2000字范文 > 永磁电动机 Permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

永磁电动机 Permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-12 08:19:50


永磁电动机 Permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

永磁电动机,Permanent magnet motor

1)Permanent magnet motor永磁电动机

1.Application of sensorless permanent magnet motors to variable-frequency air conditioners;基于无位置传感器的永磁电动机在变频空调中应用的研究进展

2.Cogging torque is one of the main concerns of permanent magnet motor.齿槽转矩的削弱一直是永磁电动机研究的重点之一。

3.An analytical technique by way of partial differential equations is presented in this paper to analysis the magnetic field in air gap of the surface mounted permanent magnet motors.解析法计算精度高,易于在计算机上实现,为永磁电动机的设计和优化提供了有力的工具。


1.Study on Passive Magnet Suspension Single-Phase Self-Starting Permanent Synchronous Motor;被动磁悬浮单相自起动永磁电动机的研究

puter Aided Design of Halbach Permanent Magnet Motor;Halbach永磁电动机的计算机辅助设计

3.permanent magnet DC brushless motor永磁直流无刷电动机

4.permanent-magnet stepping motor永久磁铁步级电动机

5.miniature magnetic DC motor微型永磁直流电动机

6.low-speed magneto synchronous motor永磁式低速同步电动机

7.Finite Element Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机电磁场的有限元分析

8.Research on Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;永磁同步电动机磁场定向控制的研究

9.Research on Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Machine and Its Control System;横向磁场永磁电机及其驱动系统研究

10.Design and Research of Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor横向磁通永磁同步电动机设计与研究

11.The Analysis and Calculation of Magnetic Field for the Rotor of PM Synchronous Motor永磁同步电动机转子磁场分析与计算

12.Direct flux control of permanent magnet synchronous motors based on MTPF基于MTPF永磁同步电动机直接磁链控制

13.Magnetic Field Analysis of Halbach Array for PMLSM永磁直线同步电动机Halbach阵列磁场分析

14.3-D analysis of eddy current losses in permanent PMSM magnets永磁同步电动机中永磁体的三维涡流分析

15.Calculation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Field in Line-start PMSM;自起动永磁同步电动机的电磁场计算与分析

16.Two-dimension Dynamic Electromagnetic Field Computing Software of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;永磁同步电动机二维动态电磁场计算软件

17.Research on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise for Low-Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor小功率永磁同步电动机电磁振动与噪声研究

18.Research of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Starter/Generator System;永磁无刷直流电机起动/发电系统研究


PM motor永磁电动机

1.The structure and characteristics of thePM motor of outer-rotor were introduced,and the space vector control system was designed,using the high performance DSP.介绍了外转子永磁电动机结构及其特点,并应用高性能电动机控制DSP,设计了电动机的矢量控制系统,电动机转矩和控制性能良好。

3)permanent-magnet motor永磁电动机

1.New types of technique based on such factors,such as specialpermanent-magnet motors and automatic voltage regulation transformer for beam pumping units,ultra-low speed motors,were tested in 497 oil wells.针对抽油机的特殊工况,分析了近几年国内在抽油机上应用的各类节能产品的特点,指出了影响抽油机系统效率的最主要因素;根据主要因素优选了新的节能技术(新研制的抽油机专用永磁电动机、抽油机专用自动调压变压器、超低速电机)在4 97口井上进行了试验,试验结果说明:只有对影响抽油机系统效率的主要因素进行整体改造,而不是单一节能技术的应用,才是提高系统效率的最有效途径。

2.And thepermanent-magnet motor becomes the most compose of electric propulsion by its advantage.另外,由于永磁电动机的优点,使其成为船舶电力推进的重要组成。



2.Sensorless Control System forPMSM Based on Sliding Mode Technique;一种基于滑模观测器的低速大转矩永磁同步电动机无传感器控制方法研究

3.Full Sliding Mode Control ofPMSM;永磁同步电动机的完全滑模变结构控制

5)permanent magnet synchronous motor永磁同步电动机

1.Controlling chaos inpermanent magnet synchronous motor via sliding mode scheme;永磁同步电动机中混沌运动的滑模变结构控制

2.Study on control ofpermanent magnet synchronous motor based on DSP;基于DSP的永磁同步电动机控制系统的研究

3.Based on neural networkpermanent magnet synchronous motor speed system simulation;基于神经网络永磁同步电动机调速系统的仿真研究


1.The large influence of load disturbances and parameter changes onPMLSM servo system was resolved by robust control strategy.为了解决永磁直线电动机伺服系统中负载扰动及参数变化对系统性能影响较大的问题,采用了鲁棒控制方法。

2.When permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) drives directly numerically- controlled machine tools, because of the break of permanent magnet linear motor armature iron core and discontinuity of stator winding, there are some uncertainties as end effect, parameter perturbations and nonlinear etc.永磁直线同步电动机直接驱动数控机床时,由于永磁直线电动机电枢铁心的开断和定子绕组的不连续,存在端部效应、参数摄动以及非线性等不确定性因素。


