2000字范文 > 依法治税 taxation by law英语短句 例句大全

依法治税 taxation by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-22 13:11:51


依法治税 taxation by law英语短句 例句大全

依法治税,taxation by law

1)taxation by law依法治税

1.Thetaxation by law is the basic, issue of performing tax assignment in new era.依法治税是新时期做好税收工作的基本点。


1.Thoughts of Promoting Law-based Tax Administration Guided by the Tragedy of Governing the Country by Law;依法治国方略下推进依法治税的思考

2."We should, according to law, levy taxes, tighten tax collection and management, and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud."加强依法治税,强化税收征管,严厉打击偷税漏税。

3.Administer Tax by Moral--the Further Support and Supplement of Administer Tax by Law;以德治税——对依法治税的进一步支持和补充

4.Study on the Construetion a Law-basedtax under the Democratic Environment;民主情境下的我国依法治税工作研究

5.Study on the Rational Anticipation and Realistic Diversity of Taxation by Law;依法治税的理性预期和现实差异研究

6.Goncepts and Regulations:Deep Analyses on Tax Governance by Law;理念与规则:关于依法治税的深层分析

7.We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration, so that all taxes due are collected, and tax evasion and fraud are prevented.严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞"跑、冒、滴、漏"。

8.The Main Questions of Nowadays Governing Tax by Law and Measures of It;当前依法治税面临的主要问题及强化措施

9.Circular of the State Council Concerning Strengthening Tax Administration by Law and Reaffirming Taxation Powers国务院关于加强依法治税严格税收管理权限的通知

10.Reforming Tax System to Realize Ruling Tax According to Law;改革税收计划管理体制是实现依法治税的根本保证

11.Improve Revenue Service,Promote Revenue Management By Law--the Second Stage Research About Revenue New《collection and management law》 and Its《implement provision》;完善纳税服务,促进依法治税——实施税收新《征管法》及其《实施细则》研究之二

12.They will run their business according to the law and pay taxes as required by relevant regulations.它们依法经营,照章纳税。

13.On the Right Viewpoint of Rule by Law;依法治国的正确理念——依好法治国

14.The set up of harmonious society which cans not get away from taxation needs trustworthiness in paying tax by law.和谐社会的构建离不开税收,需要依法诚信纳税。

15.Recognition of ldeas About Administering a Country by Law and Morality;对依法治国与依德治国思想的再认识

16.Article28 Public accounting firms shall pay taxes according to law.第二十八条会计师事务所依法纳税。

17.A sole proprietorship enterprise shall fulfill its obligation to pay tax in accordance with the law.个人独资企业应当依法履行纳税义务。

18.Performing the Government s Right by Law Is an EfficientWay to Carry Out“Fee into Tax”;论依法行政是推行费改税的有效途径


controlling tax by law依法治税

1.The restrictive mechanism for perfecting tax right is the need of the economic development of the socialist primary phase, the need ofcontrolling tax by law and it is also an important part of our tax system reform.税收权力是需要受到制约的,完善税收权力的制约机制是社会主义初级阶段市场经济发展的要求,是依法治税的需要,也是税制改革的重要内容。

3)On the Control of Tax According to the Laws论依法治税

4)On Administrating Taxation by Law依法治税论要

5)Exploring the Improvement of Administering Tax Work by Law完善依法治税新探

6)tax payment according to law依法纳税

1.Through the analysis on several problems existing in our country s current individual income tax system, this paper expounds the importance of establishing the consciousness of makingtax payment according to law and punishing severely the people of evading taxes,and puts forward some countermeasures for preventing the leakage of individual income tax.通过对我国现行个人所得税制存在的若干问题的分析,阐述了树立依法纳税观念、严惩偷逃税款者的重要性,提出了防止个人所得税流失的对策。


