2000字范文 > 垄膜沟种 ridge film mulching and furrow planting英语短句 例句大全

垄膜沟种 ridge film mulching and furrow planting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-05 19:18:06


垄膜沟种 ridge film mulching and furrow planting英语短句 例句大全

垄膜沟种,ridge film mulching and furrow planting

1)ridge film mulching and furrow planting垄膜沟种

1.Through bubble irrigation experiments conducted inridge film mulching and furrow planting farmland,based on the observation of water advance process,the flow characteristic of field water and the influence of furrow width on the irrigation uniformity were analyzed in this paper.在垄膜沟种农田进行了涌泉灌灌水试验,通过对水流推进过程观测,分析了田面水流运动特性,研究了沟宽对田间灌水均匀度的影响,并对垄膜沟种涌泉灌溉技术要素进行了探讨。


1.The Influence of Technique of Ridge Film Mulching and Furrow Seeding on Soil Water and Yield of Spring Corn in Western Liaoning垄膜沟种技术对辽西旱地春玉米土壤水分及产量的影响

2.Effect of Planting Density on the Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Maize with Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Catchment Furrows种植密度对全膜双垄沟播玉米生理特性及产量的影响

3.Affect of Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Catchment Furrows Maize on Yield Increase of Dry Land旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米增产效应研究

4.Best Covering Time of Whole Plastic-film Mulching in Corn Planting with Double Ridges and Furrows on Dryland旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米适宜覆膜时间研究

5.Effects of ridge width and planting density on corn yields in rainwater-harvesting system with plastic film mulching on ridge垄沟覆膜集雨系统垄宽和密度效应对玉米产量的影响

6.Optimal Irrigation Schedule of Furrow Irrigation with Plastic Film Mulch Ridge for Processing Tomato in Zhangye;张掖市加工番茄膜垄沟灌的优化灌溉制度研究

7.Effects of Yield-increasing on Techniques of Whole Plastic-film Mulching on Double Ridges and Planting in Catchment Furrows of Dry-land Maize旱地玉米全膜双垄沟播技术增产效果研究

8.Study on the Characteristics of Water Change of Ditch Sowing in Corn Double Ridge Mulched with Plastic Films in Dryland旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米水分变化特征探讨

9.Research and application development for the techniques of whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows in dry land甘肃省旱地全膜双垄沟播技术研究与应用进展

10.Study on the Different Water Productivity of Maize Treated with Film Mulching Two Lines during Different Growth Period全膜双垄沟播玉米不同覆膜时期水分生产效率研究

11.Study on Wheat-maize Interplanting in Belts in Furrows and Ridges on the Highland in West Shanxi晋西旱塬小麦套玉米沟垄条带种植方式研究

12.Study and Design on Ridge Culture Furrow Irrigation of Wheat Seeder;畦作沟灌小麦起垄播种机的研究与设计

13.The Influence of Slope Soil Erosion ofCorn Growth in Double-ridged Field;玉米开沟双垄种植对坡地水土流失的影响

14.Study on Cultivation and Supporting Technology of Anniversary Pitch-Film for Spring-Corn in Longdong Dryland;陇东旱作塬区春玉米垄沟周年覆膜栽培及配套技术研究

15.Analysis of Autumn Corn Cultivation Techniques of the Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Furrows in Pengyang,Ningxia宁夏彭阳县秋季全膜覆盖双垄沟播玉米栽培技术要点浅析

16.Application of the Techniques of Whole Plastic-film Mulching on Double Ridges and Planting in Arid Agriculture in Gansu旱地全膜双垄沟播技术在甘肃省旱作农业中的应用

17.Effects of Ditch Sowing in Corn Double Ridge Mulched with Plastic Films in Different Dryland Areas of Gansu甘肃省不同旱作区全膜双垄沟播玉米增产效果研究

18.Effect of Balanced Fertilization on the Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Spring Maize平衡施肥对全膜双垄沟播春玉米产量及养分吸收规律的影响


technology of ridge film mulching and furrow seeding垄膜沟种技术

1.For improving of the water use efficiency and soil temperature of dryland corn in North China,and achieving the goal of increasing the yield of corn further,a set oftechnology of ridge film mulching and furrow seeding of dryland corn is designed.整个生育期种植行间各层平均地温,垄膜沟种技术高出对照1。

3)furrow planting垄沟种植

1.The study concerned about four cultivation modules(no mulch,straw mulch,plastic film mulch andfurrow planting),three nitrogen fertilizer levels(0,120 and 240 kg N/hm2) and two wheat densities(seed rate of 180 and 225 kg/hm2).59 kg/hm2,且主要积累在80-160 cm土层,土壤氮库不仅明显,且残留比前3年土壤剖面显著下移(前3年主要累积在100 cm),差异达显著和极显著水平;不同栽培模式和种植密度0-200 cm土层硝态氮残留累积规律及其小麦籽粒吸氮量基本相似,排序均为:地膜覆盖>常规种植>秸秆覆盖>垄沟种植;随施氮量的增加土壤硝态氮残留量也相应增加,N0处理0-200 cm土壤平均硝态氮残留量为57。

4)ridge-furrow planting垄沟种植

1.Four fields were designed to conductridge-furrow planting experiment in desert region, and soil gravimetric water content rates of that four fieldsand a conventional flat-tillage field were observed.在沙区旱作农田设计了4种种植油菜的垄沟种植试验,观测了其与传统平作下的土壤重量含水率。

5)Ridge with plastic film mulching-furrow irrigation垄膜沟灌

6)Furrow covered with film垄沟覆膜


