2000字范文 > 司法裁判困境 the dilemma of the juditial decision英语短句 例句大全

司法裁判困境 the dilemma of the juditial decision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 22:33:25


司法裁判困境 the dilemma of the juditial decision英语短句 例句大全

司法裁判困境,the dilemma of the juditial decision

1)the dilemma of the juditial decision司法裁判困境


1.In Pursuing Justice of Legal Argumentation and Juditial Decision:Reflection on the Dilemma of the Juditial Decision in the Transformative Era法律论证与司法裁判的正当性追求——转型中国语境下的司法裁判困境及其反思

2.The Finality of Our Justice System of the Present Difficulties and the Way out我国司法裁判终局性之现实困境与制度出路

3.Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment.判令指司法判决和裁定。

4.Research on System of Judicial Supervision in Commercial Arbitration;困境与出路:我国商事仲裁司法监督机制研究

5.Acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case.裁判权,司法权承认、认可或司法;案件的司法设想

6.the reference of questions from a court or magistrate to a Tribunal;法庭或裁判司将问题转交审裁处之办法;

7.On Perfect Channels to Legal Interpretation of Judicial Adjudication in China我国司法裁判中法律解释的完善途径

8.The Prediction Research of Corporate Financial Distress Based on the Multiple Discriminant Analysis;多重判别分析法下的上市公司财务困境预警研究

9.Autonomy of Corporations and Adjudication Tolerance:The Adjudicating Logics at the Backdrop of China s New Corporation Law;公司自治与裁判宽容——新《公司法》视野下的裁判思维

10.Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice少年司法裁判最低限度标准规则

11.Reform of the Document of the Criminal Judgment in the Perspective of the Judicial Justice;司法公正视域下的刑事裁判文书改革

12.The Orientation and Application of Public Policy in Judicial Adjudication;公共政策在司法裁判中的定位与适用

13.Court Verdict for Company Disbandment--Conflict and Unison between Judgment Right and Company Autonomy;法院判决公司解散——司法裁判权与公司自治的冲突与协调

14.Balancing,Rationality and Adjudication:A Survey of Chinese Classical Judicial Process;权、合理性与司法裁判——古典司法的一种样态考察

15.Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。

16.Officials include an umpire, service judges and linesmen.裁判人员包括主裁判、发球裁判和司线员。

17.The Supreme Court holds jurisdiction over lower court decision.最高法庭的司法审判权超越地方法院的裁定。

18.The Relationship of Legal Facts and Legal Norms in Judicial Decision;司法裁判中法律事实与法律规范的关系


judicial adjudication司法裁判

1.Between the Laws and the Facts——A nomologic anlysis on the process of ascertaining facts injudicial adjudication;在法律与事实之间——司法裁判中事实认定过程的法理分析

2.Therefore,it is feasible in practice for folk customs to introduce intojudicial adjudication.因此,将民俗习惯引入司法裁判过程有着现实的可行性。

3.The nature and feature of public policy require that, in thejudicial adjudication of judicial organs, the application strength of public policy in th.公共政策所表示的 ,乃是政府 (在某些时候也包括政党尤其是执政党 )在一定时期里为满足社会的某一需要所采取的一系列的行动目标或纲领 ,它也常常意味着与国家立法不一致的政府行动 ,是影响司法过程和司法裁判的重要因素。

3)judicial judgment司法裁判

1.The real significance ofjudicial judgment lies in the provision of opinion on how to settle a dispute.司法裁判的本质在于提出解决纠纷的处理意见。

2.From the perspective ofjudicial judgment, it refers to the fact that regulated by law, proved by the group of legal profession and the objective fact identified by the jurists in accordance with the legal .站在司法裁判的立场上来看,法律事实是由法律所规定的,被法律职业群体证明、由法官依据法律程序认定的"客观"事实。

3.It is certainly the choice for the judge to interpret legally in the course of his or herjudicial judgment in order to overcome the shortcomings of the laws and keep the justice of the jud.为了克服法律自身的缺陷,实现司法判决结果的公正,法官在司法裁判过程中进行法律解释就成为当然的选择。

4)administration of justice司法裁判

5)Judicial Dilemma司法困境

6)judicial decision character司法裁判性


司法1.官名。两汉有决曹﹑贼曹掾,主刑法。历代皆有。唐制在府曰法曹参军,在州曰司法参军。宋沿唐制,诸州置司法参军。元废。参阅《文献通考.职官十七》。 2.星官名。 3.现指检察机关或法院依照法律对民事﹑刑事案件进行侦察﹑审判。
