2000字范文 > 封贡体系 tributary system英语短句 例句大全

封贡体系 tributary system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-20 13:41:18


封贡体系 tributary system英语短句 例句大全

封贡体系,tributary system

1)tributary system封贡体系

1.Atributary system centered round China had long existed in East Asia.东亚地区长期存在着一个以中国为核心的封贡体系国际秩序。

2.Firstly, the period of Tributary System.本文认为国际体系与中国对外关系的历史演变主要经历了四个时期:一,东亚封贡体系时期。


1.The Grant and Tribute System in the Ming Dynasty From the View of Anthropology: Analysis of Gift;从人类学视野看明代封贡体系:关于礼物的分析

2.Discussion on Determination Standard Between Dependent Country and Vassal State Among Tributary System对封贡体系内属国与藩部界定标准的探讨

3.The Study of Tributary State System between Qing and Gorkha in the Period of Qianlong and Jiaqing乾嘉时期清朝与廓尔喀封贡关系研究

4.closed respiratory gas system封闭式呼吸气体系统

5.Study on Tributary and Canonization Relations of Governments in Korean Peninsular and Chinese Dynasties;汉唐时期朝鲜半岛政权与中原王朝的朝贡册封关系研究

6.A payment or tax given by a feudal vassal to an overlord.贡赋,贡税封建封臣向封建领主支付的款项或税金

7.Discussion on system of indicator system design; Hierarchy and Comparison Method of Index Contribution Degree;指标体系设计系统分层法与指标贡献度比较法

8.closed system闭合系统,闭路制,隔离[隔绝]体系,孤立系统,封闭系统[体系],局限体系

9.A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England.贡金在中世纪英国,封臣向领主缴纳的贡金

10.closed, multi-tiered, single-channel commodity wholesale system封闭式、 多层次、单渠道的批发体系

11.KJDT Monomer Shore Airproof Quality Measure System;KJDT单体支柱密封质量监测系统

12.The Study of Evaluation Model on Close-end Fund Performance;封闭式基金绩效评估体系之实证研究

13.On the reason for collapse of Napoleon “system of mainland blockade”;拿破仑“大陆封锁体系”崩溃的原因琐谈

14.The Influence to Flocculation System Caused by Closing White Water Circuit白水内部封闭循环对絮聚体系的影响

15.Specialty of Seals Quality System and Opportunities to Improve密封件质量体系的特殊性和解决方案

16.Single Hydraulic Pillar Sealing Systems Analysis and Research单体液压支柱密封系统的分析与研究

17.The Theoretical System of Chinese Characteristic Socialism and Its Contributions;论中国特色社会主义理论体系及其历史贡献

18.Jiang Zemin s Contribution to Constructing the System of Socialist Core Values;江泽民对构建社会主义核心价值体系的贡献


the grant and tribute system in the Ming Dynasty明代封贡体系

3)Tributary system封贡体制

4)tributary system朝贡体系

1.Especially in the last few years,with the close contacts and increasingly economic cooperation between China and neighboring countries,many people with ulterior motives,or the sensitive speculation for the development of China have immediately started the"newtributary system" theory,they believed that China try to resume "Zhongyuan Dynasty"status in.由于中国综合国力的日益强盛,在国际上地位的逐渐提高,世界上对中国的关注也越来越多,尤其是在近几年来,随着中国同周围国家交往的密切以及经济合作的增强,许多别有用心的人或对中国发展比较敏感的人立即又炒作起了"新朝贡体系"论来,认为中国要在东亚恢复到"中原王朝"的地位。

2.The Tributary System started from the "five costumes system" before the dynasty of Qin, developed form the dynasty of Qin and Han, perfect in the dynasty of Tang and Song, consummated in the dynasty of Ming and Qing, degenerated and ended in the later Qing Dynasty.朝贡体系,肇始于先秦时代的五服制,发展于秦汉时代,完善于唐宋时期,巅峰于明清王朝,没落并结束于晚清,前后共持续了两千余年的时间。

5)Pay tribute and confer titles of nobility on the relation朝贡册封关系

6)offer tribute封贡


“三北”防护林体系工程“三北”防护林体系工程"three north protective forest system engineeringsanbel fanghulln tixi gongeheng“三北”防护林体系工程(“threel幻rOI,,pn〕tective forestsystem engineeri嗯)在中国西北、华北北部、东北西部地区建设的以防护林为主的绿化工程。该项工程是国家重点建设工程。西起新疆,东至黑龙江,地跨西北、华北、东北共13个省、自治区、直辖市的512个县(旗),总面积4既.9平方千米,占国土总面积的42.4%。按林种规划是:防护林占65.5%,薪炭林占9.7%,用材林占18.6%,经济林占6.0%。耀 西北防护林网之一段(宁南)(《黄土高原》)据主管部门报道,在第一期(1978~1985年)工程建设中共完成人工造林900多万公顷,保存面积605 .5万公顷,超过计划任务的2%。使1以X〕万公顷的农田得到林网的保护,893万公顷的荒漠与730万公顷的水土流失面积得到初步治理,使输蘸 内蒙古赤峰农田防护林(宝音朝克图摄)人黄河的泥沙量减少10%左右。“三北”防护林体系建设第二期(1986~1995年)工程要求在保护好现有森林植被和巩固好一期工程成果的基础上,在ro年内完成人工造林、种草面积803 .3万公顷,使“三北”地区的林木覆盖率由5.9%提高到7.7%。目前,“三北”地区有林地面积已达2330万公顷,林木覆盖率由过去的4%提高到目前的5.9%。建设“三北”防护林体系的目的是在自然条件允许的前提下按照因地制宜、因害设防的原则,最大限度地增加植被覆盖,改善生态环境,并为当地提供一定的经济效益和社会效益。“三北”防护林体系建设工程实施以来,已经对“三北”地区的自然和经济面貌起到了良好的促进作用。有的研究认为,“三北”防护林体系每年可获得总效益25亿元,其中生态效益14亿元,占55.7%;林木生长和副产品产值11亿元,占44.3%。(阎树文)
