2000字范文 > 液氯钢瓶 Liquid chlorine cylinder英语短句 例句大全

液氯钢瓶 Liquid chlorine cylinder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-07 05:20:58


液氯钢瓶 Liquid chlorine cylinder英语短句 例句大全

液氯钢瓶,Liquid chlorine cylinder

1)Liquid chlorine cylinder液氯钢瓶

1.Safety control on the liquid chlorine cylinder;抓好液氯钢瓶的安全管理

2.By analysis of valve fault type and causes of liquid chlorine cylinder,this paper offers proper operation methods and counter-measures in use,filling and inspection processes.通过对液氯钢瓶瓶阀故障类型、原因的分析,提出了在钢瓶使用、充装、检验过程中适当的操作方法和对策。


1.Mechanism Analysis of the Crevice Corrosion of Liquid Chlorine Steel Cylinders and Protection Methods液氯钢瓶缝隙腐蚀的机理分析及防范措施

2.Valves for liquid chlorine cylindersGB13439-1992液氯瓶阀

3.Hydrogen chloride is a liquefied compressed gas. The cylinder contains both liquid and gas.氯化氢是一种液化压缩气体。钢瓶同时装有液体和气体。

4.Liquefied petroleum gas cylindersGB5842-1996液化石油气钢瓶

5.In the cylinders, the gas under pressure exists as a liquid.在钢瓶内,高压下的二氧化碳是液态的。

6.Welded steel cylinders for liquefied propylene and propane gasesGB17673-1999液化丙烯、丙烷钢质焊接气瓶

7.Liquefied petroleum gas steel minicylindersGB15380-1994小容积液化石油气钢瓶

8.Periodic inspection and evaluation of liquefied petroleum gas cylindersGB8334-1987液化石油气钢瓶定期检验与评定

9.Steel cylinders for the liquefied petroleum gasGB17259-1998机动车用液化石油气钢瓶

10.A typical cryogenic liquid cylinder is depicted in Fig. 2.典型的低温液体钢瓶如图2所示。

11.Discussion about Fire Fighting and Rescue Technology of Liquefied Gas Cylinder (Tanker)浅谈液化气钢瓶(罐)灭火抢险技术

12.The cylinder pressure will remain constant at the vapor pressure of the material as long as there is any liquid remaining in the cylinder.只要在钢瓶内还有液体,钢瓶的压力就会保持在材料的蒸气压。

13.Study on the Energy-saving in Process of Thin Alkali Liquid Evaporation in the Chlor-alkali Factory of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company;攀钢氯碱厂淡碱液蒸发过程节能研究

14.Research on Corrosion of Chlorine Ion in Emulsion to Strip Steel乳化液中氯离子对带钢腐蚀作用研究

15.The types of containers in use include the dewar, cryogenic liquid cylinder, and cryogenic storage tank.使用中的容器类型包括杜瓦瓶、低温液体钢瓶和低温储存罐。

16.The liquid is pushed from the cylinder by the vapor pressure of the product. As the liquid is removed, it increases the volume of the vapor space of the cylinder.产品的蒸气压把液体推出钢瓶。在液体被提取后,它增加了钢瓶蒸气空间的体积。

17.The Characteristics of and Countermeasures to Deal with Liquefied Gas Steel Tank Explosion Accidents;液化气钢瓶爆炸事故的特征分析及安全对策

18.The Development of Managenment and Control in LPG Cylinder Filling System液化石油气钢瓶灌装计算机监控管理系统开发


chlorine cylinder液氯瓶

3)liquefied gas cylinder液化气钢瓶

1.This paper introduces the design goal of the permanent identificatio n and informatization management system forliquefied gas cylinder, discusses th e feasibility and operability of this system, analyses its compatibility extensi on and security, and puts forward the topological structure of informatization m anagement system network forliquefied gas cylinder.介绍了液化气钢瓶永久性标识及信息化管理系统的设计目的,论述了系统的可行性和可操作性,分析了系统的兼容扩充性和安全性,并给出了液化气钢瓶信息化管理系统网络的拓扑结构。

4)Valves for liquid chlorine cylindersGB 13439-1992 液氯瓶阀

5)LPG cylinder液化石油气钢瓶

1.Technical discussion on periodic survey and evaluation ofLPG cylinders;液化石油气钢瓶定期检验与评定的技术探讨

2.The burn technique testing inLPG cylinder inspection was simply introduced,The economical benefit was analyzed,and the structure and type of burn furnace was disussed.简介液化石油气钢瓶检验焚烧工艺试验、综合经济分析 ,探讨了焚烧炉的型式结构及选

6)management of steel bottle of liquefied petroleum gas液化气钢瓶管理

1.Aimed at some problems inmanagement of steel bottle of liquefied petroleum gas,based on the technology of the wireless signal communication,a full solution,the comprehensive administrative system of steel bottle of liquefied gas based on Mobitex technology,is proposed.针对液化气钢瓶管理中存在的实际问题,基于先进的无线数据通信技术,提出了一个解决方案———基于Mobitex技术的液化气钢瓶综合管理系统。


