2000字范文 > 恰甫其海水利枢纽 Qiafuqihai Water Control Project英语短句 例句大全

恰甫其海水利枢纽 Qiafuqihai Water Control Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-25 04:49:09


恰甫其海水利枢纽 Qiafuqihai Water Control Project英语短句 例句大全

恰甫其海水利枢纽,Qiafuqihai Water Control Project

1)Qiafuqihai Water Control Project恰甫其海水利枢纽

1.Problem from dam foundation grouting with stable grout forQiafuqihai Water Control Project and relevant treatment measures恰甫其海水利枢纽大坝工程基础稳定性浆液灌浆中的问题及措施

2.The dam for theQiafuqihai Water Control Project is a rock-fill dam with clay core wall.恰甫其海水利枢纽大坝为粘土心墙堆石坝,该工程于6月25日下闸蓄水,蓄水后的安全监测成果表明,帷幕和心墙工作正常,防渗效果良好,心墙渗流逸出点高程低于设计要求,绕坝渗流很小;心墙沉降均匀、基本稳定,单点和累积最大沉降量均小于设计要求,大坝运行性态正常。


1.Construction of the pouring type asphalt concrete core in upperstream cofferdam of Qia-Fu-Qi-Hai Hydraulic Project恰甫其海水利枢纽上游围堰浇筑式沥青混凝土心墙施工

2.Problem from dam foundation grouting with stable grout for Qiafuqihai Water Control Project and relevant treatment measures恰甫其海水利枢纽大坝工程基础稳定性浆液灌浆中的问题及措施

3.Migrant relocation in construction of Wangfuzhou Project on Hanjiang River;汉江王甫洲水利枢纽建设中的移民安置

4.Analysis of Seepage and Distortion Characteristics of Initial Impoundment of Qiafuqihai Dam恰甫其海大坝初期蓄水渗流及变形性态分析

5.The Model of Dam Type Optimum Selection and Its Application Study on Hydro-junction Project;水利枢纽工程坝型优选模型及其应用研究

6.A Brief Talk on the Comprehensive Benefits and the Influence of Wanjiazhai Waterpower Pivot;浅谈万家寨水利枢纽的综合效益及其影响

7.Features and construction of 2nd-stage works of Xiafu Hydraulic Complex下福水利枢纽二期工程的特点及其施工对策

8.The Characteristis of the Planning for Water Control Projects: The Design of the Feilai Gorge Scenic Spot in Canton水利枢纽景观规划特色探讨——广东省飞来峡水利枢纽景区规划设计

9.Study on Cost Allocation Methods for Multiobjective Water Projects;综合利用水利枢纽投资分摊方法研究

10.A Feasibility Study of Hubei Qingjiang Shui Bu Ya Hydro-hinge;湖北清江水布垭水利枢纽可行性研究

11.Safety Management of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex and Buckets Effect长洲水利枢纽安全管理与“水桶定律”

12.Study of navigation flow condition for Xiafu Hydraulic Complex下福水利枢纽工程通航水流条件研究

13.The early evolution of the four major Chinese carps resources in the middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River after the construction and operation of Danjiangkou Reservoir丹江口水利枢纽兴建后汉江中下游四大家鱼等早期资源及其演变

14.Settlement Monitoring Data Analysis for Qiafuqihai Dam恰甫其海大坝沉降监测资料的初步分析

15.The key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程

16.Analysis of the Operating Behavior of Concrete Dam of the Danjiangkou Hydro-junction丹江口水利枢纽砼大坝工作性态分析

17.Safety management for excavation of underground chambers and tunnels of Baise multipurpose dam project百色水利枢纽地下洞室开挖安全管理

18.On the Ski-jump Atomization Flow of the Three-gorge Project三峡水利枢纽挑流雾化流问题的研究


Qiafuqihai Water Control Project恰甫其海水利枢纽工程

1.Engineering feature of aeolian deposit loess inQiafuqihai Water Control Project;恰甫其海水利枢纽工程风积黄土的工程特性

3)WP hydropower station王甫洲水利枢纽

4)Qiafuqihai Water Control Project恰甫其海工程

1.Grouting treatment on pre-reserved rock-ridge for open channel of diversion tunnel inlet forQiafuqihai Water Control Project;恰甫其海工程导流洞进口明渠预留岩坎防渗灌浆处理

5)hydraulic complex水利枢纽

1.Closure gate design for diversion tunnel of Xiaorongjiang Hydraulic Complex;小溶江水利枢纽导流洞封堵闸门设计

2.Sanzuodianhydraulic complex locates at the downstream of the influent Yen river of Xiliao river in Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia, which is the key project for flood control and water supply for the city in the basin plan of Songhua river and Liao river, which main task is to improve the flood control and water supply standard where locates at the distance 35Km fromhydraulic complex.三座店水利枢纽工程位于内蒙古赤峰市境内西辽河支流阴河下游,是列入松花江和辽河流域规划和赤峰市城市防洪供水规划的重点骨干工程,主要任务是提高位于枢纽下游35km处的赤峰市的防洪标准以及向赤峰市供水。


1.Study on coupling of 3D visualization with numerical simulation for powerhouse excavation of a certainhydro-junction;某水利枢纽厂房开挖三维可视化与数值模拟耦合研究

2.Discussion on seepage prevention of deep overburden layer ofXiabandihydro-junction in Xinjiang;新疆下坂地水利枢纽工程深覆盖层防渗问题探讨

3.Video monitoring system has been widely applied in safe production monitoring forhydro-junction, and gradually developed from traditional security monitoring to management monitoring.视频监控系统在水利枢纽的安全生产监控中应用非常普遍,并逐步由传统的安防监控向管理监控发展,进行模拟系统的网络化、数字化改造将是必然趋势。


岳甫嘉岳甫嘉 岳甫嘉 明代医家。字仲仁,号妙一居士。兰陵(今江苏常州西北)人。初业儒,因多病而嗜医药,遂专攻岐黄之术。自疗获效,复疗家人亦效,遂四方求治者甚众。诊治不为报酬,贫病就医者尤多。崇祯四年(1631年),其子登甲榜,迎养于官署。见有专操堕胎术而牟利者,以为与“天地好生之德”相悖,遂汇集二十余载之心得,撰成《妙一斋医学正印编》(1635年),现仅存《医学正印种子编·男女科》,论述影响男子不育、女子不孕的证治。
