2000字范文 > 苗民 Miao people英语短句 例句大全

苗民 Miao people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 15:54:11


苗民 Miao people英语短句 例句大全

苗民,Miao people

1)Miao people苗民

1.During Dynasties of Ming Qing,the ruling policies aboutMiao people in Hunan Guizhou border region not only destroyed productive forces but also hindered the development of economy and culture there.明清统治者对湘黔边苗民实行的治苗政策 ,不仅破坏了苗区的生产力 ,而且阻碍了苗区经济、文化的发展。


1.On the Miao Rebellions in Yongzhen-Qianlong Periods and Qianlong-Jiaqing Periods from the Perspective of Cultural Dissemination;文明传播视野下的雍乾、乾嘉苗民起义

2.The farmers set out the young sprouts in the rice fields.农民在稻田里插秧苗。

3.Shen Congwen s "Deep Description" of the Miaos National Character--Take "The Miaos Legends" as an example;沈从文对苗族民族性格的“深描”——“以苗族传奇”为例

4.Of the Phenomena Concerning Democracy and Freedom in the Social Life of Miao Nationality苗族人民生活中的民主、自由现象研究

5.The Analysis of the National Institutional Ethics on "Miao and Other Nations Living in Peace"“民苗为二以相安”的民族制度伦理探析

6.The farmers tamped down the earth around the base of the seedings.农民们把幼苗基部四周的泥土压实。

7.The vaccine is used to protect the whole population against infection这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病

8.The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病.

9.1.In the sphere of theory, destroy the roots of ultra-democracy.(一)从理论上铲除极端民主化的根苗。

10.A Brief Study on Modern Decorative Perception on the Folk Craftsmanship of Miao Nationality浅谈苗族民间工艺中的现代装饰感

11.The Modern Reconstruction of Hunan Miaojiang Multi-national Community in Qing Dynasty;清代湘西苗疆多民族社区的近代重构

12.Study of Ganlan-Styled Residential Architecture of Miao Ethnic Group and Its Illumination;干栏式苗族民居的研究及其现代启示

13.A Study Summary of the Religious Music of Guizhou Minorities--of the Miao Nationalit;贵州少数民族宗教音乐研究——苗族篇

14.Miao People and Chinese Culture;浅论苗族先民文化与中华文化的渊源

15.On Ecological Wisdom of Dwelling Houses of Wulingshan Miao Nationality;试论武陵山区苗族民居中的生态智慧

16.A Study on "Boundary Wallin Miao Territory" and the Division of Cultural landscape of Fenghuang,Hunan;“苗疆边墙”与凤凰民族文化景观分区

17.A Case Study on Sexual Thoughts in the Perspective of the Belief in Witchery and Gu of Miao Minority Living in China;苗族民间巫蛊文化视野中的性爱观念

18.On Customary Law of Miao Nationality in Fanpai Village of Taijiang County;台江县反排村当代苗族习惯法民族志


Inhabitant of the Miao nationality苗族居民

3)Folk custom of Lie and Mao minority nationality黎苗民俗

1.Folk custom of Lie and Mao minority nationality is important tourist materials in Hanna province.黎苗民俗文化是海南重要的旅游资源,人们早已认识到保护它对发展地区旅游经济的重要性,但如何保护它,使其免被“破坏”一直是人们关注的问题,也是一个重要课题。

4)dwelling houses of Miao people苗族民居

5)ancesters of the Miao Nationality苗族先民

1.It is pointed out that the Chu Imperial kinsmen were neither Huaxia nor Xiqiang,nor Dongyi,but rather chieftains of the native Jingman,theancesters of the Miao Nationality.作者指出 ,楚王族既不是华夏、西羌 ,亦不是东夷 ,而是苗族先民、江汉土著荆蛮的首领。

6)Miao national minority folk song苗族民歌

1.TheMiao national minority folk song is one kind of artistic form which in the Miao national minority culture is characteristic, it is Miao national minority s national characteristic centralism manifests.苗族民歌是苗族文化中独具特色的一种艺术形式,是苗族的民族性的集中体现。


苗民1.指古代三苗部族之主。 2.指古三苗部族。
