2000字范文 > 文化处境 cultural situation英语短句 例句大全

文化处境 cultural situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 13:06:52


文化处境 cultural situation英语短句 例句大全

文化处境,cultural situation

1)cultural situation文化处境


1.The cultural dilemma of Chen Yun in Six Chapters of A Floating Life试论《浮生六记》陈芸两难的文化处境

2.Cultural Conflict and Accommodation --on view of campus culture in network culture;文化冲突与调适——论网络文化处境中的校园文化视野

3.Identity:Introspection of China s Cultural Situation and Problems under Globalization--Talk from Several Cultural Events Occured in the Near Future;文化身份:中国全球化文化处境与问题反思——从近期发生的几个文化事件谈起

4.The Plight of Western Romanticism in Chinese Culture--With Regard to Debate on Rousseau Between Liang Shiqiu and Yu Dafu;西方浪漫主义的中国文化处境——从梁实秋与郁达夫的“卢梭之争”说起

5.The Embarrassing Situation of Li Bai Culture in the Context of the Post-modern Culture后现代主义文化语境下李白文化的尴尬处境

6.On the Situation and Destiny of Chinese Literary Classics in the Context of Consumptive Society;消费文化语境中文学经典的处境和命运

7.The Dilemma of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory in the Context of Globalization;全球化语境下当代汉语文论的两难处境

8.The Dilemma of Cultural Relativism in Comparative Literature;文化相对主义在比较文学中的悖论性处境

9.There is no doubt that foreign talent here belongs to a subculture.外来人才在新加坡处于亚文化的境地是绝对的。

10.his closure to Buddhistic culture from his own spiritual setbacks.自身所处的精神困境导致的对佛教文化的亲近。

11.On Cultural Context in Lexical Chinese-English Translation词汇层面汉英翻译中文化语境因素的处理

12.Confronting the Modern Embarrassment of Post - modern Culture: Situation of Chinese Movies in the Background of Visual Culture遭逢后现代文化的现代性尴尬——视觉文化背景下华语大片的处境

13.On Cultural Items Treatment in Translation of Children s Literature;儿童文学翻译中的文化因素处理——兼评《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》

14.1. Cultural Environment Development(一)文化环境建设

15.On Disposal Principle of Relationship between City Cultural Landscape and Its Surroundings;论城市历史文化景观与周边环境关系的处理原则

16.The cultural interpretation of Tracks and Traces of Supernatural Beings in the Green Country to the situation and mentality of literati in the last phase of feudal age;《绿野仙踪》对封建末世读书人处境、心态的文化解读

17.A Deconstructive Analysis of the Concept of the Self--Spiritual Affinity of Chinese and Western Cultures in the Pluralistic Context;解构自我——多元语境下中西文化灵性深处的融合与会通唐梅秀

ment on the Book-the God Damned Man澄明精神处境的抒写——吴大康小说集《狗男人》的文化解析


literary dilemma文学处境

3)culturally disadvantaged children文化处境不利儿童

4)cultural environment文化环境

1.Significance of constructingcultural environment of Chinese medicine;营造中医药文化环境的意义

2.Research into the problems ofcultural environment of second generation of peasant-worker and its countermeasures——Based on Chongqing;我国“第二代”农民工文化环境问题研究与对策——以重庆市为例

3.The Influences of Host Country Cultural Environment on Foreign Direct Investment Activities of MNEs;东道国文化环境对跨国公司直接投资行为的影响

5)culture context文化语境

1.Any law comes into effect in a definiteculture context.任何法律都是在一定的文化语境中生成并发挥作用。

2.The creation of art,in commercialculture context,has now been familiarized with the production of common commodities.在商业文化语境中艺术生产已归化为商品生产,读者、作者、编者的文学心态发生了根本变化。

3.The paper states that,without profound understanding of the feature of King Gesar s context,without fully knowing theculture context of King Gesar and creative thinking,without analyzing Tibetans psyc.包含真、利、善、美、圣意蕴的《格萨尔》,其文化语境具有鲜明的民族特点,体现了藏民族精神和民族文化特性。

6)environmental culture环境文化

1.Arguing on the construction ofenvironmental culture in university campus;大学校园环境文化建设浅论

2.The New System Construction of China Environmental Culture under the Environment-friendly Society;环境友好型社会视阈下中国环境文化新体系的构建

3.The connotation character and function ofenvironmental culture are emphatically discussed, and principles of development ofenvironmental culture and ways of building of ecological civilization are explored.环境文化是生态文明的基础,是社会先进文化的重要组成部分,是引领传统工业文明向生态文明过渡,实现社会、经济、自然全面和谐、可持续发展的杠杆和动力。


