2000字范文 > 双垄面集雨 double ridges rainwater harvesting英语短句 例句大全

双垄面集雨 double ridges rainwater harvesting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-24 17:42:27


双垄面集雨 double ridges rainwater harvesting英语短句 例句大全

双垄面集雨,double ridges rainwater harvesting

1)double ridges rainwater harvesting双垄面集雨


1.Study on the Semi-arid Areas of Crops Membrane Covering the Whole Face Rainwater Harvesting Double Ridge and Furrow Sowing Technology半干旱地区农作物全膜覆盖双垄面集雨沟播试验示范研究

2.Culture Technique and Increase Yield Effect on Potato with Whole Film Covering Double Ridge Collect Rain in Minhe民和县马铃薯双垄全膜覆盖集雨栽培技术及增产效益

3.Effects of ridge width and planting density on corn yields in rainwater-harvesting system with plastic film mulching on ridge垄沟覆膜集雨系统垄宽和密度效应对玉米产量的影响

4.Study on Collecting Rainfall and Increasing Yield Effect of Ridge Film Mulching Micro-rainwater Catchmen Planting Technique of Maize in Dryland;旱地起垄覆膜微集水种植玉米技术的集雨增产效应研究

5.Ecological Effect of Micro-water Harvesting with Ridges and Furrows for Potato Production in Semiarid Area;半干旱地区沟垄微型集雨种植马铃薯生态效应研究

6.Construction Technology and Rainwater Harvesting Efficiency of Biological Rainwater Catchment生物集雨面营建技术及其集雨效率的研究

7.Characteristics of base flow in tropical seasonal rainforest catchments in Xishuangbanna of Yunnan Provice,Southwest China.西双版纳热带季节雨林集水区基流特征

8.Experimental study on physical properties of water harvesting surface made of glass fiber reinforced mixture of soil and portland cement玻璃纤维水泥土集雨面物理性能的试验研究

9.Research on Rain Water Catchments & Subsurface Seep-Irrigation under Gravitational Pressure in Greenhouse;温室棚面集雨及自压式地下渗灌技术的研究

10.Application of Integrated Ecological Purification System for Roof Rainwater Treatment屋面雨水生态净化集成处理系统的应用

11.How the Techniques of Double Ridges and Furrows with Plastic Mulch and Rainwater Harvest with Subgroove Facility Affect Soil Moisture & Temperature, Soil Fertility and Crop Yield in the Semiarid Loess Plateau of China黄土高原双垄覆膜和地槽集水技术对土壤水温、土壤养分及作物产量的影响

12.Monopoly & Antimonopoly:Thought about the Duality of WTO;对WTO的反垄断与垄断两面性的思考

13.Sunshine Always Follows Heavy Rain--Interview with Board Chairman of Shuang′gou Group Co. Ltd.-ZHAO Feng-qi;阳光总在风雨后——访江苏双沟集团有限公司董事长、总经理赵凤琦

14.Study on Growth and Physiological Properties of Crop under Supplemental Irrigation with Harvested Rainfall in Semi-Arid Area;半干旱坡面集雨补灌对玉米生长及某些生理特性影响的研究

15.Analysis on Legal Problems of the Protection of Rain Water Collection Project in Northwest Arid Area;西北干旱缺水地区雨水集蓄的工程保护方面存在的法律问题分析

16.System of Drip Irrigation with Rainwater Collected by Greenhouse Membrane and its Problems温棚膜面雨水集蓄回用滴灌系统及存在的问题分析

17.The Duscussion of the Use of Rainwater Harvesting Technology of Land-efficient Housing District节能省地型住宅小区屋面雨水收集利用技术应用探讨

18.Dual-oligopoly Equilibrium Analysis on the Logistics Industry Competition;物流产业竞争的双寡头垄断均衡分析


rainwater harvesting of ridge and furrow垄沟集雨

3)double ridge双垄面

1.The entire membrane covering thedouble ridge surface collection rain trench planting technology is suitable in the grain,the oil crops.全膜覆盖双垄面集雨沟播技术是适宜于在粮、油等经济效益高的作物上应用,却具有投资少,见效快、易操作等优点,将为榆林旱作农业发展开辟新途径。

4)Plastic-covered ridge rainwater harvesting垄沟覆膜集雨

5)rainwater-harvested furrow/ridge system沟垄集雨种植

1.Effects ofrainwater-harvested furrow/ridge system on spring corn productivity under different simulated rainfalls;模拟不同雨量下沟垄集雨种植对春玉米生产力的影响

6)mini-size water collection by ridges and furrows沟垄微型集雨

1.Runoff generation characters ofmini-size water collection by ridges and furrows in semiarid area of Loess Plateau and related potato-planting techniques.;半干旱黄土高原沟垄微型集雨产流特征与马铃薯种植技术


