2000字范文 > 利率波动的传递 Transitivity of Rate Fluctuation英语短句 例句大全

利率波动的传递 Transitivity of Rate Fluctuation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 00:31:59


利率波动的传递 Transitivity of Rate Fluctuation英语短句 例句大全

利率波动的传递,Transitivity of Rate Fluctuation

1)Transitivity of Rate Fluctuation利率波动的传递

2)volatility transmission波动传递

1.Applications of multivariate GARCH models in the study ofvolatility transmission of Chinese corporate bonds;多元GARCH模型在国内企业债券波动传递研究中的应用

2.In this paper we have used multivariate GARCH models to analyze stock index volatilities andvolatility transmissions across major stock markets in Asia-Pacific region.我们的实证结果表明,全BEKK模型保证了协方差矩阵的正定性,所估计的参数因而具有具体的经济意义;上证综合指数和深证成份指数之间的直接和间接波动传递相当的显著,而它们与香港恒生指数之间的波动传递性没有显著的关系。


1.Applications of multivariate GARCH models in the study of volatility transmission of Chinese corporate bonds;多元GARCH模型在国内企业债券波动传递研究中的应用

2.wave-optical MTF波动光学调制传递函数

3.Empirical Test on Economic Fluctuation of Chinese Stock Market and Economy;中国股市波动与经济波动的传递性研究

4.Shock waves from an explosion travel through water to the meat.爆炸产生的振动波从水传递到肉。

5.Multivariate GARCH Modeling of Volatility Transmissions in Stock Markets股票市场波动性传递的多维GARCH分析

6.Characteristics of vibration wave propagation in typical hull structure典型船舶结构中振动波传递特性研究

7.The Vibration Characteristics and Structural Design of Transmission System in Ultrasonic Gear Honing;超声波珩齿传递系统的振动特性及结构设计

8.Pass-through Effect of the Change of RMB s Norminal Effective Exchange Rate on Domestic Price;有效汇率波动对国内价格的传递效应研究

9.Exact Shock-Wave Solutions of the Equation for Information Transfer in Nerve Impulse;神经冲动信息传递方程的严格冲击波解

10.Partial Pass-through of RMB Movement to U.S.Import Prices;人民币汇率波动对美国进口价格的不完全传递

11.The Study of the Exchange Rate Pass-through of RMB人民币汇率波动的进口价格传递弹性研究

12.Impeding vibration wave propagation from several arranged vibration isolation masses多级阻振质量阻隔振动波的传递特性研究

13.Transfer Alignment on Moving base for GPS/SINS Integrated Navigation System based on Robust Particle Filtering粒子滤波GPS/SINS组合导航系统动基座传递对准

14.A Study on Pass-through Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Volatility to Domestic Prices人民币汇率波动对国内物价的传递效应研究

15.The Efficiency of Information Transmission,Currency Contagion and the Analysis of Spillovers of Exchange Rate Volatility of East Asian Currencies;信息传递效率、货币传染与东亚汇率波动溢出分析

16.V-T energy transfer振动-平动能量传递

17.Three major damage mechanisms, namely fault rupture, wave propagation, and soil liquefaction, are considered.文中考虑三种主要的损坏机制,即断层错动、震波传递、以及土壤液化。

18.Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer Characteristics in a Wavy-Walled Tube for Steady Flow;定常流场下波壁流路内的流体流动及质量传递特性


volatility transmission波动传递

1.Applications of multivariate GARCH models in the study ofvolatility transmission of Chinese corporate bonds;多元GARCH模型在国内企业债券波动传递研究中的应用

2.In this paper we have used multivariate GARCH models to analyze stock index volatilities andvolatility transmissions across major stock markets in Asia-Pacific region.我们的实证结果表明,全BEKK模型保证了协方差矩阵的正定性,所估计的参数因而具有具体的经济意义;上证综合指数和深证成份指数之间的直接和间接波动传递相当的显著,而它们与香港恒生指数之间的波动传递性没有显著的关系。

3)Transfer of C υ波动性传递

4)Vibration transmissibility振动传递率

1.Vibration transmissibility of polystyrene (EPS) packaging pillow combined with corrugated paperboard is researched using vibration table and sinusoidal scan technique.测试在不同静应力下的频率响应曲线,探讨其固有频率和振动传递率与静应力之间的关系,所得数据对指导家电产品包装设计有一定实际意义。

2.By choosing appropriate feedback variables and feedback gains, the vibration transmissibility and efficiency of electromagnetic vibration feeders can be markedly improved by a hybrid vibrat.采取被动隔振后,可使振动传递率降低,从而减少其振动对周围其它工作机械的影响,但同时也降低了振动给料机的工作效率。

3.In order to provide reference data for utilizing honeycomb paperboard in vibration-proof packaging design,vibration transmissibility of honeycomb paperboards with different thickness are experimentally investigated under sine wavelength of diverse frequency .针对不同厚度的蜂窝纸板在正弦变频振动测试中的加速度传递,绘制其不同衰减系数的振动传递率曲线,为蜂窝纸板在防振包装设计中的应用提供参考数据。

5)interest rate fluctuations利率波动

1.On average,greater flexibility of RMB exchange rate reduces the magnitude ofinterest rate fluctuations,and the feedback mechanism of the interest rate on the exchange rate is strengthened to a certain degree.在均值意义上讲,人民币汇率弹性的增大降低了利率波动的幅度,利率对汇率的反馈机制有了一定的加强。

6)acoustic transit time声波的传递时间


