2000字范文 > 湘西苗疆 the areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi英语短句 例句大全

湘西苗疆 the areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-03 20:29:30


湘西苗疆 the areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi英语短句 例句大全

湘西苗疆,the areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi

1)the areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi湘西苗疆

1.After suppressing the rebellion launched by Miao people from 1795 to 1797,the Qing Dynasty made readjustments to rulingthe areas inhabited by Miao people of Xiangxi and implemented the national policy,namely the System of"Miao Ruling over Miao".清中后期乾嘉苗民起义之后,清朝统治者重新调整了治理湘西苗疆的策略,采取了"以苗治苗"的民族政策,在湘西苗疆实施了"苗官制"。


1.The Modern Reconstruction of Hunan Miaojiang Multi-national Community in Qing Dynasty;清代湘西苗疆多民族社区的近代重构

2.A Study on the Border-Wall Trade Policy in the Places Inhabited by Miao People in Xiangxi in Qing Dynasty论清代湘西苗疆的“边墙贸易”政策

3.The Construction of Educational System of Miao Nationality in West of Hunan in 19th Century19世纪湘西苗疆民族教育体系的构建

4.Conflict and Dialogue --A Culture Investigation into Worship of White Heavenly King in Xiangxi Miao Ethnic Border Wall Areas冲突与对话——湘西苗疆边墙地区白帝天王崇拜的人类学考察

5."State Power" Operated in Local Areas“国家权力”的“地方”运作——以清代湘西苗疆“边墙-墟场”结构为例

6.The Value Reconstruction of National Historical Memory--A Case Study of the Bordering Wall in the Miao People Inhabited Areas in Xiangxi民族历史记忆的价值重构——以湘西苗疆边墙为个案的分析

7.The Formation of the New Rural Stratum and the Tuntian (屯田) in "the Miao Area" of West Hunan in the Qing Dynasty;19世纪湘西“苗疆”屯政与乡村社区新阶层的兴起

8.Frontier Wall along Border Areas Inhabited by Miao People in Qing Dynasty and Ethnic Affair of Western Hunan;苗疆边墙与清代湘西民族事务的深层对话

9.Xiangxi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizhou湘西土家族苗族自治州

10.A Textual Research into Blockhouses and "Boundary Wall" in "Miao Territory" on the Border of Hunan and Guizhou in Ming Dynasty;明代湘黔边"苗疆"堡哨"边墙"考

11.A Study of "The Miaos Territory", "Sentry Forts" and "Border Walls" on the edge of Hunan and Guizhou Provinces during the Ming Dynasty;明代湘黔边“苗疆”“堡哨”“边墙”考

12.A study on Personality of college students of Miao Nationality in west Hunan湘西苗族大学生人格特征的测验研究

13.Conformity of Shu-miao Minority’s Nuo Tune and Custom music in the West of Hunan Provinece;湘西“熟苗区”傩腔与世俗音乐的整合

14.On Mutual Influence of Spoken Languages of Han, Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi, Hu nan Province;湘西州汉语与土家语、苗语的相互影响

15.Study on Adult Somatotype of Xiangxi Miao-Nationality Adults with the Heath-Carter Method湘西苗族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究

16.The Symbols Connotation and Cultural Psychology with Silver Ornaments of Miao Nationality in The West of Hunan湘西苗族银饰的符号寓意及文化心理

17.On Inheriting and Developing Strategies about Miaozu Wushu in the Western Areas of Hunan湘西苗族武术的继承与发展策略研究

18.On the Tourist Development of Marriage Customs of the Miao People in Xiangxi论湘西苗族婚俗文化资源的旅游开发


the frontier wall along board areas inhabited by the Miaos湘西苗疆边墙

1.The military function ofthe frontier wall along board areas inhabited by the Miaos was gradually invalid,but the rejuvenation of the worship of Baidi Tianwang from the wall became a tool to alleviate the tension,reconcile the conflict and maintain the relations among the Miao,the Han and the Tujia groups.湘西苗疆边墙的军事防御与控制功能已经逐渐消失,由苗疆边墙而带来的白帝天王崇拜的复兴在边墙修建时期成为缓解苗、汉冲突,整合社会秩序的对话工具,在苗疆边墙地区军事冲突消失后的今天,仍然成为苗、汉、土家族民众调适内部冲突,维持群体关系,倾诉内心痛苦,释放焦虑情绪,表达心中期望的对话渠道。

3)Miao nationality in Western Hunan湘西苗族

1.Through using the method of literature consultation,visiting,investigation and logical analysis,this thesis searches from the characteristic of the"Hundred lions games"of Miao nationality in western Hunan and analyzes the social value of the"Hundred lions games"in the new times.运用文献资料、访问调查与逻辑分析等方法,从湘西苗族"百狮会"的特性探析新时期"百狮会"的社会价值,从而为全民健身计划在民族贫困地区全民健身计划的全面实施、民族地区社会主义和谐社会的构建以及民族地区体育旅游资源的开发都提供理论指导。

4)Miao Language in Xiangxi湘西苗文

5)Miao stockaded villages of western Hunan province湘西苗寨

6)Miao songs in Xiangxi湘西苗歌

1.Having changed in the formula of lyricism,form of performance,content of performance which are quite different from the tradtional genres,Miao songs in Xiangxi have taken on the features of stage performacne and mass aesthetic culture and acquired the cultural significance of square entertainment.原本存显于苗族传统生活空间中的湘西苗歌,受制于社会、文化、资本和传媒等多重文化逻辑力量的影响,一改其传统的文化功能意义,去除其本身浓厚的文化习俗色彩,从而置身于象征现代文化力量的都市广场中,于广场空间中进行展演的湘西苗歌,在抒情格式、演述程式、演述内容等方面都发生了异于传统样式的改变,呈现出舞台化表演特征和大众审美文化特征,湘西苗歌因此获得了广场娱乐的文化意义,同时,湘西苗歌也因此重塑一种新的主体意识,实现了一种文化和审美的统一,也在传统和现代的时空压缩式的置换中实现一种现代性幻想。


