2000字范文 > 社会心理困境 Dilemmas of Social Psychologies英语短句 例句大全

社会心理困境 Dilemmas of Social Psychologies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 12:03:54


社会心理困境 Dilemmas of Social Psychologies英语短句 例句大全

社会心理困境,Dilemmas of Social Psychologies

1)Dilemmas of Social Psychologies社会心理困境

1.Dilemmas of Social Psychologies and Responses of the Social Work during the Social Transformation Period;转型期社会心理困境与社会工作的回应


1.Dilemmas of Social Psychologies and Responses of the Social Work during the Social Transformation Period;转型期社会心理困境与社会工作的回应

2.Social Aesthetic Psychology Study and Consideration about Movie s Predicament;社会审美心理研究与当前电影走出困境的思考

3.The Psychological Predicament and Outlet of the College Students from the Impoverished Families in the Circumstances of the Transitional Society;社会转型背景下高校贫困家庭学生的心理困境与出路

4."Dilemma of Fair" in the Transformational Time;我国社会转型期“公平困境”的理性审视

5.Theory of Social Situation:an Interpretation of Poverty;社会情境理论:贫困现象的另一种解释

6.On Social Psychological Conflict and Social Help for Those in Poverty;论城市贫困群体社会心理冲突与社会支持

munity Administration s Developing Process and Predicament in Social Exchange;社会转型中社区治理的发展历程与困境

8.The Dilemma of the Responsibility Ethics in the Risk Society and Its Theoretical Way Out;风险社会中责任伦理的困境及其理论出路

9.On the Ethical Implication and the Dilemma of the Theory of Social Reponsibility of the Mass Media论传媒社会责任理论的伦理意蕴及其困境

10.An Analysis on Dilemma of Theoretical Integration in Contemporary Western Sociology--Discussing on Theoretical Meaning of Social Interconstructionism当代西方社会学理论整合困境的透析——兼谈社会互构论的理论意义

11.The Research of the Legal Aid in the Social Governing: Difficuity and Settlement;社会治理中法律援助的困境与对策研究

12.An Ethical Criticism of the Dilemma of CSR fulfillment in China;我国企业社会责任推行困境之伦理批判

13.NGO and social governance:function,troubles and resolution;非政府组织与社会治理:作用、困境及其出路


15.China s Social Transformation and the Subjective Dilemma of Economic Ethic;中国的社会转型与经济伦理的主体困境

16.Predicament and Outlet for Introduction of Marketing Ideas into the Agencies of Social Service;社会服务机构引入市场营销理念的困境及出路

17.Plight in Changes and Practice of Ownership Theory by Swedish Social Democratic Party瑞典社会民主党所有制理论嬗变与实践困境

18.Theoretical Dilemma on the Effective Participation to the Democracy Political Construction of New Social Stratum新社会阶层有序参与民主政治建设的理论困境


social dilemma社会困境

1.The most important factor embarrassing knowledge transfer is the individual s behavior to take the knowledge as private assets, which has been entitled as thesocial dilemma in knowledge sharing.阻碍知识转移的最重要因素是个体出于自利目的而引发的对知识"私有化"行为,这就是知识共享中的"社会困境"。

2.This paper firstly points out the defaults of the classical game theory while modeling thesocial dilemma.“社会困境”问题一直是博弈论研究的热点问题之一,但是经典博弈理论针对这一问题在建模时存在着诸多不足。

3)mental predicament心理困境

4)social psychological environment社会心理环境

1.With the methods of documentary review and expert interview,the composition ofsocial psychological environment in school sports and the cultivation of students adaptation ability are researched,in order to make it clear the value ofsocial psychological environment and make more education workers attach importance to the construction ofsocial psychological environment.运用文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法对学校体育社会心理环境的构成及学生适应能力的培养进行阐述,目的在于进一步明确学校体育社会心理环境的价值,让更多的教育工作者重视学校体育社会心理环境建设的重要性。

2.To optimizesocial psychological environment for them,we should enrich campus culture,establish campus network filtering system,offer optional course of situational policy,promote their cognitive ability,take advantage of multi-media positive propaganda and give full play to its educational role.优化大学生社会心理环境,应丰富校园文化生活,建立校园网过滤系统,开设形势政策选修课,提高其认知能力,充分利用媒体的正面宣传,发挥其教育导向作用。

5)social psychology environment社会心理环境

1.To construct goodsocial psychology environment is the guarantee of juvenile athletes growth.运动员成长既受制于物质环境也受制于社会心理环境,少年运动员由于处于特殊的生理心理发展阶段,社会心理环境对他们的成长尤其显得重要,营造良好的社会心理环境是促进少年运动员成才的重要保障。

2.Within all the social factors,social psychology environment is a significant one which has effect on technological invention.在与技术发明密切相关的社会因素中,社会心理环境是一个重要方面,它对技术发明的产生、实施、推广和应用起着不可忽视的影响和作用。

6)psychosocial environment心理社会环境


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
