evaluation of the Agriculture in the North Bank of Yili Valley伊犁河谷北岸农业生态系统健康评价

3.Study on the Ecosystem Health Assessment Based on GIS&RS基于RS与GIS的生态系统健康评价研究

4.Assessment and analysis of wetland ecosystem health in Dongting Lake洞庭湖区湿地生态系统健康综合评价

5.Assessment of ecosystem health for typical estuary in Haihe River Basin海河流域典型河口生态系统健康评价

6.Research of the Environmental Flows and Levels for Lakes Based on Ecosystem Health;基于生态系统健康的湖泊生态需水研究

7.An Assessment of Ecosystem Health for Dongting Lake and Its Restoration;洞庭湖生态系统健康评价及其生态修复

8.Construction of evaluation index system for groundwater ecosystem health assessment地下水生态系统健康评价指标体系的构建

9.Exploration on the basic connotation and evaluation system of rural ecosystem health农村生态系统健康的基本内涵及评价体系探索

10.A Framework of Establishment of Health Assessment Program in Lijiang River Watershed漓江流域水生态系统健康监测和评价体系研究

11.Research on the Health Assessment Index System of Degraded Ecosystem in the Lakeside Zone湖滨带退化生态系统健康评价指标体系研究

12.Study on Health Assessment of Longhe River Watershed Ecosystem Based on Ecosystem Service;基于生态系统服务功能的龙河流域生态系统健康研究

13.Study on Ecosystem Health Diagnoses and Water Resource Management Mode in TGP Area;三峡库区生态系统健康诊断及水资源管理研究

14.The Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Based on RS Image;基于遥感图像的湿地生态系统健康评价

prehensive Appraisal of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲湿地生态系统健康综合评价研究

16.Karst Ecosystem Health and Assessment of Southwest Guangxi;桂西南岩溶生态系统健康及其评价研究

17.Study on the Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment and Control Mechanism of Pinus Tabulaeformis Forest in Badaling;八达岭油松林生态系统健康评价及调控研究

18.The Plant Community Indications for the Assessment of Leymus Chinenesis Steppe Ecosystem Health;羊草草原生态系统健康评价的植物群落学指标


health of ecosystem生态系统健康

1.Based on the connotation ofhealth of ecosystem in mining areas and the evaluating indicator system,this paper puts forward the evaluation method of ecosystem health trend in mining areas.根据矿区生态系统健康内涵,建立了评价指标体系,提出了矿区生态系统健康趋势评价方法。


4)eco-system heath生态系统的健康

1.In the outside ecological security assessment set up assessment indexes from ecological risk andeco-system heath ,and the method of assessment is mainly about the study of ecosystem model; But in the domestic it mainly sets up assessment indexes from the research object s dimensions and different attribute, and t.国外生态安全评价围绕生态风险和生态系统的健康的评价构建评价指标,评价的方法主要是生态模型的探讨;而国内主要从研究对象的尺度和不同属性构建评价指标,评价方法中基于P-S-R框架下的数学模型应用较为广泛。

5)Ecosystem health in mineral area矿区生态系统健康

6)urban water ecosystem health城市水生态系统健康


