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学校课程领导 school curriculum leadership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-16 18:58:32


学校课程领导 school curriculum leadership英语短句 例句大全

学校课程领导,school curriculum leadership

1)school curriculum leadership学校课程领导

1.A Research on How the School Curriculum Leadership Accelerate Teachers Professional Development;学校课程领导促进教师专业发展的研究

2.The subjects ofschool curriculum leadership refer to the groups and individuals who use the power and influence in school to implement the curriculum leadership,construct the democratic and cooperative school culture,promote the school curriculum development and achieve the school curriculum vision.学校课程领导主体,是指在学校情境中利用权力和影响力实施课程领导,构建民主、合作的学校文化,促进学校课程发展,实现学校课程愿景的团体和个人。


1.Curriculum Leadership in School:Mode,Development Tendency and Enlightenment;学校课程领导:模式、发展趋向及启示

2.How to Strengthen Curriculum Leadership of the School新课程改革背景下学校课程领导的路径探析

3.Teacher Participating in the Curriculum Leadership in School: Foundation, Issue and Strategy;教师参与学校课程领导:基础、问题与策略

4.A Research on How the School Curriculum Leadership Accelerate Teachers Professional Development;学校课程领导促进教师专业发展的研究

5.A Study on Using School-based Curriculum Leadership for School Improvement;以校本课程领导促进学校改进之研究

6.Probe into Classroom Leadership in Reform of New-Curriculum Reform;新课程改革背景下学校课堂领导的探讨

7.Talking About the Principals of the Rural Primary and Middle Schools as Curriculum Leaders in the New Curriculum Reform;谈新课改下农村中小学校长的课程领导

8.Principal s Curriculum Leadership: Key to Development of School-based Curriculum;校长课程领导:校本课程发展的关键

9.On the Function and Strategy of School-based Curriculum Leadership of Headmasters in Primary and Secondary Schools;论中小学校长校本课程领导的功能和策略

10.An Analysis of the Current Situation and Strategies of the Principals of the Rural Primary and Middle Schools as Curriculum Leaders;农村中小学校长课程领导的现状与对策分析

11.Value,Range and Visualization--On the Leadership of Primary and Secondary School Principals;价值、场域与愿景——论中小学校长的课程领导能力

12.Principal s Curriculum Leadership:an Important Assurance for Deepening Development of Primary and Secondary School Curriculum Reform in Rural Area;校长课程领导:农村中小学课程改革纵深推进的重要保障

13.School Curriculum Plan and Curriculum Leadership Realization:Studies and Practice in Shanghai学校课程计划与课程领导力的实现——基于上海的实践探索

14.Basic Connotation and Core Elements of Curriculum Leadership Capability of Vocational School Principals职业学校校长课程领导力的基本内涵与核心要素

15.The Idea and Strategy of Curriculum Leadership on the Background of the Development of School-based Curriculum;校本课程发展背景下的课程领导:理念与策略

16.experiential school project [leadership training programme for principals]经验专题研究〔校长领导培训课程〕

17.The Principals" Curriculum Leadership: Its Status Quo and Some Countermeasures校长课程领导的现状分析及对策研究

18.Glatthorn, A. A. (1987). Curriculum leadership. IL: Scott, Foresman &Company.单文经总校阅(民89)。革新的课程领导。台北市:学富文化事业有限公司。


curriculum leadership in school学校课程领导

1.We have entered into a transitional period since 1990s; while, new curriculum reform becomes more extremely complex, which listscurriculum leadership in school on the top of curriculum research.自上个世纪九十年代以来,我国社会进入了一个转型期,世纪之初的新课程改革也空前复杂,这些因素都决定了学校课程领导问题逐步成为中国课程研究的一个重要问题,学校课程领导是教师之外另外一个决定课程实施成败的关键因素。

3)school curriculum leadership community学校课程领导共同体

4)Study on Curriculum Leadership in the Schools学校课程领导研究

5)school based curriculum leadership校本课程领导

1.The former refers to the study of interdisciplinary betweenschool based curriculum leadership and school improvement.前者是指对校本课程领导与学校改进之间的一种科际探讨,校本课程是属于课程范畴的课题之一,学校改进则属于一项学校改革运动的泛称,而领导是行政方面的一门学问,因此,将领导与校本课程结合,再与学校改进相提并论,就涉及到以学校行政作为一种中介作用,将它们有机地联系起来的理论和实践方面的探讨。

6)principal"s curriculum leadership校长课程领导

1.Nowadays, with the penetrating and thoroughgoing study of the curriculum theory, there comes into many brand-new theories, one of which isprincipal"s curriculum leadership research.近年来,随着课程理论研究的深入,出现了许多新的理念,校长课程领导就是其中之一。


