2000字范文 > 象征意象 symbolic images英语短句 例句大全

象征意象 symbolic images英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-24 19:31:22


象征意象 symbolic images英语短句 例句大全

象征意象,symbolic images

1)symbolic images象征意象

1.Through the description of Howard s unconsciousness and fantasy,and the using of manysymbolic images,Welty tries to reveal the truth of Howard s inner world which is more important and more essential than that of the outer world.她试图通过对男主人公霍华德潜意识以及梦幻的描写,并大量运用象征意象,以揭示出比外部世界的真实更重要、更本质的内在真实。

2.The thesis analyzes and explains symbolic technique of JI Kang s Siyan poems in the begining,which include expressional characteristics of aesthetic images of his Siyan poems from conceptual levels andsymbolic images of his Siyan poems from artistic levels.对此论题,我们可分二层来理解:其一是从观念层面谈嵇康四言诗审美意象的象征内涵,其二是从艺术层面谈嵇康四言诗的象征意象。

3.In literary works,symbol is used to hint abstract meanings by way ofsymbolic images.在文学作品中,象征是以象征意象来暗示表现抽象的意义。


1.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象

2.The Significant Trifles-An Interpretation of the Symbolic Images in "The Trifles";小事的大意义——《琐事》中的象征意象释读

3.On the Symbolic Imagery and Its Composition of Yu Hua s Pioneer Novels;余华先锋小说的象征意象与组合方式

4.Application of Symbolic Image in Shen Congwen s Novel;论沈从文小说创作中象征意象的运用

5.An analysis of the allegory in Watership Down;《沃特希普荒原》中的寓言象征意象

6.On the "Tragic Spirit" and Symbolic Images of Romsersholm;论《罗斯莫庄》的“悲剧精神”和象征意象

7.Interpretation of Metaphorical Images in MadamBovary;《包法利夫人》中的隐喻象征意象阐释

8.On the Images of "Araby" and Their Symbolic Meaning浅谈《阿拉比》中几种意象及其象征意义

9.Analysis on the Symbols of Life in the Images of Flower in Zhu s Poems;论朱淑真诗词“花”意象的人生象征意义

10.On the Images and Their Symbolic Meanings in "The Thin Red Line";论《细红线》中的意象及其象征意义

11.The Symbolization of Natural Imagery in the Bluest Eye;自然意象在《最蓝的眼睛》中的象征意义

12.On the Symbolism of "Flying Bird" in Tao Yanming s Poetry;论陶渊明诗中“飞鸟”意象的象征意蕴

13.Leading Imagery and Its Symbolic Implications in Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》中的主导意象及其象征意蕴

14.Both the consciousness and the imagery symbols are the most essential type of literay symbols.意识性象征和具象性象征是最基本的文学象征类型。

15.How does the writer use imagery, symbol and metaphor?这位作者如何使用意象、象征与比喻?

16.Bible Images and Symbols in The Sound and the Fury;《喧哗与骚动》的圣经意象和文学象征

17.Symbolic Poetry-Imagery Narrative of Beijing Fiction;象征的诗学——京派小说意象叙事论

18.Visual Angle, Imagination, Metaphor and Symbolization--TheImpressionoftheNovelTheFrontierTown;视角·意象·隐喻象征——《边城》细读札记


symbolic imagery象征意象

1.It is because of the poet s embodying his views with audible imagery,symbolic imagery,motional imagery,and metaphorical ima.诗人在诗中运用了听觉意象、象征意象、动感意象、引喻意象来具体表现其思想,读起来使人感到铿锵有力、气势磅礴。

2.By adopting thesymbolic imagery, Porter achieves her goal in engaging in the mysterious truths about human life: the heaven and hell, truth and mendacity, love and hatred, life and death.米兰达家世小说的显著特点之一为作者对象征意象的使用。

3)symbolic image象征意象

1.The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner is a modern novel full ofsymbolic images and symbolic significance, in which new creative techniques such as broken-up time order, multi-narrative, juxtaposition, stream of consciousness, myth prototype and symbolic metaphor are adopted to unify content and form, and reveal the theme of death and infidelity.福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》是一部充满象征意象和象征意义的现代小说。

4)symbolic Yixiang象征型意象

1.The termsymbolic Yixiang is defined and some examples are discussed of its successful application in the Chinese traditional environmental art designing,expounding its relationship with modern environmental art design.首先从理解“象征型意象”的概念着手 ,分析了“象征型意象”在中国传统的环境艺术设计中运用的成功范例 ,进而阐述了它们与现代环境艺术设计的关系。

5)symbolic image象征性意象

1.It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding itssymbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。

6)symbolic images象征性意象

1.In this novel, however, there are, besides individualsymbolic images, subsidiary symbols formed by severalsymbolic images, which combine to constitute the symbolic meaning of the novel.但是这部小说中除了单个象征性意象外,还有由几个象征性意象构成的子象征,以此共同支撑小说的象征意义。

2.Moreover,these topics are mainly expressed by manysymbolic images in the novel.这一主题的表达有赖于作品中众多象征性意象的运用,着重分析这些意象的隐喻意义,并发掘莫里森文本的民族寓言特质。


