2000字范文 > 中华民族传统体育 Chinese traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

中华民族传统体育 Chinese traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-08 06:20:49


中华民族传统体育 Chinese traditional sports英语短句 例句大全

中华民族传统体育,Chinese traditional sports

1)Chinese traditional sports中华民族传统体育

1.OnChinese traditional sports modernization;“中华民族传统体育现代化”辨析

2.Tracing sports traditions——Also a study of the modernization ofChinese traditional sports;追问体育元典——兼论中华民族传统体育的现代化

3.With the background of globalization,Chinese traditional sports are confronted with integrative threats,but from the other angle of view,globalization has global pluralistic cultura中华民族传统体育在全球化背景下面临着一体化的威胁,同时我们也应该看到全球化的另一个侧面,这就是全球化的文化多元性。


1.Scientific spirit and the modernization of traditional Chinese national sport;科学精神与中华民族传统体育现代化

2.Research on the Development Tendency of the Ethnic and Traditional Sport in 21st Century;21世纪中华民族传统体育的发展方向

3.The value trend of traditional physical education of the Chinese nation21世纪中华民族传统体育的价值取向

4.The Traditional Chinese Mode of Thinking of Sports Health中华民族传统体育养生思想模式研究

5.On the transformation of nationwide Traditional Minority National Games into "Traditional Chinese National Games";论全国少数民族传统体育运动会向“中华民族传统体育运动会”转型

6.Tracing sports traditions--Also a study of the modernization of Chinese traditional sports追问体育元典——兼论中华民族传统体育的现代化

7.Study on the mutually promoting development of physical education and Chinese traditional sports;中华民族传统体育与学校体育互动发展研究

8.Spread of the traditional culture of Chinese sport in network times试论网络时代中华民族传统体育文化的传播

9.Globalization and the Spread and Protection of Chinese Traditional Sports;全球化与中华民族传统体育传承和保护

10.Study on Modern Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Sports from the Angle of Cultural Changes从文化变迁看当代中华民族传统体育的传承

11.Research on the Selection of Social Culture of Chinese Nationality Traditional Sport Development中华民族传统体育发展的社会文化选择

12.A brief talk on the relationship between the Chinese traditional sport and the Olympic games中华民族传统体育与现代奥林匹克运动的关系

13.View on Value of Chinese National Traditional Sports from the Angle of Structural Function从结构功能角度看中华民族传统体育的价值

14.Confusion of Modern Chinese National Traditional Sports Development蒸腾与困窘:当代中华民族传统体育发展之惑

15.On Chinese Traditional Sports and Human Beings All-round Harmonious Development;中华民族传统体育与人的全面和谐发展

16.Speech World of Traditional Chinese Physical Education and Its Modern Influence;中华民族传统体育的话语世界及其现代影响

17.On the Development of Chinese Nation Traditional Sports Development Under the Globalization Background;全球化背景下中华民族传统体育发展之刍议

18.Study on Tendency and Status quo of Chinese Traditional Sports Culture;论中华民族传统体育文化的现状及其走向


Chinese national sport中华民族体育

1.Diachronic resistance of local cultures toChinese national sports——by taking Chinese Wushu for example;本土文化对中华民族体育的历时性阻力——以中华武术为例

3)traditional sports of China中国民族传统体育

1.On developing tendency oftraditional sports of China under background of modern sports;中国民族传统体育的发展及其走势

4)traditional Chinese physical culture中国民族传统体育文化

5)zhongguo shɑoshu minzu chuɑntong tiyu中国少数民族传统体育

6)traditional national sports民族传统体育

1.Moderntraditional national sports theory system and practice;现代民族传统体育理论体系与实践内容的研究

2.Exploration of the development oftraditional national sports discipline from the perspective of its history and current state;从历史与现状探析民族传统体育学科的发展

3.Some reflections about advancing the sports for all in China by expanding thetraditional national sports;民族传统体育与我国当代大众体育事业发展的若干问题思考


北京中华民族园北京中华民族园,是集中国少数民族的传统建筑、民族风情,歌舞表演,工艺制作以及民族美食为一体的大型民族文化园地。 全园占地45公顷,分南北两园,北园已建成开放,占地20公顷。北园内建有民族村寨十六个,包括藏族、苗族、彝族、侗族、台湾高山族,朝鲜族、布依族、哈尼族、羌族,傣族,景颇族、达斡尔族、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、赫哲族等景区。园内建有国内最大伯铸铁雕塑以及仿真的热带榕树林、水中溶洞,土林、盘龙瀑布,沧源岩画、阿里山神木等。南园正在建设中,主要有民族博物馆和雕塑广场等大型设施,以及二十余个民族村寨。全部建筑均采用1比1的比例,真实再现各个民族的文化遗存。游人在参观民族村寨时,还可欣赏和参与各民族的歌舞、节庆、生产、习俗。竞技和技艺等表演活动,从而获得中华民族独具特色的文化艺术享受。地址:国家奥林匹克体育中心西侧
