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语法学 grammar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-20 08:41:06


语法学 grammar英语短句 例句大全



1.The Object of Discipline and the Object of Corpora of Grammar Research;语法学研究的学科对象和语料对象

2.Mengxi Bitan (《梦? 侍浮?,which is a famous book of science,contains 5 or 6 items concerninggrammar ,but it is very important to the research of the history of chinese Languagegrammar.《梦溪笔谈》是一部科学名著,有关语法学的内容只有五六条,但对于汉语语法史研究具有重要意义。


1.(grammar) nominal phrase.(语法学)名词性短语。

2.He has a good mastery of English grammar.他英语语法学得很扎实。

parative Studies of the New Chinese Grammar and the Chinese Grammar《新著国语文法》与《汉语语法学》比较研究

4.Influence of Western Linguistic Theories on Chinese Grammar;西方语言学理论对汉语语法学的影响

5.A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家

6.I find Russian grammar very difficult.我发现俄语语法很难学。

7.to drills students in English grammar让学生练习英语语法

8.On Context and Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence in English Grammar Teaching;英语语法教学中语境与语用能力培养

9.The Application of English Corpus in Grammar Teaching;英语语料库在英语语法教学中的应用

10.Corpus Linguistics Challenging Traditional Grammar;语料库语言学对传统英语语法的挑战

11.The Relationships between the Cardiff Grammar and Systemic Functional Linguistics;从加的夫语法看“语法”与“语言学”的关系

12.On the Contextual Features of Literary and Legal Languages论文学语言与法学语言的语境性特征

13.Study english ( french, german, russian, spanish, japanese, arabic, esperanto, physics )学英语(法语,德语,俄语,西班牙语,日语,阿拉伯语,世界语,物理)

14.English Grammar Teaching in the Framework of Communicative Language Teaching in Senior Middle Schools;论交际教学法下的高中英语语法教学

15.The Value of G-T Method in ELT;语法翻译教学法在英语教学中的价值

16.A Study on the "Extent" and "Approaches" of English Grammar Teaching in Elementary Schools;小学英语语法教学的“度”和“法”

17.The New Concept of Grammar Teaching--the Interactive Grammar Teaching;语法教学新理念——交互性语法教学

18.The Comparative Teaching Method of Chinese, English and Their Cultures in Teaching English.;英语教学法中的语言文化对比教学法


Chinese grammar汉语语法学

1.Study onChinese grammar--A Structural Analysis of A Culture;汉语语法学——一种文化的结构分析

2.This paper reviews and sums up the main contribution of history on theChinese grammar in the 20 century from macroscopic angle,especially gives masterly generalization of the achievements inChinese grammar study in recent 20 years on the expansion of research field,keep abreast of the description and explanation,lay equal stress of theory and application.本文从宏观角度回顾和总结了 2 0世纪汉语语法学的主要历史贡献 ,尤其对近 2 0年的汉语语法研究成就从研究领域的拓展、描写和解释的并进、理论和应用的并重等角度进行了高度的概括。

3)idiom grammar成语语法学

1.It also discusses such issues as the grammatical study of Chinese idioms and a Chineseidiom grammar.本文进一步提出了成语的语法研究和建立成语语法学的有关想

4)Grammatical Semantics语法语义学

1.’sGrammatical Semantics (GS) to the analysis and categorization of the event types denoted by Chinese adjectives; and it tries to prove the feasibility ofGrammatical Semantics Theory and event structure in the Chinese adjective analysis.本文运用Mohanan等人(1999)提出的语法语义学理论, 在事件结构的框架内对汉语中形容词所能表达的事件结构类型进行分析和归类;并试图证明语法语义学理论和事件结构在汉语形容词分析中的可行性。

5)grammar teaching语法教学

1.A survey of the latest developments in research abroad ongrammar teaching;国外语法教学研究的最新发展综述

2.Raising grammar consciousness and enhancinggrammar teaching—On teaching English grammar at college level;增强语法意识,加强语法教学——谈大学英语语法教学

3.The inductive-deductivegrammar teaching approach in English;归纳演绎教学法在英语语法教学中的应用(英文)

6)Grammar Teaching语法学习

1.English grammar teaching is the oldest question in language teaching and one of the hot questions in the current English teaching as well.新课标强调培养学生自主学习语法的能力和学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,通过语法学习促进综合语言能力的提高。


