2000字范文 > 汉译佛经偈颂 Chinese translation of Buddhist hymns英语短句 例句大全

汉译佛经偈颂 Chinese translation of Buddhist hymns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-19 10:09:10


汉译佛经偈颂 Chinese translation of Buddhist hymns英语短句 例句大全

汉译佛经偈颂,Chinese translation of Buddhist hymns

1)Chinese translation of Buddhist hymns汉译佛经偈颂

1.The study reveals that the close relationship between Dunhuang literature works and Buddhism fully demonstratesChinese translation of Buddhist hymns was the origin of the stylization features of Dunhuang literature.从中国文化传统的层面来看,汉译佛经偈颂这一行为,使《诗经》时代的口头诗学传统在经历了中古文学数百年的断层之后,重新在作家书面文学领域获得了部分的继承和发扬,而敦煌俗文学则正是沟通二者的一个重要环节。

2)the traslated Buddhism hymns翻译佛偈

3)Chinese translation of Buddhist Scriptures汉译佛经


1.Research on "Jian(见)" Passive Tense Sentences in the Sutras from Han to South-North Dynasty汉魏六朝汉译佛经“见”字式被动句研究

2.The Adscription About Words Translated by Meaning--Taking the Translation of the Chinese Buddhist Sutra for Example;试论意译词的归属——以汉译佛经中的意译词为例

3.The Zest of the Buddhist Scriptures--Notes on Tsa Pao Tsang Ching;汉译佛经故事的妙趣——《杂宝藏经》札记

4.4, to work on its comparison with Chinese Version of Buddhist Scripture.4、应加强与汉译佛经的对比研究。

5.The Impact of Chinese Translated Buddhist Scriptures to Youminglu and Xuanyanji;汉译佛经对《幽明录》、《宣验记》的影响

6.On Influence of the Early Chinese Translated Buddhist Sutra to Chinese Novel;初传汉译佛经对中国小说的影响研究

7.Chapter 2: the analysis of the narrative spatiotemporal of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms.第二章分析东汉三国汉译佛经的叙事时空。

8.In the Chinese version of Buddhist Scripture of Eastern Han Dynasty (东汉) and Three States (三国)pe-riod, Shao(烧) had completed the substitution of Fen(焚) and Fan(燔).东汉三国的汉译佛经中,“烧”对“焚、燔”的替代已完成。

9.Chapter 5: a brief discussion on the influence of the narrative of the Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture of Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms.第五章东汉三国汉译佛经叙事影响简论。

10.The added topic-shift markers in the Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures: A Sanskrit-Chinese comparative analysis of Saddharmapunda■ka-s■tra;汉译佛经中增译的话题转移标记——以《妙法莲华经》的梵汉对勘为基础

11.The Hallmarks and Value of the Chinese Version of the Buddhist Scriptures in the period of the "Three kingdoms三国汉译佛经的特点及其价值研究述评

12.The Study about Jataka and Nidana on the Narrative of Chinese-translated Buddhist Scriptures in Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynesties;魏晋南北朝汉译佛经本生因缘文学的叙事研究

13.The Medieval Translation of Buddihist Scriptures and the Motive of Bullion Exchange;中古汉译佛经与古代小说金银变化母题

14.The Term "Xichang" (Theatre):From India to China Historical Materials ofBuddhist Plays Contained in Chinese Translations of Buddhist Scriptures;“戏场”:从印度到中国——兼说汉译佛经中的梵剧史料

15.The description of the early Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture is embodied as the view of the surrealistic narrative spatiotemporal.东汉三国汉译佛经对时空的描述体现为超现实的叙事时空观。

16.The paper also reveals the great value of early Chinese version of Buddhist Scripture in the study of the history of Chinese vocabulary.同时也揭示了早期汉译佛经在汉语词汇史研究方面的重要价值。

17.The Study of the Operating Position and Developing of the Speech Verbs in the Chinese-translated Sutras before the West-jin (西晋) Dynasty;西晋以前汉译佛经中“说类词”使用情况及其发展演变研究

18.A Historical Review of Sutra s Chinese Translation and Buddhist Culture Dissemination;佛经汉译与佛教文化传播之历史考察


the traslated Buddhism hymns翻译佛偈

3)Chinese translation of Buddhist Scriptures汉译佛经

4)Sutra translation佛经汉译

1.This paper focuses on the issue of ideology by exploring the relationship between power and translation and tries to prove thatSutra translation into Chinese in the Tang Dynasty reveals that translation,especially religious translation,is under ideological constraints from the perspectives of translation policies,translators,and translation strategies.围绕权力和翻译的关系探究翻译中的意识形态问题,并试图证实这一论点:唐朝的佛经汉译表明翻译活动,特别是宗教文本的翻译,在翻译政策、译者和翻译策略方面受制于意识形态。

2.Analysis of the Impact of Power on Translation——Interpreting Sutra Translation in Tang Dynasty from the Ideological Point of View;本文围绕权力和翻译的关系探究翻译中的意识形态问题,并试图证实这一假设:唐朝的佛经汉译表明翻译活动,特别是宗教文本的翻译,在翻译政策、译者和翻译策略方面受制于意识形态。

5)Buddhist scriptures汉译佛经

1.ChineseBuddhist scriptures are of great value in studying the Chinese language.汉译佛经是汉语史研究的重要语料,对于比较缺少口语材料的中古汉语研究而言,显得弥足珍贵。

2.The author attempts to find more evidence about the cultural impact ofBuddhist scriptures,and to clear its origin from the concepts and themes about the translatedBuddhist scriptures.本文试图较为全面地探讨汉译佛经对《宣验记》和《幽明录》施以影响的实际状况,因而从观念和题材两个方面入手,以文献研究为基础,疏通汉译佛经与两部小说在上述方面的关联,通过考证与逻辑判断,以得出相关结论。


1.As a style of Buddhist scriptures, the characteristic ofGatha has been changed gradually with the advancing tide of history in the form of localization of infiltration.偈颂禅诗作为佛教经典中的文体形式,其诗性特征在历史潮流的推进中发生了与本土化互渗式的渐变。


