2000字范文 > 社会变迁 social change英语短句 例句大全

社会变迁 social change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-18 04:55:01


社会变迁 social change英语短句 例句大全

社会变迁,social change

1)social change社会变迁

1.Conjugated Review on the Mutual Feedback Evolvement between Social Change and Regional Development in Modern and Neoteric Hainan;近现代海南岛社会变迁与区域开发互馈演进的共轭考察

2.Economic、Social Change and State Governance Transition:Reforms in Progressive Era of U.S.;经济、社会变迁与国家治理转型:美国进步时代改革

3.Try to discuss immigration of Chinese in the past and thesocial change of Guangxi in Zhuang minority region;试析历代汉族移民与广西壮族地区的社会变迁


1.The South of Jiangxi Province s Social Relief and Change of Society in 1898~1928;1898-1928年的赣南社会救助与社会变迁

2.Social Change: Thoughts of Social Change Theory Made by Classic Sociologist;论社会变迁——经典社会学家对社会变迁理论的思考

3.Discussion on the Change of Expression Style of Poem under Social Transformation;试论社会变迁下诗歌表意形式的变化

4.Reform and Development in Law: Catalyst for Social Change;法律变革与发展:社会变迁的催化剂

5.The analysis of the social change from Shexian Lvhu Tongxianghui;从歙县旅沪同乡会组织来看社会变迁

6.The Methodist Church and Taiwan Social Change (1953-)卫理公会与台湾社会变迁(1953-)

7.The Population Migration and Social Change of the Qianjiang River Basin during Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China;清至民国时期黔江流域的人口迁移与社会变迁

8.Social Evolution and Changes of Singapore Chinese Clan Associations;社会变迁与新加坡华人宗乡社团之演变

9.The Development of the Fete of She (社) in the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty and the Social Changes Reflected from This Development;商周时社祭的演变及其反映的社会变迁

10.Social Vicissitude and Social Control in the Boundary Mountain Area of Hunan、Hubei and Jiangxi Provinces During Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清时期湘鄂赣交界山区社会变迁与社会控制

11.Social Evolvement of Science and Technology:A Sociological Analysis;科学技术的社会变迁:一个社会学的分析

12.Migration of the Uzbek People and Their Social and Cultural Changes;乌兹别克人的迁徙及其社会文化变迁

13.Development in Sociology; Understanding Environmental Sociology from NIE社会学的变迁——从NIE中认识环境社会学

14.The relation of the psychological transformation in urban population and the social environment;城镇居民心理变迁与社会环境变迁的关系

15.Discussion on the Change of Social Thoughts from the Language Change of Spouse-seeking Notice;从征婚启事语言变化看社会思想变迁

16.The Migration of Oirat Mongols and Their Social Cultural Change;卫拉特蒙古人的迁徙及其社会文化变迁

17.Inland Moving Cultures and the Social Evolution of Guizhou during the War of Resistance against Japan;论抗战期间文化内迁与贵州社会的迁变

18.Migration of Dangxiang People and Their Social and Cultural Changes in Tang Dynasty;唐朝时期党项族的迁徙与社会文化变迁


social changes社会变迁

1.The Cultural Choice of Social Changes;社会变迁中的文化抉择——章太炎儒学思想演进述略

2.Industrial development andsocial changes of the northern Shaanxi Province in 1937-1945;1937-1945年陕北地区的工业发展与社会变迁

3.Rise of Private Enterprises Owners:a Visual Angle for the Study of China s Social Changes;私营企业主的兴起:研究中国社会变迁的一个视角

3)social transformation社会变迁

1.Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence;山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

2.Revolution & Blood Relationship, Geography: Analysis of Rural Social Transformation (1949-1965);革命与血缘、地缘:乡村社会变迁研究(1949-1965)

3.They have provided us with evident proofs that language has been changing rapidly withsocial transformation.当代纷繁多变的新词语是反映当代社会变迁的一面镜子,我们从中可以清楚地看到当代社会的发展,经济、文化的变化在新词语中留下了直接而明显的印迹,也反映出心理和价值观念上的变化。

4)social transition社会变迁

1.The Social Transition and The Alternation of The Intellectual person in Late Qing-Dynasty;社会变迁与晚清知识分子世界观的嬗变

2.Influence of Social Transition to the Business Activities in Jiangnan Area at Turning of Yuan-Ming Dynasties——Case Study of Shen Wansan;元末明初社会变迁对江南地区商业活动的影响——以沈万三为例

3.Characteristics and Tendencies of Population Development in Poor Areas in Social Transition;社会变迁中的贫困地区人口发展特征与趋势

5)Social vicissitude社会变迁

1.The author introduces the formation and study of tourism sociology and discusses the interrelation between tourism behavior and social vicissitude.文章从社会学角度,观察旅游文化现象,介绍了旅游社会学形成的渊源和研究的问题,探讨了旅游行为和社会变迁之间的相互关系。

2.Cultural and social vicissitude and the development of local community affect and contact mutually.文化变迁与社会变迁、地方社会的发展相互影响和关联。

3.The relationship between social vicissitude and education would be reviewed from the dynamic perspective.教育与社会变迁是从动态的视角考察教育与社会的关系。

6)changing society变迁社会

1.“Returning to youth" the enterprising consciousness in thechanging society;“返青”——变迁社会的进取意识


