2000字范文 > 藏民族传统体育 Tibetan traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

藏民族传统体育 Tibetan traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-02 01:21:02


藏民族传统体育 Tibetan traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

藏民族传统体育,Tibetan traditional sports

1)Tibetan traditional sports藏民族传统体育

1.Tibet is rich in natural resources which makes Tibetan traditional cultures various and abundant,among whichTibetan traditional sports should be a bright pearl.藏民族传统体育具有悠久的历史,坚实的群众基础,丰富多彩的内容和重要的历史、经济、文化、健身的学术研究价值,巨大的发展优势。


1.Discussion on Traditional Tibetan Festivals and Traditional Tibetan P. E. Culture;藏族传统节日与藏民族传统体育文化的探讨

2.On Introducing Tibetan Traditional Sports into Physical Education of Tibetan Universities藏民族传统体育项目引入西藏高校体育课教学的探讨

3.Opportunities and Cultural Values of Tibetan Traditional Sports藏民族传统体育文化的价值和面临的机遇

4.On the Role of Tibetan National Traditional Sports in Constructing a Harmonious Tibetan Society西藏民族传统体育在构建和谐西藏社会中的作用探讨

5.Analysis on Development and Innovation of Zang s Traditional Physical Culture during Social Transformation;略论社会转型期藏民族传统体育文化的发展与创新

6.Traditional sports have been held extensively in Tibet too.西藏的民族传统体育活动也得到广泛开展。

7.Tibet Area National Tradition Sports Present Situation Investigation and Study西藏地区民族传统体育现状的调查研究

8.Connotation and Aesthetic Value in Tibetan Traditional Sports Culture;藏族传统体育的文化意涵及美学价值

9.To Discuss Immanent Character and Development of Traditional Sports Culture of Tibetan;藏族传统体育文化的地域特征与开发

10.The Culture Character and Value Development of National Traditional Sports for the Tibetan Nationality藏族传统体育的文化特征及价值开发

11.Explored of each other use and developed of Folk traditional festival and folk tradition sport;民族传统节日与民族传统体育互动式发展探索

12.Research on the Effect of Tibetan Traditional Sports over the Overall Recovery of Tibetan Tourism藏族传统体育对西藏旅游全面恢复的作用研究

13.Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China;民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值

14.on Demos as the Protecting Subject of Ethnic Traditional Sports;论作为保护民族传统体育主体的民众

15.Leisure Sports and the Development of Our Traditional Sports;休闲体育与我国民族传统体育的发展

16.The Relationship Between the Traditional Minority. Nationality Sports and the Modern Athletic Sports;民族传统体育与现代竞技体育的关系

17.The Value of Nationality Traditional Sports on College Sports谈民族传统体育在高校体育中的价值

18.Study into the Model Construction for the Traditional Sports Development of Yi Nationality彝族民族传统体育发展模式构建研究


traditional Tibetan P. E. culture藏民族传统体育文化

1.Related to factors as traditional Tibetan festivals,Tibetan people s thought,affection,moral,trend,behavior,habit as well as religious belief,this paper holds that the value and connotation of traditional Tibetan P.文章从藏族传统节日与藏族人民的思想、感情、道德、风尚、行为、习惯以及宗教信仰等相连的因素出发,认为藏民族传统体育文化的价值与内涵,是以传统节日的形式表现出来的,传统节日是藏民族传统体育文化发展、传承的载体。

3)the Tibetan traditional physical education藏族传统体育

1.This article explores the major factors of howthe Tibetan traditional physical education formed and its characteristics to bring to light the law of the development of the minority nationalities physical education.本文通过对藏族传统体育形成之要素及其特点的探析,揭示我国民族体育发展的规律,旨在正确认识民族体育在整个社会主义体育事业中的地位和作用,以便更好的传承发展。

4)traditional national sports民族传统体育

1.Moderntraditional national sports theory system and practice;现代民族传统体育理论体系与实践内容的研究

2.Exploration of the development oftraditional national sports discipline from the perspective of its history and current state;从历史与现状探析民族传统体育学科的发展

3.Some reflections about advancing the sports for all in China by expanding thetraditional national sports;民族传统体育与我国当代大众体育事业发展的若干问题思考

5)national traditional sports民族传统体育

1.Theoretical base ofnational traditional sports specialties;论民族传统体育学学科的理论基础

2.Analysis of Scientific Researchers and Time and Space of National Traditional Sports in China;论民族传统体育研究的核心作者与时空分布

3.Research on Specialty Curriculum-setting of National Traditional Sports;民族传统体育专业课程设置研究

6)traditional sports民族传统体育

1.Undergraduate curricula structural system of Chinesetraditional sports in universities;对民族传统体育专业本科课程结构体系的探讨

2.Strategies on opening up moretraditional sports events in institutes and universities;更多民族传统体育项目走进高校的战略思考

3.Analysis on Traditional Sports Curriculum Effects on Building Sports Culture in Universities;论民族传统体育课程对高校体育文化建设的影响


