2000字范文 > 执法水平 level of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法水平 level of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 03:01:10


执法水平 level of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法水平,level of law enforcement

1)level of law enforcement执法水平

1.Accordingly,the government should make efforts to promote the construction of the supervision team construction of Fire Protection Law enforcement,improve the mode of law enforcement,and enhance thelevel of law enforcement.因此,要大力提高消防监督执法队伍的建设水平,完善执法方式,促进执法水平的提高。


1.Set Up Right Administer Principle And Improve Administer Justice Level树立正确的执法理念 提高执法水平

2.We need to raise the overall quality of law enforcement officers and improve their ability to enforce the law.提高执法人员素质和执法水平。

3.Set Up Right Administer Principle And Improve Administer Justice Level;树立正确的执法理念 提高执法水平

4.Enhance the Construction of Ruling Ability Raise the Enforcement Level of The People s Police;强化执政能力建设 提高民警执法水平

5.On Making Good Use of the Law to Improve the Capability of Law Enforcement of Public Security Organ;严格执法对提高公安机关执法水平的作用

6.Strenthening Judge Manangement, Increasing the Level of Execution;加强法官队伍建设 提高公正执法水平

7.A Research on the Ruling Level of Referees in the CBA and WCBA;CBA、WCBA裁判员裁判执法水平研究

8.The law-enforcement level of the court and procuratorate has been raised remarkably.法院和检察院的执法水平又有明显提高。

9.Enhance Execution of Public Security Law Optimize Legal Environment of Famous International City;提高公安执法水平,优化国际名城法制环境

10.Discussion on Improving Referee s Level of Executing the Law from Characters of Deaf Football;从聋人足球特点谈提高裁判员的执法水平

11.Strengthening Ideological and Moral Construction and Promoting Environmental Law Implementation Level;加强思想道德建设与提高环保执法水平初论

12.To Intensify Basic Education and Training and Raise Law-enforcement Level of Grass Roots;加强基层基础教育培训 努力提高基层执法水平

13.Roles of Police psychological Quality Evaluation to Improve Law Enforcement;警察心理素质测评对于执法水平提高的作用

14.We should tighten supervision over law enforcement, promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law, safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented.加强对执法活动的监督,推进依法行政,维护司法公正,提高执法水平,确保法律的严格实施。

15.All this has played an important role in improving law enforcement effectiveness and the efficiency of our work.这些对提高执法水平和工作效能,发挥了重要作用。

16.On Improving the Impartial Law Enforcement Ability of Public Security Organs,Accelerating Socialist Harmonious Societies Construction;提高公安机关公正执法水平 促进社会主义和谐社会建设

17.Strengthen the Construction of the Executive Ability and Enhance the Standard of Administrative Ability According to Law;加强执政能力建设 提高依法行政水平

18.Innovating Supervision Mechanism of Law Enforcement Quality and Scientifically Evaluating Level of Administration by Law创新执法质量监督机制科学评估依法行政水平


enforcement level of the people"s police民警执法水平

3)executive level执行水平

4)ruling level执政水平

1.This article talks about basic channels to raise the leading andruling level by studying the important thought of “Three Represents”and applying it to practice.本文论述学习“三个代表”重要思想要在真学真懂、学以致用和求真务实等方面下功夫,这是提高领导水平和执政水平的根本途径。

2.Practical experience of 80 years of the Party has proved that enhancing the leading andruling level of the Party is one of the historical problems of the Party building.党成立 80年来的实践经验证明 ,提高党的领导水平和执政水平是党的建设的历史性课题之一 ;提高决策水平是提高党的领导水平与执政水平的重要前提 ;“两手抓 ,两手都要硬”是提高党的领导水平与执政水平的重要内容。

5)coaching level执教水平

1.This paper adopts the following method:documentary,interview and survey,carry out an analysis of coach in Jiangsu province,and preliminary found out six elements,and gives an tentative analysis based on the six elements,and finally proposes suggestions and strategies in term of how to improve thecoaching level of coaches.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和问卷调查法,对教练员执教水平影响因素进行调查分析,经由对专家调查结果整理分析,获得影响教练员执教水平六大主要因素,即:教练员的职业责任心、文化素质、实践经验、管理运动队能力、创新精神和对教练员的激励因素。

6)capability of arbitration执裁水平


执法1.执行或执掌法令。 2.执法的官吏。王莽时曾改御史为"执法"。 3.星名。
