2000字范文 > 自我认同确定性 Self-identity certainty英语短句 例句大全

自我认同确定性 Self-identity certainty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-20 06:30:36


自我认同确定性 Self-identity certainty英语短句 例句大全

自我认同确定性,Self-identity certainty

1)Self-identity certainty自我认同确定性


1.The criminal regulations must be kept identical with the whole social systems and the key to so is the criminal law sself-confirmation of social identicality, the approaches to whose realization is to make timeliness the principle of criminal legislation.刑法规范在认识上被充分确保与整个社会系统维持一种同一性关系的最关键点在于刑法对社会同一性予以自我确认,而这种自我确认的实现途径就在于将适时性作为刑事立法的一项基本原则。

2.Among them,the mutual construction between human and urban space of culture as well as the process of their mutual construction,separation faced by human beings,and human’s demand for calling forself-confirmation as an urban human,have become very important driving forces in promoting the internationalization of higher education.其中,人与城市文化空间的相互建构以及城市人的自我确认需求,成了高等教育国际化的重要动力。


1.The Identification Tactics:The Self Construction of the School of Mandarin Duck and Butterfly认同的策略:论鸳鸯蝴蝶派的自我确认

2.The Effects of Self-Esteem on Self-Verification:Evidence from Cognitive Judgment Tasks;自尊对自我确认倾向的影响:来自认知判断的证据

3.The Effects of Self-esteem on the Tendency Towards Self-verification: Evidences from Choosing Interaction Partners;自尊对自我确认倾向的影响:来自人际选择的证据

4.Self-esteem Idea and Its Embodiment in LI Bai s Poems;李白诗的自我确认意识与表现——以"我"字使用为中心的讨论

5.All Folk Living Creatures Self-confirmation--On Ordinary World Characterization;民间众生的自我确认——谈《平凡的世界》中的人物塑造

6.The Confirmation of the Social Identification--the Real-time Principle of the Criminal Law;论刑法对社会同一性的自我确认——适时性原则之讨论

7.self discipline requries self-knowledge and an accurate assesssment of your current abilities.自律要求自我认识以及对自己能力的正确评估。

8.Confused: Then how shall I know whether myself is in love or not?惑儒:我该如何确认自己有没有爱?

9.We would expect the self-consistent to be more accurate.我们认为自相容计算所得的结果比较准确。

10.We truly believe ourselves to be natural-born mechanics and do-it-yourself-ers.我们确认自己是天生的机械师,任何东西都能自己动手制造。

11.Hello, I"d like to confirm my reservation, please.喂,我想确认我的机位。

12.I "d like to reconfirm my reservation .我要再确认我的预约。

13.I need to confirm my reservation.我要确认我的预定。

14.I think I was a good, prompt subaltern, and I am very sure that Hands was an excellent pilot;我认为自己反应敏捷,是个好副手,而我确信汉兹是一流的领航员。

15.But I do believe… that the agrees with me that the contras are freedom fighters….不过我的确认为……他同意我的看法:[尼加拉瓜]军是自由斗士。

16.Hanna Fabre: We search for our identity until we are seven. I read it in "Marie Claire."汉娜:我们直到7岁才能正确认识自己的性别。我在《嘉人》上看到的。

17.I am convinced of the truth of my reasoning.我确信自己推理的正确。

18.The only obligation which I have a right to assume, is to do at any time what I think right.我有权承担的惟一义务是在任何时候做自己认为正确的事情。



1.The criminal regulations must be kept identical with the whole social systems and the key to so is the criminal law sself-confirmation of social identicality, the approaches to whose realization is to make timeliness the principle of criminal legislation.刑法规范在认识上被充分确保与整个社会系统维持一种同一性关系的最关键点在于刑法对社会同一性予以自我确认,而这种自我确认的实现途径就在于将适时性作为刑事立法的一项基本原则。

2.Among them,the mutual construction between human and urban space of culture as well as the process of their mutual construction,separation faced by human beings,and human’s demand for calling forself-confirmation as an urban human,have become very important driving forces in promoting the internationalization of higher education.其中,人与城市文化空间的相互建构以及城市人的自我确认需求,成了高等教育国际化的重要动力。



1.The spirit of self-identification of ancient Chi-nese is of two main traits: the human relations in which theindividual exists, the moral character by which human con-duct is expressed.以儒学为主导的中国传统文化给人的存在提供了一个自我认同的精神家园,中国古代人的自我认同精神,具有在人伦关系中得以确立和以德性化的形式表现出来两个主要特征;自我认同精神的两种特征,在中国古典建筑文化中有相应的表现方式,只有理解这些,才能更好地欣赏中国古典建筑。

2.From the transformation of the self-identification,we can have an insight to the hardship of intellectuals transition.在这自我认同转向的背后,可以看到知识分子自我转变的艰难。

3.While investigating the self-identification of pink-collar, what we can see is the indistinct boundary of this stratum and their special social gender conception, which is between the moder.本文考察了现代中国城市中粉领女性的生活状态、阶层地位与自我认同,认为粉领阶层处于社会结构的中间阶层,其阶层认同正处于建构发展之中,其性别角色观念则介于现代与传统之间。


1.Effect of Social Excluded City Farmers on self-identity and Reconstruction;城市农民工社会排斥透视及对自我认同的影响和重构

2.Rural Migrant Workers Self-Identity——A Case Study in Lanzhou City;农民工身份的自我认同——以兰州市为例

3.An Exploration on theSelf-identity Crisis for Contemporary University Students;当代大学生自我认同危机省思

6)self identity自我认同

1.The crisis of university teachersself identity refers to the threat to maintaining teachers self continuous ontology safety,destruction to self inner unity and the vague construction ofself identity.高校教师自我认同危机是指维系教师自我连续的本体安全受到威胁、自我内在统一性遭到破坏,自我身份的建构模糊不清。

2.To practically accomplish university studentsself identity socialization,we must pay attention to school education,home education and society education.为切实完成大学生自我认同的社会化,我们必须抓好学校教育、家庭教育和社会教育,形成教育与实践相结合的培养模式。

3.This paper aims at interpreting the idlers in Guo Shixing s plays from the viewpoit ofself identity.本文试图从自我认同的角度来解读过士行的剧作“闲人三部曲”中的“闲人”形象。


