2000字范文 > 固溶 solid solution英语短句 例句大全

固溶 solid solution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-27 08:27:06


固溶 solid solution英语短句 例句大全

固溶,solid solution

1)solid solution固溶

1.Effect of Cold Rolling and Solid Solution Treatment on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Modified Type 202 Stainless Steel;冷轧和固溶处理对改进型202不锈钢组织和力学性能的影响

2.Effect ofsolid solution and aging on hardness of Cu-17Zn-0.4Cr alloy;固溶时效对Cu-17Zn-0.4Cr合金硬度的影响

3.Solid Solution and Aging Treatment of Thixoforming AZ91D Alloy触变注射成形AZ91D的固溶和时效热处理


1.Investigation on Magnetocaloric Properties and Solid Solution Strengthening of Gd-based Solid Solution Alloy;Gd基固溶体的磁热性能与固溶强化研究

2.resin-solvent-curing agent树脂-溶剂-固化剂

3.soluble fluid loss particle可溶性防滤失固体颗粒

4.oil-soluble wall building solid油溶性造壁固体颗粒

5.a solid solution of two simple salts.两种单盐的固体溶体。

6.a solid solution in which alpha iron is the solvent.以α铁为溶剂的固体溶体。

7.A sediment or precipitate that has settled out of a solution.沉淀溶液中不溶的、沉下的固体沉淀

8.The fixing performance of TEOS/ TBB blend sol and the effect of fixing conditions were discussed.讨论了正硅酸乙酯溶胶和钛酸丁酯溶胶混合溶胶的固色效果及固色工艺对固色效果的影响。

9.a process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble (usually resinous) solid; widely used in industrial processing.在溶液和不能溶解的固体间交换离子的过程。

10.Study on Solubility of Solid Solute in Supercritical CO_2 with Cosolvent;固体溶质在含夹带剂超临界CO_2中溶解度的研究

11.Lysozyme Immobilized by Sol-gel on Wool Fabric for Anti-bacterial Finishing羊毛织物的溶胶凝胶法固定化溶菌酶抗菌整理

12.Immobilization of lysozyme on wool fabric by sol-gel method基于溶胶凝胶法的羊毛织物溶菌酶固定

13.Investigation on the Solid Fermentation Conditions of Bacillus strain & Study on the Thrombolysis of Fibrinolytic Enzyme纤溶菌固态发酵条件及溶栓作用的研究

14.Increasing Dissolution Rate of Wild Jujube Juice by New Technology with Cellulase酶工艺提高酸枣汁可溶性固形物溶出率的研究

15.Effect of dissolved gas and nanobubbles on the conductivity of solid-liquid sol溶解气体和纳米气泡对固—液溶胶电导率的影响

16.A solid or solid phase separated from a solution.沉淀物从溶液中分离出来的固体或固体状态

17.Evaluation of the Application of Solubilized Cholosterel in Cholesterol Measurement应用水溶型胆固醇校准液测定总胆固醇

18.Seawater is pure water plus dissolved solids and gases.海水里面溶解着固体和气体。



1.Thermal analysis on runout table under on-linesolution treatment;在线固溶条件下的输出辊道受热分析

2.Effect ofsolution temperature on aging of steel containing copper;固溶温度对含铜钢时效行为的影响

3.Phase Transformation Kinetics of Solutioned Cu-Ni-Si Alloy;固溶态Cu-Ni-Si合金的相变动力学

3)solution treatment固溶

1.Effect ofsolution treatment with electric field on properties and fracture characters of Al-Li alloys;电场固溶对铝锂合金性能和断裂特征的影响

2.The microstructure and mechanical property of a new kind of cast duplex stainless steel after differentsolution treatment were studied by using optical microscope(OM),scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffraction and mechanical property testing.采用金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜观察(SEM)、X射线衍射(X-Ray)分析及力学性能测试等研究手段,研究了不同固溶温度对某种新型铸造双相不锈钢组织及力学性能的影响。

3.The effects ofsolution treatment and deformation-aging on the microstructures and tensile mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Li-Zr alloy were investigated by microstructure observations and tensile tests at room temperature.通过显微组织观察和室温拉伸实验,研究了固溶热处理制度和时效前预变形对Al-Cu-Li-Sc-Zr合金拉伸力学性能和显微组织的影响。


1.Influence factors onsolid-solution of carbonitride of niobium in steel影响钢中铌的碳氮化物固溶的因素分析

2.The microstructure and the mechanical performances of ZM5 magnesium alloys with RE-Ce addition in as-cast andsolid-solution treatment state are investigated.研究添加富铈混合稀土的ZM5合金在铸态和固溶处理后的显微组织与力学性能。

3.The mechanical testing indicates that alloying andsolid-solution treatment can evidently enhance mechanical properties of ZM5 alloy,Ca and mischmetal additions refined the microstructure obviously.拉伸试验表明,合金元素的加入和固溶处理明显改善了ZM5镁合金的常温力学性能,微量Ca和稀土元素的加入能够显著细化显微组织。

5)Solid solution-exsolution固溶-脱溶

6)Solute in Solid Solution溶质固溶


固溶固溶solid solutiongUrong 固溶(solid solution)两种或两种以上的物 质相互溶解生成固溶体的现象。固相间的相互溶解有完全互溶型和有限互溶型两大类,前者生成连续固溶体,后者生成有限固溶体,在衬火材并中这两种类型都 存在,例如Mgo,Feo、MgO一Fe:03、MgO一AI:03、Mgo-crZo:和M扣一CaO系统等。作为杂质的固相(溶质)固溶到主晶相(溶剂)中,必然使主晶相的熔融温度下 降,并且随固溶度的增大而增加,这是不利的一面,但 它作为与主晶相不互溶而形成简单低共熔混合物的杂 质相来说,则有利得多。以MgO~Feo为例,如在MgO- FeO二元系内不生成固溶体,则在二者之间必产生共熔点,共熔点温度必低于两个端元的熔点,即低于 Mgo、Feo的熔点,实际上,M四一Feo二元系内不产 生共溶点;而产生连续固溶体,最低产生液相的温度在端元中的最低熔点(1360℃—FeO的熔点)之上。以---一-一,一上两种情况对比见图。由图中看出,后者的始熔比前者\一二、一M凶/%FeO一M扣z%Mg(、 a吞MgO一FeO系相图a一假设的M四一氏O系的共熔点.卜一M扣子州O二元系相平衡圈 ;提高了,这是固溶体对耐火材料的高锰力学性质及抗渣性能的一大贡献.此外,由于杂质相在主晶相的固溶 形成固溶体,使主晶相晶格变形,点阵块陷增加,能t !升高,有利于离子扩散与烧结的进行,所以在耐火材料 中,选择与主晶相能形成固溶体的少t添加物(杂质 :相)作为促进烧结的矿化剂,可应用以上机理得到解 释,如钱砂生产中加入Fe:O:所起的作用就是一个例}子。l(张垂昌)
