2000字范文 > 土家族聚居区 Tujia minority area英语短句 例句大全

土家族聚居区 Tujia minority area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-05 03:56:30


土家族聚居区 Tujia minority area英语短句 例句大全

土家族聚居区,Tujia minority area

1)Tujia minority area土家族聚居区

1.This article choosesTujia minority areas of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan as study object.因此,本文运用多学科交叉研究的方法,对湘西土家族聚居区与不同文化圈之间文化的传播与交流进行探讨,以期从民居文化变迁的过程中总结出民居建筑发展的规律和特点,揭示文化传播在土家族建筑文化变迁中的角色以及发挥作用的途径,为研究民居文化在当代信息传播背景下的延续和发展提供某些建议。


1.Study on Traditional Houses of Tujia Minority Area in Western Hunan Based on Cultural Diffusion Theory湘西土家族聚居区传统民居变迁的文化传播学研究

2.Research on the Characteristics of Folk Dwelling and Settlement of Tujia Nationality in Western Hubei Province浅析鄂西土家族传统民居及聚落特征

3.On settlement features and present protection states of dwelling house of Tujia minority in western Hu"nan浅谈湘西土家族民居聚落特点及保护现状

4.On the Five Types of Tusi Systems in the Naxi-inhabited Areas in Yunnan,Sichuan and Tibet of China;滇、川、藏纳西族聚居区土司制度的多种类型

5.Analyses on Physical Exercise Behavior of Maonan region s Residents with the Trans theoretical Model and Stages of Change;毛南族聚居区居民体育锻炼行为分析

6.In some cases minority peoples can be found living in concentrated communities in areas inhabited mainly by the Han people, while in other cases the situation is just the other way round.汉族地区有少数民族聚居,少数民族地区有汉族居

7.In an area where people of a minority nationality live in concentrated communities or where a number of nationalities live together在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区

8.The Regional Difference in Clan Clustering in Ancient South and North China;中国南北方汉族居住区宗族聚居的地域差异

9.The west area is minority inhabit district.西部地区是少数民族的主要聚居区。

10.The Ethnic Minority Community Transition of Modernization--A Case Study of the Qijiawan Is-lamic Community in Nanjing;现代化浪潮中少数民族聚居区的变迁实考——以南京市七家湾回族社区为例

11.Characteristics Analysis of Living Consumption of Rural Residents in The Tujia Ethnic Minority--Based on An Empirical Analysis of Chongqing Tujia Ethnic Minority Areas土家族农村居民生活消费特征:基于渝东南地区的分析

12.China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas.中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。

13.I. Xinjiang Has Been a Multi-ethnic Region Since Ancient Times一、 新疆自古是多民族聚居的地区

14.Research on the Beef Cattle Industry in National Minority Community;少数民族聚居区肉牛产业化问题研究

15.Theresearch of the Living Condition of Small Tribes Habitation in Chinese Cities;我国城市中民族聚居区的居住模式研究

16.A national minorities regional autonomy system is practiced in places where ethnic minorities gather and live.各少数民族聚居的地方,实行民族区域自治制度。

17.In addition, authorities at all levels often organize mobile medical teams to visit farming and pastoral areas and other ethnic communities.各级政府还经常组织医学专家、务人员到农牧区和少数民族聚居区进行巡回医疗。

18.Building Technology and Art of Tujia Folk Houses in the Southeast Chongqing渝东南土家族民居的建造技术与艺术


Tujia folk house土家族民居

1.In this paper,the construction technology and art of theTujia folk houses are analyzed and summarized from three aspects: building material and form of element,roof truss and shape of the roof as well as building decoration art.在渝东南特殊的地理条件和气候环境下,这里的土家族民居发展积淀出自身独特的民族特色。

3)Shuizhu region水族聚居区

1.There is exist as the underdevelopment of economy and the lacking of chemical curricular resource inShuizhu region,and it restrict the improvement of chemical education inShuizhu region.水族聚居区经济相对落后,校内化学课程资源相对缺乏,制约了该地区化学教育质量的提高,但水族地区乡土化学课程资源却极为丰富。

4)Tibetan inhabited regions藏族聚居区

5)ethnic minority groups民族聚居区

1.Investigation on students after-class sports activities in povertyethnic minority groups in Northwest China;西北贫困民族聚居区学校课外体育活动现状的调查分析

6)region where the Miao nationality inhabits苗族聚居区


