2000字范文 > 储罐制造 large-scale oil storage tank construction英语短句 例句大全

储罐制造 large-scale oil storage tank construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-19 16:41:35


储罐制造 large-scale oil storage tank construction英语短句 例句大全

储罐制造,large-scale oil storage tank construction

1)large-scale oil storage tank construction储罐制造


1.Deformation Control of 3000 m~3 Storage Tank in the Process of Production and Installation3000 m~3立式拱顶储罐制造安装过程中常见变形的控制

2.Quality Control of Localization of Full-pressure LPG Ship Storage Tank Construction全压式LPG运输船储罐国产化制造的质量控制

3.Connections on the lines and tanks vary by manufacturer.管道和储存罐上的接头随制造商的不同而不同。

4.Syrup from the beverage manufacturer is held in one tank and pressurized carbon dioxide in a second tank.生产商制造的饮料被储存在一只贮罐内,而加压的二氧化碳则储存在另一只贮罐内。

5.Steel spherical tanksGB12337-1998钢制球形储罐

6.Technical standard for external surface cathodic protection of bottom of steel storage tanks钢制储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准

7.Corrosion Control of Inner Tank of LNG Storage Tank during Hydraulic Pressure TestingLNG储罐水压试验时内罐防腐控制探讨

8.Study on Transverse Welding Process with Pulsed Submerged Arc Welding Technology and Its Application in Oil Tank Manufacturing;脉冲埋弧横焊工艺研究及其在石油储罐焊接制造中的应用

9.They are canning fish.他们在制造鱼罐头。

10.Design and manufacture of 3850m~3 LNG tanks3850m~3LNG贮罐的设计和制造

11.We are manufacturers of Metal Tins, Decorative Gift Tins, Tea Tins, Tea Caddies, Mint Tins, Cookie Tins, Chocolate Tins, Cosmetic Tins.我们正在制造金属罐,礼品装饰盒,茶叶铁罐,茶叶球童、币空罐、干罐、克力罐、化妆品铁罐.

12.Spherical tanks type and data baseGB/T17261-1998钢制球形储罐型式与基本参数

13.Standard for earthquake resistance evaluation of steel spherical tanks钢制球型储罐抗震鉴定技术标准

14.food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking.未经罐装、脱水、冷冻、熏制储存的食品。

15.Development of the Portable Instrument for Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing of Storage Tank Floor;便携式储罐底板腐蚀漏磁检测仪研制

16.Controlling analysis of friction pendulum system for the seismic isolation of liquid storage tanks大型储液罐摩擦摆基底隔震控制分析

17.Controlling and prevention of cracks on dome of LNG tankLNG储罐穹顶裂缝控制及防治措施

18.Safety Effect of Single Mechanical Seal Reform of Large Oil Tanks大型储油罐一次机械密封改造的安全效果


steel storage tank钢制储罐

3)tank fabrication储罐制作

1.Hot application technology is used during DMF storagetank fabrication This not only saved a lot of money,but also obtained very good result在DMF储罐制作过程中 ,采用了热喷涂技术 ,既节约了大量资金 ,又取得了良好的使用效果 ,在制作类似的罐体时很具有借鉴价



6)tank level control储水罐水位控制


