2000字范文 > 法律基础课 basic law course英语短句 例句大全

法律基础课 basic law course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-08 14:34:36


法律基础课 basic law course英语短句 例句大全

法律基础课,basic law course

1)basic law course法律基础课

1.the establishment ofbasic law course at college is vital to the realization of students.大学法律基础课的开设,对于依法治国基本方略的实现和大学生的成长成才至关重要。


1.A Discussion on the Reform of Extracurricular Teaching for the Course of Basic Law;法律基础课程第二课堂教学改革探讨

2.The ABC of law and the promotion of college students law consciousness;法律基础课教学与大学生法律素质的培养

3.Ponderations on the Reform of Basic Course of Law关于法律基础课程教学改革的思考

4.A Tentative Study on the Course of Ideological and Moral Accomplishment and Laws Base;思想道德修养与法律基础课教学探微

5.Be Carefully Prepared to Begin the Course of Ideology, Morality and Law Basics;精心准备——开好思想道德与法律基础课

6.Improvement on the Bilingual Teaching of the Legal Basis Course in Universities;刍议高校法律基础课双语教学的完善

7.Innovation path of teaching mode of foundamental law course in colleges;高职高专法律基础课教学模式的创新

8.Discussion on Improving the Teaching Effect of Basic Law at College;提高高校法律基础课教学有效性初探

9.Reflections on the Teaching of Common Required Basic Legal Courses;高校公共法律基础课教学的几点思考

10.The Function of Moral Education in Elementary Legal Course in Universities;浅谈高校法律基础课德育功能的发挥

11.Analysis of the Curriculum Composition of the Basic Law Course in the Sense of Philosophy;哲学意义下法律基础课程结构之分析

12.The Making of the Multi-media Courseware of Law Fundament;《法律基础》课多媒体教学课件制作初探

13.On Usage of Case Teaching Method in thd Course:Law Foundation;论案例教学法在《法律基础》课中的运用

14.The Reform and PractiCe of the Course of Base-law for Teaching Method;“法律基础”课教学法的改革与实践

15.On the Application of “The Three-teaching Methods” in the Course of the Law Basis;论“三导”教学法在“法律基础”课中的应用

16.The Characteristic of the Legal Knowledge and Basic Principle of Lesson Teaching of"Legal Foundation ";法律知识的特点与《法律基础》课教学的基本原则

17.Teaching of Legal Basic Lesson and Enhancing of College Students Legal Quality;《法律基础》课教学与大学生法律素质的提高

18.Enhancing the University Students Legal Quality in the Teaching of the Course of Legal Education;“法律基础”课应强调大学生法律素质的提高


basic course of law法律基础课

1.Thebasic course of law, as one part of “Double Course” in college education, is very significative to the idedogical and political education of college students.法律基础课作为高校“两课”中的组成部分,对大学生思想政治教育工作具有重要意义。

3)legal foundation course法律基础课程

4)teaching of the basic legal course法律基础课教学

1.The goal of theteaching of the basic legal course is not to imbue students with comprehensive knowledge of laws or to make students master as many legal items as possible, but to encourage students to grasp the basic spirit of laws, to cultivate students legal awareness and to improve their legal qualities.法律基础课教学的目标不是使学生尽可能全面地、具体地学习法律专业知识,掌握更多的法律条文,而是使学生把握法律的基本精神,培养学生的法律意识,提高学生的法律素质;法律基础课教学应当改变传统的注入式教学,采用互动式教学方法,以激发学生学习法律的积极性;讲授法律基础课需要具有全面、扎实法学专业基础和较高的教学水平教师,法学专业基础差,教学水平低的教师是不能胜任法律基础课的教学的。

5)college basic law course高校法律基础课

6)the curriculum of law法律基础知识课

1.Although the case methodology in Chinese education have become maturity, it is necessary to make a systematic research on the case methodology forthe curriculum of law in secondary vocational schools.作为中等职业学校思想政治课组成部分的法律基础知识课程,与普通高校和中等职业学校法学专业教育有着很大的不同。


政治法律制度(见经济基础与上层建筑)政治法律制度(见经济基础与上层建筑)political and legal system stateZheng山叮ald比司u政治法律制度(P olitiealand legalsystemS七at“)人类社会上层建筑的基本方面。砍与上层建筑)(见经济基
