2000字范文 > 疲劳强度概率分布 probability density function of fatigue strength英语短句 例句大全

疲劳强度概率分布 probability density function of fatigue strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-16 02:25:48


疲劳强度概率分布 probability density function of fatigue strength英语短句 例句大全

疲劳强度概率分布,probability density function of fatigue strength

1)probability density function of fatigue strength疲劳强度概率分布

2)fatigue strength distribution疲劳强度分布

1.Estimation of thefatigue strength distribution of 50~# railway axle steel based on the fatigue failure data of a small sample;基于小样本耐久强度区的疲劳失效数据推定车轴钢的疲劳强度分布

2.Two types of lead connection s fatigue damage and life reliability prediction within designed life to the rotor of turbogenerator with a double water internal cooling system have been discussed and estimated, by means of both of experimental and analytical result of stress distribution, based on a large quantity offatigue strength distribution tests.在大量的转子引水拐脚疲劳强度分布试验基础上,根据引水拐脚的应力分析计算结果,对双水内冷300MW汽轮发电机在设计寿命内,二种型式引水拐脚的疲劳损伤进行了计算分析;对其疲劳寿命的可靠度进行了估算,验证了拐脚安全运行的可靠性。


1.A Study on Distribution Function of Fatigue Strength for the Roller Chain Material滚子链材料疲劳强度分布函数的研究

2.Research on LTTE in Improving Fatigue Strengths of Welded Joints and Distribution of Residual Stresses;LTTE改善焊接接头疲劳强度及其残余应力分布研究

3.Fatigue Strength Analysis for 308,000 DWT VLCC;30.8万吨VLCC的结构疲劳强度分析

4.Strength and Fatigue Life Analysis of Dumbbell Pin for Mining矿用联接哑铃的强度与疲劳寿命分析

5.Fatigue Strength Analysis of CRH2 Motor Bogie FrameCRH2动车转向架构架疲劳强度分析

6.Static Strength and Fatigue Strength Analysis of Seat in Rail Vehicle;轨道交通车辆座椅的静强度和疲劳强度分析

7.Psychology Parametric Analysis of Labor Intensity and Fatigue Measurement Experiment;劳动强度与疲劳测定实验的分析与改进

8.Psychology Parametric Analysis of Labor Intensity and Fatigue Measurement Experiment劳动强度与疲劳测定实验的心理参数分析

9.median fatigue strength at N cyclesN次循环中值疲劳强度

10.repeated bending stress strength反复弯曲疲劳强度极限

11.Analysis of Intensity and Stiffness and Fatigue Life for the Hydrobulging Automobile Axle Housing;液压胀形汽车桥壳强度刚度及疲劳寿命分析

12.The Finite Element Analysis on Strength, Stiffness and Fatigue Character of Automobile Body s Die;车身模具强度刚度及疲劳性的有限元分析

13.The Confidence Intervals for the Scale Parameter of the Birnbaum-Saunders Fatigue Life DistributionBirnbaum-Saunders疲劳寿命分布尺度参数的区间估计

14.The Fatigue Analysis of Jack-up Platform Jacking System;自升式海洋平台升降装置疲劳强度分析

15.Strength and Fatigue Life Analysis of the New MB-1 Carriage Bogie Framework;MB-1新型客车转向架构架强度疲劳寿命分析

16.Research on the Structural Strength and Fatigue of the Floating Modular Causeway Connector;海上浮式结构连接器强度及疲劳分析研究

17.Probe Study on Fatigue Reliability Analysis of All-ceramic Crowns under Routine Masticatory Force;日常咀嚼力作用下全瓷冠疲劳强度可靠性分析

18.Analysis of Static Strength and Fatigue Reliability of High-Pressure Turbine Rotor System某高压涡轮转子系统静强度及疲劳可靠性分析


fatigue strength distribution疲劳强度分布

1.Estimation of thefatigue strength distribution of 50~# railway axle steel based on the fatigue failure data of a small sample;基于小样本耐久强度区的疲劳失效数据推定车轴钢的疲劳强度分布

2.Two types of lead connection s fatigue damage and life reliability prediction within designed life to the rotor of turbogenerator with a double water internal cooling system have been discussed and estimated, by means of both of experimental and analytical result of stress distribution, based on a large quantity offatigue strength distribution tests.在大量的转子引水拐脚疲劳强度分布试验基础上,根据引水拐脚的应力分析计算结果,对双水内冷300MW汽轮发电机在设计寿命内,二种型式引水拐脚的疲劳损伤进行了计算分析;对其疲劳寿命的可靠度进行了估算,验证了拐脚安全运行的可靠性。

3)Fatigue life probability distribution function(PDF)疲劳寿命概率分布函数


5)fatigue Analysis疲劳强度分析

6)fatigue strength疲劳强度

1.T jointsfatigue strength improving by hybrid heat treatment process after tungsten inert-gas arc remelting;基于TIG电弧重熔的焊后复合处理工艺改善T形接头疲劳强度的研究

2.Three-dimensional stress concentration and its influence on thefatigue strength at an elliptic hole;椭圆孔三维应力集中及其对疲劳强度的影响

3.Details of welding structure design based onfatigue strength;基于疲劳强度的焊接结构设计细节


