2000字范文 > 锡青铜 tin bronze英语短句 例句大全

锡青铜 tin bronze英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-30 12:40:26


锡青铜 tin bronze英语短句 例句大全

锡青铜,tin bronze

1)tin bronze锡青铜

1.Centrifugal Casting Technology for HighQuality Tin Bronze Sleeve;离心铸造优质锡青铜套筒工艺

2.Evaluation of uncertainty in the determination of Sn intin bronze by photoelectric direct reading spectrometry光电直读光谱分析法测定锡青铜中锡不确定度的评定

3.The effects of Zn, Sn on properties and microstructure of vacuum castingtin bronze were studied.用相同质量的锌代替部分锡,研究了Zn、Sn对真空铸造锡青铜合金性能和组织结构的影响。


1.plastic metal bearing alloys塑性高锡青铜轴承合金

2.Bronze tube for pressure-gaugeGB/T8892-1988压力表用锡青铜管

3.Study on Lateral Compression Pressing of Tin Bronze for Continuous Extrusion基于连续挤压的锡青铜侧向挤压研究

4.Evaluation of uncertainty in the determination of Sn in tin bronze by photoelectric direct reading spectrometry光电直读光谱分析法测定锡青铜中锡不确定度的评定

5.Casting Technology of Producting ZCuSn10Pb5 Bush With Half-Coherer Method采用半金属型法生产锡青铜衬套的铸造工艺

6.Stress Calculation of Dual Metal Squeeze Casting of the 45 Steel and Tin-lead Bronze45~#钢-铅锡青铜双金属挤压铸造压力的计算

7.Doing a lot of experiments, we have developed a new antimony bronze which possesses better property than tin bronze and hence is an exellent substitute.经过大量试验,研制出具有良好综合性能的新型锑青铜材料,是目前替代锡青铜材料的理想材料。

8.This is a mixture of copper and tin.青铜是铜和锡的混合物。

9.Tin-zinc-lead-bronze sheetsGB/T2049-1980锡锌铅青铜板

10.Tin-zinc-lead-bronze stripsGB/T2067-1980锡锌铅青铜带

11.bronze with 3 or 4 parts copper to 1 part tin; used in making bells.含或分铜分锡的青铜,用于制钟。

12.We fuse copper and tin to make bronze.我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。

13.Research on High-performance Tin Phosphorus Bronze C5210 Copper高性能锡磷青铜C5210铜箔研究

14.What bronze uses is not brass,but red copper and the alloy of plumbum and stannic.青铜所用的不是黄铜,是红铜和铅、锡的合金。

15.Any of various alloys of copper and tin in various proportions, sometimes with traces of other metals.青铜,铜锡合金一种不同比例的铜锡合金,有时加入微量的其它金属

16.the bronze-age culture of Mycenae 1400-1100 BC.公元前1400-1100麦锡尼在青铜时代的文明。

17.The value of alloys was discovered in very ancient times; Brass (copper and zinc) and Bronze (copper and tin) were especially important.在古代就发现合金的价值,以黄铜(铜锌合金)和青铜(铜锡合金)为尤。

18.Copper and tin and their alloy, bronze, were by far the most important.铜、锡以及二者的合金──青铜是顶顶重要的金属;



1.Small Caliber Tin-bronze Ring in Centrifugal Casting离心铸造锡青铜小口径涨圈

2.The experimental investigation of the diffusion bonding of titanium alloy(Ti-6Al-4V) totin-bronze(ZQSn10-10) was carried out.对钛合金Ti-6A l-4V与锡青铜ZQSn10-10异种金属扩散连接进行了试验研究。

3.The experimental investigation of the diffusion bonding of titanium alloy(Ti-6Al-4V) to Tin-bronze (ZQSn10-10) in vacuum was carried out by using pure copper as the transition metal.采用纯铜(Cu)箔作中间过渡层在真空下对钛合金Ti-6Al-4V与锡青铜ZQSn10-10异种材料进行扩散连接。


1.Analysis of Defects and Prevention Measures ofBronze Impeller;锡青铜叶轮的铸造缺陷分析和改进措施

2.To catch up with the production technology of tempered bead wire with chemical plating bronze,the internal advanced line for the product is introduced.跟踪化镀锡青铜回火胎圈钢丝生产技术 ,介绍具有国内先进生产技术水平的化镀锡青铜胎圈钢丝生产线 ,该生产线DV值为 10 0 ,可生产 0 。

3.Plating bronze by chemical displacement on bead wire has been placed in “The Tenth Five Years Plan”about steel wire products science and technology development.胎圈钢丝的化学置换镀锡青铜已列入“十五”金属制品科技发展建议。

4)Sn-P bronze锡磷青铜

1.An analysis of the "blue zone" or "blue spot" onSn-P bronze strip surface;锡磷青铜锭坯表面“蓝带”、“蓝斑”形成原因探讨

2.Sn-P bronze is an elastic copper-based alloy with the requirements of high accurate of dimension,good surface quality,excellent shape of strip and properties for production.锡磷青铜作为广泛应用的弹性合金材料,生产上要求其尺寸精度高、表面质量好、板形和性能优良。

3.By using plasma arc method anSn-P bronze hardfacing formed on steel 25,which contains more strengthening phases.25钢基体锡磷青铜合金粉末等离子孤喷焊层,含有较多的强化相,与镀铬轮组成摩擦副,耐磨损性能明显优于由QA19-4青铜和镀铬轮组成的摩擦副。

5)phosphor bronze锡磷青铜

1.The cause for the fracture ofphosphor bronze strip during rapid cooling for removing the scales on its surface is studied.阐述了在实际生产过程中,因大量使用镀白旧料生产锡磷青铜带材,在急冷破鳞时易出现开裂现象及其产生的原因。

2.The appearance of bluish streaks and spots on the surface of horizontally cast slab ofphosphor bronze is described and the cause of the phenomenon is explored.阐述了生产过程中锡磷青铜带材易出现的“蓝带”、“蓝斑”现象以及其产生的原因。

3.The phenomenon of the bluish spots formed during production on the surface ofphosphor bronze strip is described and the influence of the formation of inverse segregation and the crystallizer discussed.论述了锡磷青铜板带材生产过程中出现的蓝斑现象,探讨了形成反偏析的机理及结晶器表面状况对蓝斑现象的影响。

6)tin-bronze rod锡青铜棒


