2000字范文 > 法律许可 permitted by law英语短句 例句大全

法律许可 permitted by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-10 17:41:11


法律许可 permitted by law英语短句 例句大全

法律许可,permitted by law

1)permitted by law法律许可

1.In fact, investigation right of legal meaning can t be enjoyed by the individual in our country; the litigant can only be engaged in investigating activitypermitted by law, which doesn t encroach on relevantly lawful rights and interests of citizen.在我国,法定意义的侦查权是不能由私人享有的,当事人只能在法律许可范围内从事不侵害公民合法权益的相关调查活动。


1.Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by law自由就是做法律许可做的事情的权力

2.Not permitted or governed by law.未经法律许可的或批准的

3.in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted厉的民事及刑事制裁,并将在法律许可

4.civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.并将在法律许可的范围内受到最大可能的起诉。

5.You know I always operate inside the law.你知道我总是在法律许可范围内行事的。

6.” A statutory license is a license whose key terms are set by law.法定许可的关键术语由法律确立。

7.In the capitalist countries a lawyer might find a hundred ways to get round the law.在资本主义国家里,一个律师可以找到许许多多办法来规避法律。

8.Laws can be classified in many ways too.法律还可以用许多方式来分类。

9.We need the sanction of the law to hunt in this place.我们在这地方打猎需要有法律的许可。

10.Study on Legal Issues of Electronic Self-help in Software License;软件许可中电子自助之法律问题研究

11.The Law Questions about Lighting Right Disputes over the Licensed Building;规划许可建筑采光权纠纷的法律问题

12.Several Aspects About Legal System of Administrative Permission;行政许可法律制度若干理论问题研究

13.Research on Regulating Abuse of Patent in Patent Licensing by Law专利许可中权利滥用的法律规制研究

14.Research on the Legal Status for Chinese Lawyers in the Hearing Proceedings Concerning Public Interest-related Administrative Licensing中国律师在公益行政许可听证中法律地位研究

15.Licensee"s personnel shall abide by the laws of Licensor"s country and the regulations of Licensor"s factory during their stay in Licensor"s country.被许可方接受培训人员在许可方国家期间应遵守许可方国家的法律和许可方工厂的规章制度。

16.American law ordinarily calls this a“ compulsory license,” but I will refer to it as a“ statutory license.美国法律界通常称其为“强制许可”,但是我更愿意称其为“法定许可”。

17.The Legal Nature and the Force Effect of License Revocation;撤销许可的法律性质及效力研究——以撤销司法鉴定许可为例

18.Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing.特许,许可官方或法律上允许做或占有某一特定事物


authorized by law经法律许可

3)legal permission system法律许可制度

1.Suggestions are offered to strengthen the management and supervision in drug using by applyinglegal permission system.本文对医疗机构、计划生育技术服务机构使用药品的现状与存在问题进行了分析,提出了管理对策,建议实行使用药品法律许可制度。

4)within the law合法;在法律许可范围内

5)Legal relation subject of the administrative licensing行政许可法律关系主体

6)legal system of administrative permission行政许可法律制度


