2000字范文 > 文化生活现状 The Present Cultural Life Situation英语短句 例句大全

文化生活现状 The Present Cultural Life Situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-26 17:03:40


文化生活现状 The Present Cultural Life Situation英语短句 例句大全

文化生活现状,The Present Cultural Life Situation

1)The Present Cultural Life Situation文化生活现状


1.A survey on the status quo of students physical activities with key institutions of higher educationin Jiangsu Province,China;江苏重点高校学生体育文化生活现状的调查

2.University Students Campus Cultural Life:Its Status Quo and Characteristics;当代大学生的校园文化生活现状与特点

3.The Investigation and Research on the Present Cultural Life Situation of China s Young Agricultural Labourers;我国青年农民工文化生活现状的调查研究

4.Study on Cultural Life Situation of Kazakans Scattered and Mixed in Towns浅析当代新疆散杂居城镇哈萨克族居民的文化生活现状

5.Survey on College Students Autonomous Cultural Life and Relevant Education Guide;大学生自主文化生活的现状调查与教育引导

6.Investigation and research of the farmers spirit-culture life situation in Ji an city of Jiangxi province;吉安市农民精神文化生活需求现状调查研究

7.Research on the Current Situation and Improvement of the Teaching of "Cultural Life" in Rural Senior High School农村高中《文化生活》的教学现状及改进研究

8.An Analysis of Countryside s Living Conditions inthe Process of Japan s Modernization;日本现代化过程中农村生活状况分析

9.Research on the Status of the Lifestyle Community of Sports in Beijing北京市体育生活化社区建设现状研究

10.Investigation and Analysis on Current Condition of the Shui Traditional Physical Cultural Sports of China;中国水族传统体育文化活动现状调查与分析

11.A Survey of the Current School Culture Activities in NTIT;南通工学院校园文化活动现状调查及对策研究

12.An Investigation of Sport Activities in Villages of Yuxi玉溪市村落体育文化活动现状调查研究

13.Status Quo and Analysis of Student"s Participation in Arts and Physical Activities in ECUST华东理工大学学生参加文体活动现状与分析

14.The Current Language Situation and standardization of Mandarin Employment in Bingtuan兵团语言生活现状与语言文字规范工作

15.The Research on the Situation and Affecting Factor of University Student s Dormitory Culture;大学生寝室文化现状与影响因素研究

16.Multi-cultural psychology of college students in the period of social transformation;转型期大学生多层文化心理现状分析

17.The Cultural Analysis of Contemporary University Students Moral Personality;当代大学生道德人格现状的文化探析

18.Decide on Present Condition and Remodel of Today s College Students Cultual;论当代青年大学生文化的现状与重塑


Status Quo of Spiritual and Cultural Life精神文化生活现状

3)Living Actuality生活现状

1.Titled as "The Construction of New Socialistic Countryside: An Investigation of Daur FarmersLiving Actuality in MLDW", the thesis consists of the introduction, the text and the conclusion.本文以“社会主义新农村建设——莫旗达斡尔族农民生活现状调查”为题,由导论、正文及结语构成,其中正文五章。

4)Cultural Status文化现状

5)the present living conditions现生活状况

1.In this paper,by questionnaire,literature and mathematical statistics,rifle shooting team of Guangxi,pistol,running target and flying saucer retired male and female athletes for a total of 30 are conducted an investigation on,retired age,retired reasons andthe present living conditions through questionnaires and interviews.通过问卷调查法、文献资料法和数理统计法,对广西射击队步枪、手枪、移动靶和飞碟四个项目退役的男、女共30名运动员进行问卷调查和访谈,就始练年龄、退役年龄、退役原因以及现生活状况进行调查。

6)cultural life文化生活

1.Film art can, by its special charm, promote university students spiritual quality, better their moral quality, enrich on-campuscultural life and exert a great influence on university students healthy growth and on-campus spiritual civilization development.电影艺术有其特殊的魅力,能够提升大学生的精神品位,提高大学生的道德素质,丰富大学校园文化生活,对大学生的健康成长和校园精神文明建设产生重要影响。

2.The rapid development of book consumption in Italy in this period promotes the condition of Italian social education and enriches itscultural life, meanwhile, it provides important resource and strong support which pushes Italian Renaissance toward a new and prosperous degree, and henceforth paves the way for the set-up of European culture.意大利文艺复兴运动中意大利人书籍消费的迅猛发展既提高了意大利的教育水平,又丰富了社会文化生活,更为推动文艺复兴运动的发展和繁荣提供了重要的源泉和有力的支持,对欧洲文化的发展奠定了坚实的基础。

3.By investigating the status quo of peasantscultural life and cultural needs in the countryside communities of Meizhou,Jiaoling and Shanzhen Townships,this paper sorts out and analyzes the various problems in the construction of countryside cultures,and discusses the problems in the construction of Guangdong countryside community cultures and.通过对梅州蕉岭三圳镇农村社区农民文化生活现状及文化需求的调查,梳理农村文化建设表现出来的各种问题,并对这些问题加以分析和研究,探讨广东农村社区文化建设中共同面临的问题和解决的路径。


