2000字范文 > 执法监督 supervision of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法监督 supervision of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-04 02:06:06


执法监督 supervision of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法监督,supervision of law enforcement

1)supervision of law enforcement执法监督

1.To Strengthen the Supervision of Law Enforcement is the Crux of Preventing the Professional Crimes;加强执法监督是预防职务犯罪的关键

2.Thesupervision of law enforcement is an important component of the standardization of police law enforcement.执法监督是公安执法规范化建设这一系统工程的重要构成部分。


1.Probe into the New System of Supervision by the Public Opinion on the Administrative Enforcement;探索舆论监督对行政执法监督作用的新机制

2.Reflection on Current Weak Links of Supervising Law Enforcement and Strengthening the Validity of Supervising Law Enforcement for Public Security Organs;对当前公安执法监督的薄弱环节及加强执法监督有效性的思考

3.We need to increase oversight of administrative law enforcement to make it stricter, fairer and more courteous.要加强行政执法监督,促进严格执法、公正执法和文明执法。

4.A Consideration about China s Present-Day Supervision Mechanism of Administrative Enforcement;对我国当前行政执法监督机制的思考

5.To Strengthen the Supervision of Law Enforcement is the Crux of Preventing the Professional Crimes;加强执法监督是预防职务犯罪的关键

6.Reform accountant personnel systemperfect executive supervision;改革会计人事制度 完善执法监督

7.A Probe into the Police Forces Internal Supervision of the Execution of Criminal Law;公安机关内部刑事执法监督工作探讨

8.Intendance of Administrative Law-enforcement In Administrative Law Modernization;行政法制现代化视野中的行政执法监督

9.Power Corruption and Law Enforcement Supervision of the Penalty Law of Public Security Management;权力腐败与《治安管理处罚法》的执法监督

10.The Problems and Countermeasures in the Supervision of Police Law Enforcement--from the perspective of law enforcement standardization当前公安执法监督中存在的问题与应对措施——从执法规范化的视角

11.Adapt to the new position of health reform, and strengthen enforcing law and monitoring of mother and infant health care适应卫生改革新形势 加强母婴保健执法监督

12.Discussion on the Discretionary Power of Administrative Justice in Drug Administration;论药品监督行政执法中的自由裁量权

13.On the Effectiveness of Administrative Executive Evidence in Technical Supervision of Quality;质量技术监督行政执法证据的有效性

14.On the Legal Supervision on the Convergence Mechanism of Administrative Enforcement of Law with Criminal Enforcement of Law行政执法与刑事司法衔接中的检察法律监督

15.Discussion on the enhancement and improvement in fire supervision and law enforcement according to the new fire protection law从《消防法》修订谈加强和改进消防监督执法

16.Several reasons for "the Government,the Court and the Procuratorate" can not becoming the enforcement body of supervision law“一府两院”不能成为监督法执法主体的几点理由

17.Innovating Supervision Mechanism of Law Enforcement Quality and Scientifically Evaluating Level of Administration by Law创新执法质量监督机制科学评估依法行政水平

18.In addition, the court noted that Congress would closely monitor the program;此外,法院指出,国会要密切监督项目的执行;


law enforcement supervision执法监督

1.The national legal system construction in our country has formed its basic framework,but there are the following problems: the concept is conservative,its legislative techniques backward,its legal coordinating mechanism unhealthy and thelaw enforcement supervision mechanism far from mature.我国的民族法制建设已形成一个基础的框架体系,但存在以下问题:民族法制建设观念过于保守;立法技术落后和法律协调机制不健全;民族法规的执法监督机制远未形成。

3)law-enforcing supervision执法监督

1.Thelaw-enforcing supervision is a organ of state power,in order to ensure the implementing correctly and effectively of the laws and regulations,promote and administer the state according to law,fulfil a kind of form which supervises the duty.执法监督是权力机关为保障法律法规的正确、有效地实施,推动依法行政,履行监督职责的一种形式。

4)supervision and law enforcement监督执法

1.This paper expounds how to externalize the service in the course of the medicinalsupervision and law enforcement.文章阐述了在药品监督执法的同时 ,如何体现服务。

2.In recent years with a series of regulations and laws of soil and water conservation were put into action,the work ofsupervision and law enforcement of soil and water conservation are entering the stage of lawlization.近年来 ,随着《水土保持法》等一系列有关水土保持行政法律法规的相继颁布和实施 ,水土保持监督执法工作逐步走向了法制化轨道 ,水土保持监督管理机关及其工作人员依法行政意识明显增强 ,监督执法力度进一步加大。

5)supervising and enforcing the law监督执法

1.The basic unit staff of soil and water conservation meet with such a difficult problem that is to strenghtensupervising and enforcing the law and to control soil and water loss made by human being to the maximum limit.抓好监督执法工作 ,最大限度地控制人为水土流失 ,是基层水保工作者面临的一大难题。

6)law enforcement监督执法

1.The strong relationship between financial corruption and financial regulation has been proved theoretically and empirically,and corruption of financial regulation will come forth in the financial supervisory process andlaw enforcement.文章在金融监管执法活动中构建了一个具有腐败倾向特征的监管执法者对金融机构或其从业人员的违法行为监督执法的模型,指出一个福利最大化的政府可以通过实施适当的激励政策以防范监管者和被监管者之间合谋腐败的发生,同时证明了如果允许金融活动参与者在违法行为发生后可以实施具有恰当的惩罚激励措施的自我报告制度,政府就能够通过降低官僚作风、保持较少的监督执法官员、降低监管寻租以增加社会福利,并通过自我报告制度消除金融腐败而进一步为社会谋福祉。


