2000字范文 > 轮换规制 rotation regulation英语短句 例句大全

轮换规制 rotation regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-08 17:12:00


轮换规制 rotation regulation英语短句 例句大全

轮换规制,rotation regulation

1)rotation regulation轮换规制


1.Accounting Information Externality, Resource Control and Auditor Rotation Regulation会计信息外部性、资源控制权与审计师轮换规制

2.Rules of Turn-Taking and Inference of Conversational Implicatures in Dialogues;话轮转换规则与“对话”的会话含意推导

3.The Study of Jilin Storeroom Rotate Marketing Strategy in the Central Store on Food Rotate System;中央储备粮轮换制度下吉林直属库轮换营销策略研究

4.They go there for a fixed period of time on rotation in accordance with the stipulation of the central government.政府也照顾实际情况,规定了定期轮换等办法。

5.Research on the variation law of transmission ratio and frame alternation of planetary gear train行星轮系的机架变换与传动比变化规律的研究

6.Letter B Tender Vintage System乙种换地权益书期龄轮候制度

7.and that the garrison troops shall be rotated.香港驻军实行人员轮换制度。

8.The Macao Garrison practices a per-sonnel rotation system.澳门驻军实行人员轮换制度。

9.The Research on the Effectiveness of Regular Rotation of Audit Firm;会计师事务所定期轮换制有效性研究

10.An Emprical Study on the Effects of Mandatory Auditor Rotation to Auditor Quality;强制轮换对审计质量影响的实证研究

11.Reflections on the Implementation of Job Rotation System of University Libraries对高校图书馆实行岗位轮换制的思考

12.Control of Dual-fuel Exchange of Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber燃气轮机燃烧室双燃料切换过程控制

13.Analyzing wavelet transform profilometry in the restraining CCD nonlinear characteristic小波变换轮廓术抑制CCD非线性的分析

14.ratchet wheel棘轮, 制轮, 闸轮

15.The basic propositions of new roundterritorial planning and its improving way in China;我国新一轮国土规划编制的基本构想

16.Establishment and Implementation of Common Maintenance of the Three Gorges Power Plant三峡水轮机常规检修流程制定与实施

17.Legal Regulation for the Information Exchange and Competition Restriction;信息交换与限制竞争的法律规制研究

18.The Study about Electronics Package Conversion Controller System of Flywheel Battery;飞轮储能电池电力电子转换控制系统的研究


Mandatory auditor rotation强制轮换

1.In spite of this heated argument, few scholars had done systematic research on auditor tenure and mandatory auditor rotation from the angle of audit quality, which had greatly reduced the coge.然而,尽管这一讨论异常激烈,但无论是在国外,还是在国内,鲜有学者从审计质量的角度对审计任期与强制轮换进行过系统研究,从而大大降低了这场争辩的说服力。

3)mandatory rotation强制轮换

1.However, the regulation ofmandatory rotation is lack ofempirical support, and the effect of it has yet to be tested.首先,从签字注册会计师任期(审计师任期)和事务所任期两个层面,实证检验了强制轮换政策实施前审计任期与审计独立性、审计质量之间的关系。

2.Then we have a history review of the auditor rotation,and make the developing course into free rotation period,mandatory rotation arguing period andmandatory rotation period.本世纪初以来,层出不穷的重大财务舞弊案件再一次把审计轮换这个见仁见智的话题推向风口浪尖,虽然包括美国、中国在内的很多国家都先后出台了相关法规要求进行审计强制轮换,但学术界和实务界对此仍然莫衷一是。

4)Auditor"s rotation轮换制度

5)Periodic Rotation System定期轮换制

6)audit rotate system审计轮换制


