2000字范文 > 朝贡贸易体系 tributary trade system英语短句 例句大全

朝贡贸易体系 tributary trade system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-30 06:39:50


朝贡贸易体系 tributary trade system英语短句 例句大全

朝贡贸易体系,tributary trade system

1)tributary trade system朝贡贸易体系

1.This paper compares western capitalism international trade system and China\"stributary trade system from fifteenth to eighteenth century.本文对15~18世纪西欧资本主义世界贸易体系和传统中国的朝贡贸易体系进行比较,认为由于西方和中国社会面临不同的发展环境,所以两种体系构筑的思想、国家与商人的关系以及两种体系得以建立和维持的方式存在差异。

2)tributary trade朝贡贸易

1.Because of each other’s different benefits and needs, two country’stributary trade was founded and developed.由于各自不同的利益和需要,两国之间的朝贡贸易建立起来,并不断发展变化。

2.In the Ming dynasty,tributary trade constituted the focus of the Sino Japanese relation.明朝时期 ,朝贡贸易构成中日关系的核心。

3.In the abroad trade of Ming dynasty, the private is another form excepttributary trade.在明代的海外贸易中,私人海上贸易是朝贡贸易之外的另一种贸易形式。


1.A Brief Review on the Trade System of Korean Mission in Qing Dynasty;清代朝鲜使团贸易制度述略——中朝朝贡贸易研究之一

2.The Title-Conferring and Rewarding of the Early-Qing Dynasty to the Vassal States and the Tribute-paying Trade;清代前期对藩属国的封赏与朝贡贸易

3.Tribute Trade Relationship between Early Ming Dynasty of China and South-east Asia;明前期中国与东南亚国家的朝贡贸易

4.A Study in the Tribute Trade between the Ming Dynasty and Ashikaga Shogunate明代与日本足利幕府朝贡贸易之研究

5.Sino-Siamese trade had two forms, tributary trade and civil trade.中暹贸易主要分为两种形式:朝贡贸易与民间贸易。

6.During the Hongwu Period in the Ming Dynasty, the official trade between China and Korea was divided into tribute trade and mutual trade.明代洪武年间,中朝两国的官方贸易,包括朝贡贸易和互市两种。

7.With the lapse of time, the tribu te-paying trade of the Qing Dynasty began to prosper.随着时间的推移 ,清代的朝贡贸易日呈繁荣之势

8.The author tries to objectively comment on its active and negative effects.本文从历史学与国际关系学相结合的角度,客观评价了朝贡贸易制度的积极作用和不足之处。

9.Trade of MutualBusiness and Presenting Gift about Internal and Frontier of Tang dynasty;论唐代内地与边疆的“互市”和“朝贡”贸易

10.RTAs Contributions and Challenges to WTO(MTS);区域贸易安排对WTO多边贸易体制的贡献与挑战

11.The Contribution of Professor YANG Xiao-kai to International Trade Theory论杨小凯教授对国际贸易理论的贡献

12.An inquiry into the trade contribution of China s fisheries industry to agriculture;中国水产业对农业的贸易贡献率研究

13.FDI s Role in Chinese Export Trade;FDI对我国出口贸易贡献的实证分析

14.An analysis on the contribute of foreign trade to China economic growth;对外贸易对我国经济增长的贡献分析

15.Foreign trade resumed rapidly in DPRK,trade between China and Korea started to rise,trades to Korea appeared some new changes;朝鲜外贸恢复较快 ,中朝贸易开始出现增长势头 ,对朝贸易出现新的变化 ;

16.On the Frontier Trade between Qing Dynasty and Korea in the Yalu River Area清朝与朝鲜在鸭绿江地区的边境贸易述论

17.asahi Trading Company recommended your company.朝日贸易公司介绍贵公司给我。

18.The Exchange and Trade of Medicines between China and Southeast;元朝中国与东南亚的药物交流与贸易


tributary trade朝贡贸易

1.Because of each other’s different benefits and needs, two country’stributary trade was founded and developed.由于各自不同的利益和需要,两国之间的朝贡贸易建立起来,并不断发展变化。

2.In the Ming dynasty,tributary trade constituted the focus of the Sino Japanese relation.明朝时期 ,朝贡贸易构成中日关系的核心。

3.In the abroad trade of Ming dynasty, the private is another form excepttributary trade.在明代的海外贸易中,私人海上贸易是朝贡贸易之外的另一种贸易形式。

3)tribute trade朝贡贸易

1.During the Hongwu Period in the Ming Dynasty,the official trade between China and Korea was divided intotribute trade and mutual trade.明代洪武年间,中朝两国的官方贸易,包括朝贡贸易和互市两种。

2.This article analyzes the role in itstribute trade and nongovernmental trade and the causes of the transformation of the two kinds of trade.文章着重从朝贡贸易和民间贸易两个方面论述了宁波的这一重要地位,同时研究分析了上述两种贸易方式转换的原因,指出以朱纨为代表的海禁政策的失败引发了历时十余年的嘉靖“大倭乱”。

3.:Tribute trade is a special diplomatic policy which including politics and economy.朝贡贸易是古代中国长期沿用的一种寓政治和经济为一体的特殊对外政策。

4)On Tribute-Trade System朝贡贸易制度论

5)tributary system朝贡体系

1.Especially in the last few years,with the close contacts and increasingly economic cooperation between China and neighboring countries,many people with ulterior motives,or the sensitive speculation for the development of China have immediately started the"newtributary system" theory,they believed that China try to resume "Zhongyuan Dynasty"status in.由于中国综合国力的日益强盛,在国际上地位的逐渐提高,世界上对中国的关注也越来越多,尤其是在近几年来,随着中国同周围国家交往的密切以及经济合作的增强,许多别有用心的人或对中国发展比较敏感的人立即又炒作起了"新朝贡体系"论来,认为中国要在东亚恢复到"中原王朝"的地位。

2.The Tributary System started from the "five costumes system" before the dynasty of Qin, developed form the dynasty of Qin and Han, perfect in the dynasty of Tang and Song, consummated in the dynasty of Ming and Qing, degenerated and ended in the later Qing Dynasty.朝贡体系,肇始于先秦时代的五服制,发展于秦汉时代,完善于唐宋时期,巅峰于明清王朝,没落并结束于晚清,前后共持续了两千余年的时间。

6)Paying tribute system to China华夷朝贡体系


