2000字范文 > 发展传承 Development Inheritance英语短句 例句大全

发展传承 Development Inheritance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 02:49:18


发展传承 Development Inheritance英语短句 例句大全

发展传承,Development Inheritance

1)Development Inheritance发展传承

2)inheritance and development传承发展

1.Cultural basis of the folk art-Xiushan Festival Lantern and itsinheritance and development;“秀山花灯”民俗艺术的文化底蕴及其传承发展

2.Tking status quo of theinheritance and development of kunqu as background, the paper expounds the inheritance and innovation of kunqu, the survival significance and the importance and urgency of kunqu talents cultivation.本文以当代中国昆曲传承发展的现状为背景,就昆曲传承创新与当代生存的意义,及昆曲人才培养的迫切性、重要性等进行了叙述和辨析。


1.On the Cultural Connotations of the Yi Traditional Sports and their I nheritance and Development;彝族传统体育的文化内涵与传承发展

2.Tradition of the Bai Nationality Women"s Handicraft and its Development白族妇女传统手工技能的传承与发展

3.Research on inheriting and development of Traditional Wushu and "Restraining Wushu" and " Developing Wushu";“抑武”“扬武”与传统武术的传承和发展

4.Characteristic and Development of Traditional Chinese Toy;论中国传统玩具特质及其传承与发展

5.Inheritance and Development of Traditional Sports Customs in Chinese Festivals;岁时节日传统体育习俗的传承与发展

6.On the modern vicissitude,inheritance and development of the nation traditional physical culture;民族传统体育文化的变迁、传承与发展

7.On "The Water Margin" on the Legal Case of the Inheritance and Development of Novel试论《水浒传》对公案小说的传承与发展

8.Inheritance and development of traditional minority national sports in Guizhou贵州少数民族传统体育的传承和发展

9.Exploration of the way to the inheritance and development of traditional national sports民族传统体育的传承与发展道路探析

10.On the Development of the Traditional Cultures of Ethic Minorities in China我国少数民族传统文化的传承与发展

11.The Transference and the Development of the Yi Traditional Culture in the Wes tern Development: A Brief Reseach;西部开发与彝族传统文化的传承、发展研究

12.A Comment on the Heritage and Development of Hinduism in Bali Island of Indonesia浅析印尼巴厘岛印度教的传承与发展

13.Research on Knowledge Inheriting and Knowledge Development of Excellent Teaching and Research Groups in Secondary School;中学优秀教研组知识传承与发展研究

14.Huang Kan s Inheritance and Evelopment to the Chinese Exegetics;黄侃对中国训诂学理论的传承与发展

15.A Survey on College Student s Cheating Behavior in Examination and Honesty Morality Education;论张衡对儒道诗骚传统的继承和发展

16.Remain, Inheritation and the Periodical Development of DongKuan;侗族侗款的遗存、传承与时代性发展

17.The Inheritance and Development of Deng Xiaoping to the Chinese Traditional Culture;邓小平对中国传统文化的继承和发展

18.Tradition and Characteristics in University Sustainable Development;继承传统,突显特色,引领大学持续发展


inheritance and development传承发展

1.Cultural basis of the folk art-Xiushan Festival Lantern and itsinheritance and development;“秀山花灯”民俗艺术的文化底蕴及其传承发展

2.Tking status quo of theinheritance and development of kunqu as background, the paper expounds the inheritance and innovation of kunqu, the survival significance and the importance and urgency of kunqu talents cultivation.本文以当代中国昆曲传承发展的现状为背景,就昆曲传承创新与当代生存的意义,及昆曲人才培养的迫切性、重要性等进行了叙述和辨析。

3)succession and development传承发展

4)inheritance and development传承与发展

1.Through investigating and interviewing villagers,the thesis writers conduct a comprehensive and systematic research and analysis into theinheritance and development situation of traditional sports for the Tajike minority in the hope of offering scientific theoretic reference to theinheritance and development of traditional sports for the Tajike minority.以迁徙入住平原已达五年之久的塔吉克族为研究对象,采用村落调查、访问等方法,对塔吉克族入住平原后其传统体育的传承与发展状况进行综合、系统的深入研究与分析,以期对塔吉克族传统体育的传承与发展提供科学的理论参考。

2.Traditional skills are confronted with problems ofinheritance and development.哈萨克族民间传统技艺丰富而具有特点,然而哈萨克族牧民定居以后,生产方式和生活方式发生了根本性的变化,传统技艺也面临着传承与发展的问题。

5)Inherit and develop传承与发展

6)development and inheritance发展与传承


金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。
