2000字范文 > 湘西土家族 Xiangxi Tujia英语短句 例句大全

湘西土家族 Xiangxi Tujia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-19 22:21:53


湘西土家族 Xiangxi Tujia英语短句 例句大全

湘西土家族,Xiangxi Tujia

1)Xiangxi Tujia湘西土家族

1.The Issue and Countermeasure of Protection ofXiangxi Tujia Non-material Cultural Heritage;湘西土家族非物质文化遗产保护的问题与对策


1.Xiangxi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizhou湘西土家族苗族自治州

2.An Analysis on the Status Quo of the Partiarchal Clans of Tujia Nationality;当代湘西土家族宗族现状透析——对湘西瞿氏家族的个案调查

3.Architectural Form Development of Traditional Civil Dwellings of Tujia Minority in Western Hunan;湘西土家族传统民居建筑的形式演变

4.On Mass Sports in Western Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture;湘西土家族苗族自治州城镇群众体育现状调研

5.Tujia & Miao Autonomous Prefecture’s Development of Culture Economy in West Hunan Province;湘西土家族苗族自治州文化经济的发展

6.Study on the Further Development of Tourism Product--A Case Study of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture,Hunan Province;湘西土家族苗族自治州旅游深度开发刍议

7.Dynamical Analysis of the Physical Fitness of the Tujia and Miao Nationality Pupils During 1985-2000 in Western Part of Hunan Province;1985—2000年湘西土家族、苗族学生体质状况分析

8.Reflections on the History of Development for Helping the Poor being Lifted offPoverty in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture;湘西土家族苗族自治州扶贫开发的历史反思

9.Socio-economic Formation of Tujia National Minority Area in Western Hunan during Tusi Period;土司时期湘西土家族地区社会经济形态简论

10.The Aesthetic Construction of the Tujia People"s Image--Cases from Verbal Works of the Tujia People in Xiangxi论土家族形象的审美建构——以湘西土家族口述作品为例

parative Research of the Student Physique State of Health on Western Hunan Tujia, Dong, Miao and the Han Nationality湘西土家族、侗族、苗族与汉族学生体质健康状况比较研究

12.The Issue and Countermeasure of Protection of Xiangxi Tujia Non-material Cultural Heritage;湘西土家族非物质文化遗产保护的问题与对策

13.Open Market for Folk Tourist Crafts of Tujia Nationality in Western Hunan;湘西土家族民间旅游工艺品的市场开发

14.The Cultural Connotation and Healthful Value of“Hand Waving”of Xiangxi Tujia Nationality;湘西土家族“摆手”的文化意蕴及健身价值

15.The Art Features and Cultural Value of Hand-swinging Dance of Tujia Minority in the West of Hunan;湘西土家族摆手舞的艺术特点和文化价值

16.Dynamic Analysis on Constitution State of Tujia Minority Stude nts from 1985-2000 in Western Part of Hunan Province;湘西土家族学生1985—2000年体质状况的动态分析

17.On settlement features and present protection states of dwelling house of Tujia minority in western Hu"nan浅谈湘西土家族民居聚落特点及保护现状

18.On the Governing of the Qing Dynasty in Xiangxi and Its Social and Historical Differences;湘西土家族苗族地区的改土归流及其社会历史差异


Tujia clan in west part of Hunan and Hubei湘鄂西土家族

3)Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi湘西土家族苗族自治州

4)the Tujia nationality in Xiangxi湘西土家

1.This paper mainly discusses the origin of hand-waving song and dance,a unique custom ofthe Tujia nationality in Xiangxi(in the west of Hunan Province).摆手歌舞,是湘西土家族最具民族特色的习俗文化,它随土家族悠久的历史而源远流长,在不同的历史阶段又有其不同的艺术形态,并始终与土家民族的命运息息相关。

5)XiangXi Tujia language湘西土家语

1.A Typological Study ofXiangXi Tujia language;湘西土家语的类型学特征

6)Western Hubei Tujia鄂西土家族

1.Western Hubei Tujia Traditional Graphics Research and Enlightenment;鄂西土家族传统图形研究及启示


湘西土菜名称: 湘西土菜经营特色:地址: 女人街对面东方七彩大世界地段:营业时间: 10:00-22:30 服 务 费:乘车线路: 特3莱太下车 客 容 量:人均消费:50 停 车 位:
