2000字范文 > 洪水涨落率 fluctuation rate of flood英语短句 例句大全

洪水涨落率 fluctuation rate of flood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 12:24:23


洪水涨落率 fluctuation rate of flood英语短句 例句大全

洪水涨落率,fluctuation rate of flood

1)fluctuation rate of flood洪水涨落率

2)rising and falling stages of flood events洪水涨落过程

3)effected by flood rise and fall洪水涨落影响


1.New Method of Single-valued Stage Discharge Relationship Effected by Flood Rise and Fall洪水涨落影响下水位流量关系单值化新方法

2.The Influence of Thermal Fluctuations in the Josephson Effect;热涨落对Josephson效应的影响

3.Experimental study on the pile bearing capacity under the condition of reservoir water level fluctuation库水位涨落影响下建筑桩基承载力的试验研究

4.The river was swollen with flood water.洪水到来後河水上涨了.

5.Given the above, we expect grain prices in China to continue facing upward pressure, especially in view of the negative impact from the current flood in the Huai river region.鉴于上述,及现今淮河流域洪水灾害的负面影响,我们预期中国粮食价格将继续面临上涨压力。

6.The flood rose to a level of 50 feet.洪水涨到五十英尺高。

7.The rising flood carried her away.上涨的洪水将她冲走了。

8.The dam was in danger because of the rising flood.洪水猛涨,大坝告急。

9.It is said that the rhythm of tides is affected by the moon.据说潮汐的涨落受月亮的影响。

10.Influence of flood from Pushi river on flood discharge of Taipingwan hydropower station蒲石河洪水对太平湾水电站泄洪的影响

11.Scenarios Comparison Research of the Prevent-flood Dams Effect on Floods in Xunjiang River Basin;浔江防洪堤对沿江洪水影响的多方案对比研究

12.Study on Impact of Human Activities for Flood Forecast and Flood Protection Operation人类活动对洪水预报影响分析及防洪调度研究

13.Influence of Xunjiang River Flood Embankment on Flood Retaining to Main Channel in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Xijiang River浔江防洪堤对西江中下游洪水的归槽影响

14.Effects of Fluctuations on Current-voltage Characteristic Curve of Josephson Effect涨落对约瑟夫逊效应中伏安特性的影响

15.The Effects of External Fluctuations in Voltage-current Characteristics of the Josephson Junction外涨落对约瑟夫逊结中伏安特性的影响

16.The water moved up like a sea.洪水升高了,像海水涨潮一般。

17.(of the tide)start to come in or go out(指潮水)开始涨或落

18.The tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours.潮水每24 小时涨落两次。


rising and falling stages of flood events洪水涨落过程

3)effected by flood rise and fall洪水涨落影响

4)flood rate of rising and falling水位涨落率

5)Zhangshuihong Bridge涨水洪桥

6)rising/fall rate涨落率

1.Therising/fall rate of design flood graph is also therising/fall rate of design H~Q curve,based on which the design H~Q curve can be determined.探讨了水利工程设计时常采用一条所谓综合H~Q曲线存在的误区,H~Q和洪水一样,有设计洪水,就有相应的设计H~Q曲线,它是和设计洪水配套的,设计洪水过程线的涨落率,也是设计H~Q的涨落率,由此求设计H~Q曲线。


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
