2000字范文 > 大型储罐 large storage tank英语短句 例句大全

大型储罐 large storage tank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 05:07:32


大型储罐 large storage tank英语短句 例句大全

大型储罐,large storage tank

1)large storage tank大型储罐

1.Reliability-evaluation of earthquake-resistant capacity forlarge storage tank;大型储罐抗震能力可靠度评估

2.In this article,the discussion of several equations commonly used in calculating spherical arc plate of vault inlarge storage tank was carried out.对大型储罐拱顶扇形板个别计算公式进行探讨,列举计算实例,提出看法。


1.Engineering Design Measures to Avoid Breakages of Large Oil Tanks in Soft Soil Area防止软土区大型储罐破坏的设计对策


3.Study on Bearing Behavior of Multi-type-pile Composite Foundation Load of Large Tank;大型储罐下组合桩型复合地基承载特性研究

4.Deformation and Stability Analysis of Large Oil Tank Foundation with Water Preloading;水载预压下大型储罐地基变形与稳定性分析

5.Study on Working Behavior of Gravel Pile Composite Foundation under Load of Large Tank大型储罐下碎石桩复合地基工作性状研究

6.Prevention of Linear Porosity in EGW for Large Storage Tank大型储罐气电立焊条状气孔缺陷的预防

7.Inspecting the Storage Tank"s Bottom Plate Fillet Welds by PT渗透检测在大型储罐底板角焊缝检测中的应用

8.Mechanics study of large vertical steel cylindrical storage tank大型圆筒型钢结构储罐受力性能研究

9.Structural Behavior of Large Steel Tanks under Harmonic Settlement;大型钢储罐在谐波沉降下的结构性能

10.Controlling analysis of friction pendulum system for the seismic isolation of liquid storage tanks大型储液罐摩擦摆基底隔震控制分析

11.Welding Heat Simulation Experiment of High Input Energy Welding Steel Plate for Oil Storage大型原油储罐用钢的焊接热模拟试验

12.Welding technology of the material 9Ni steel alloy used in LNG cryogenic storage tank9Ni钢大型LNG低温储罐的焊接施工

13.On the foundation of the large-scale water storage tank in some refinery某炼油厂大型储水罐地基及基础设计

14.Finite Element Analysis of Large Vertical Oil Tank Based on Contact Simulation of the Interaction between Tank Bottom Plate and Foundation;基于罐底接触模拟的大型立式原油储罐的有限元分析

15.Chain Upside -down Mounting of Big Steel Vertical Storage Tanks大型钢制立式储罐的导链式倒装法施工

16.Numerical Simulation and Structural Optimization of Large Unanchored Oil Storage Tank;大型非锚固原油储罐数值模拟及结构优化

17.Numerical Simulation Research on Seismic Analysis of Large Cylindrical Storage Tanks;大型立式储液罐抗震分析的数值模拟研究

18.Research and Realization of Large Oil Tank Supervision System;大型储油罐计算所监控系统的研究与实现


large scale storage tank大型储罐

1.Taking the integral remove of a 2 000 m3 standing cylindrical storage tank with a dome at Xinjiang Kelamayi Petrochemical Company for example, this paper discusses the characteristics of two integral remove methods oflarge scale storage tank which are to use heavy catepillar and use rolling bars with jacks aided.文章以新疆克拉玛依石化分公司2000m3立式圆筒形拱顶储罐的整体搬迁为例,探讨了大型储罐采用大型履带吊车整体吊装搬迁和采用滚杠的顶升平移法整体搬迁两种施工工艺的特点及施工过程应注意的问题,对其他同类设备整体搬迁具有很好的参考价值。

3)large storage tanks大型储罐

1.By the means of analysis on the calculation of shell thicknesses forlarge storage tanks,based on 50,000m~3 and 100,000m~3 sizes,by the method for calculating,allowable stress and joint efficiency factor etc.本文以50,000m~3和100,000m~3储罐为例,就大型储罐壁厚计算,从计算方法、许用应力、焊缝系数的选取等几个方面对中国行业标准SH3046和美国标准API650进行了分析和比较,提出了作者的见解。

2.Anti-seismic research is becoming increasingly important forlarge storage tanks.大型储罐的抗震研究显得日益重要,为了给储罐地震动力响应的进一步分析提供数据,利用ANSYS通用软件,建立了大型储罐的简化模型,分析了大型储罐空罐的自振特性,分别提取了锚固和非锚固罐的前30阶固有模态。

4)large tank大型储罐

1.The characteristic of thelarge tank is large diameter and very thin shell wall, so thelarge tank has ability of weak anti-deformation.大型储罐是石油化工行业的一种重要储存设备。

5)storage tank大型储罐

1.A device was designed for pressuring and fastening rigidly the welding test pieces,on which the load was put on the tank,by which the technology of the large-scalestorage tanks was assembled by inverted construction method.设计了加压及夹紧装置制作刚性夹持的预加载荷焊接试件,模拟大型储罐倒装法组装工艺,采用X射线衍射的sin2ψ方法得到焊接试件残余应力的测试数据,通过数据分析得出了预加载荷对焊接残余应力的影响,对改进施工工艺,提高储罐使用寿命是十分必要的。

2.The safety state, regulations and codes inspection techniques for pressure pipeline andstorage tank implementing in China are reviewed.介绍了国内压力管道与国内外大型储罐的法规标准与安全检测技术现状。

6)large-scale storage tank大型储罐

1.On the basis of construction experience and analysis on the features and deficiencies of the construction process of the floating roof, a novel single deck floating roof construction process forlarge-scale storage tank is summarized, which uses the method of CO2 shielded welding plus manual welding.结合大型储罐单盘浮顶的施工,分析了施工工艺的特点与不足,创新性地总结出了大型储罐单盘浮顶施工的新工艺。


