2000字范文 > 保护 传承与发展 protection inheritance and development英语短句 例句大全

保护 传承与发展 protection inheritance and development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-03 19:03:37


保护 传承与发展 protection inheritance and development英语短句 例句大全

保护、传承与发展,protection inheritance and development

1)protection inheritance and development保护、传承与发展


1.On the succession,protection and development of Guizhou Dushan Huadeng Opera;贵州独山花灯的保护、传承与发展研究

2.The Spread And Development of National Music In Western Development Movement;西部民族音乐的保护、传承与发展思考

3.Research on the Protection, Inheritance and Development of Baiwanyao"s Traditional Ceramics Handicraft in Weining, Guizhou Province贵州威宁白碗窑传统陶瓷手工艺的保护、传承与发展研究

4.Development of the National Traditional Sports from the Angle of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection非物质文化遗产视角下民族传统体育的保护、传承与发展

5.Passing On,Protection and Development of Dyeing Technology of Bai Nationality;白族扎染工艺文化的传承、保护与开发

6.A Study on Inheritance and Protection of Ethnic Minority Cultures and Development of Higher Tourism Education with Characteristics;少数民族文化传承、保护与高等旅游教育特色化发展研究

7.The Inheritance of Cultural and the Development of Historical Block:On the Preservation and Renewal of Qili Street of Anfeng town;文化传承和街区发展——安丰古镇七里老街保护与更新研究

8.Cultural inheritance and sustainable development:inspiration from Yangzhou Model of ancient city preservation文化传承与可持续发展——古城保护的扬州模式之启示

9.Inheritance and Proterction of Dong Minority Village Tradition Architectural Style;侗族村寨传统建筑风格的传承与保护

10.On Strategy of Protection and Inheritance of The Traditional Music of The Hakkas;客家传统音乐保护与传承之策略研究

11.The preservation and inherition of Lingnan traditional musical cultural resource;岭南传统音乐文化资源的保护与传承

12.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承

13.On the Inheritance ,Protections and Development of the Minority Tradition Medicine culture in the Three Gorges storehouse;三峡库区少数民族多元传统医药文化的保护、传承与开发

14.Traditional Sports is Protected During the Development Countermeasure in "Protection Project of Folk Cultural Heritage of Nationality of Western Hunan";“湘西民保工程”中的传统体育保护与发展对策

15.On Preserving and Developing Shaoxing as a Historic City;继承优良传统 构建魅力城市——谈绍兴古城的保护和发展

16.Protection·Inheritance·Development--to Shanxi Pucheng County Region Construction Culture Research保护、传承、发展——对陕西蒲城县地域建筑文化的研究

17.Rescue, Protection and Development of Traditional National Cultures in Chengde;承德传统民族文化的抢救、保护和开发

18.Discussing How to Develop and Protect Traditional Village through the Tourism Exploitation in Tsingko Village of Yunnan Province;从箐口村旅游开发谈传统村落的发展与保护


inheritance and protection传承与保护

1.By all the studies and analyses,the paper explores the problems on theinheritance and protection of current folk culture,as well as the solutions to be taken.考察和分析广西巴马布努瑶密洛陀信仰、集体记忆及节日习俗,指出当地布努瑶祝著节传承的内部机制;此外,还对其当前传承的外部因素,如政府参与等进行了考察;试图通过以上的考察和分析,探讨当前民族民间文化在传承与保护中所面临的问题及对策。

3)protection and inheritance保护与传承

1.Protection and Inheritance of Beilu Zhuang Opera论北路壮剧的保护与传承

2.The existing ancient Villages are rich in human history and culture and urgent attention should be paid to theirprotection and inheritance.现有的桂北古村落,人文历史文化厚重,保护与传承亟待高度重视。

3.The author points that the protection and the inheritance of the Uygur national minority Dawaz technology should start from protecting inheritance family,and proposes a viewpoint of static and dynamicprotection and inheritance.认为维吾尔族达瓦孜艺术的保护与传承应从保护传承家族开始,并提出了从静态与动态保护与传承的观点。

4)inheritance and development传承与发展

1.Through investigating and interviewing villagers,the thesis writers conduct a comprehensive and systematic research and analysis into theinheritance and development situation of traditional sports for the Tajike minority in the hope of offering scientific theoretic reference to theinheritance and development of traditional sports for the Tajike minority.以迁徙入住平原已达五年之久的塔吉克族为研究对象,采用村落调查、访问等方法,对塔吉克族入住平原后其传统体育的传承与发展状况进行综合、系统的深入研究与分析,以期对塔吉克族传统体育的传承与发展提供科学的理论参考。

2.Traditional skills are confronted with problems ofinheritance and development.哈萨克族民间传统技艺丰富而具有特点,然而哈萨克族牧民定居以后,生产方式和生活方式发生了根本性的变化,传统技艺也面临着传承与发展的问题。

5)Inherit and develop传承与发展

6)development and inheritance发展与传承


