2000字范文 > 基本法 Basic Law英语短句 例句大全

基本法 Basic Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 03:13:26


基本法 Basic Law英语短句 例句大全

基本法,Basic Law

1)Basic Law基本法

1.CTFA(ICID)-Brief Introduction toBasic Law of Cosmetic Raw Material;CTFA(ICID)化妆品的原料基本法简介

2.The Explanation Rights of HongkongBasic Law and The Case of Illegal Children Residents;从香港“无证儿童案”看基本法的解释权

3.Some people think that the application of the basic law in Hongkong destroyed the tradition of the common law.香港特别行政区的法律制度是与内地截然不同的,《基本法》在香港的适用,使香港的普通法制度发生了变化,有人认为,普通法的传统受到破坏。


1.I am bound by conviction, and by oath, to uphold the Basic Law.我笃信《基本法》,亦曾宣誓维护《基本法》。

2.Some Basic Problems about Legislation of Revenue Basic Law;刍议税收基本法立法的几个基本问题

3.Amendments to Japan s Basic Law of Education: A Change in the Basic Concept of Education in Japan;日本《教育基本法》的修改与教育基本理念的转变

4.Amendment of Education Basic Law and Transit of Educational Basic Idea in Japan;日本教育基本法的修改与教育基本理念的转变

5.Basic Law on Measures for the Aging Society高龄社会对策基本法

6.Article 13 of the Basic Law of the HKSAR provides that:《基本法》第十三条规定:

7.This law will serve as a model for Macao and Taiwan. It is therefore very important.所以,这个基本法很重要。

8.Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law of Hong Kong基本法推介联席会议

9.The Basic law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region香港行政特别区基本法

10.The Check and Balance among Legislative,Judicial and Administrative Power Under the Hong Kong Basic Law;基本法之下立法、司法与行政的制衡

11.primary algorithm基本算法,初等算法

12.The basicconception and method of ABCM is illustrated;阐述了作业成本法的基本概念、方法;

13.Fundamental Theories and Methods for Human Resources Development;人力资源开发的基本理论与基本方法

14.In Terms of the Reformation of Forecasting Thought and Method;新预测方法基本原理和基本模型研究

15.basic indexed sequential access method基本索引顺序存取法

16.You have French feet.你有法国人的基本特征。

17.basic telecommunications access method基本远程通信访问法

18.I agree with him in substance.我基本上同意他的看法。


fundamental law基本法

3)Basic method基本方法

1.Making reference to general control theory,the author illustrates systematical component essentials of investment control,and introduces basic method of construction project investment control according to the analysis on its characters,in order to offer theoretical reference for practical researches on investment control.主要参考一般控制理论,阐述了投资控制的系统组成要素,并根据建设项目投资控制的特点分析,简要阐述了项目投资控制的基本方法,从而为投资控制的实践研究提供了理论基础。

2.The article introduces the achevements of the construction of course and the reform of teaching about basic mandata,basic method the construction of teaching materials and examination question bank, application of computer etc, of structure mechanics teaching in building construction project.介绍了房屋建筑工程专业结构力学课程教学的基本要求、基本方法、教材与试题库建设、计算机应用等课程建设与教学改革方面的研究成果。

3.The paper first analyzes the guiding ideology of courseware design, teaching target and \{analysis\} of teaching target, then illustrates some basic methods courseware design.论述课件设计的指导思想、教学目标及教学目标分析 ,从理论上阐述了课件设计的几种基本方法 ,为正确有效地设计课件提供理论依据 。

4)basic methods基本方法

1.basic methods for quality control of modern distance education;现代远程教育质量控制的基本方法

2.Thebasic methods of strengthening values education in successful implementation of education are System Education Act;Special Education Law;Infiltration Education Law;Individual Education Act;Case Education Act;Activities of the Education La.在实施成功教育中加强价值观教育的基本方法大致有八:系统教育法;专题教育法;渗透教育法;个别教育法;案例教育法;活动教育法;实践教育法;示范教育法。

3.This essay induces fivebasic methods of solving elementary geometry problems and statesthe application of these methods by means of testifying one geometry problem using several differentmethods, thus training the students diverse thinking and innovation.本文归纳出解决初等几何问题的五种基本方法,并通过一题多证阐述这几种方法的运用,从而培养学生的发散思维和创新能力。

5)Basic practice基本做法

1.It sums up the basic practice and experience of consolidating the team of students′ coaches, innovating ideas of students′ affairs management, carrying out various kinds of s.在高教管理体制改革过程中 ,针对高校调整合并后新校区的特点 ,提出了新校区学生工作“以块为主 ,接受条的协调”的管理模式 ,总结出强化辅导员队伍、创新学生工作思路和坚持以先进文化为导向开展各类学生活动等基本做法与经

2.The expounds the significance of reinforcing the inner-controlling financial system in enterprise,proposes the basic principle of implementing the inner-controlling financial system in enterprise and introduces its basic practice in details,in order to regular accounting behavior in enterprises and promote the production and business management in enterprises.阐述了加强企业财务内控的重要意义,提出了实施企业财务内控的基本原则,详细介绍了实施企业财务内控的基本做法,以规范企业的会计行为,促进企业的生产经营管理。

6)supporting conditions and laws基本法则

1.Under the frame of sustainable development,this paper proposes thesupporting conditions and laws to which sustaining water resources utilization should follow,including somesupporting conditions and laws of nature,socioeconomy and physical environments.文中在可持续发展框架下 ,提出了水资源持续利用应服从的支持条件和基本法则 ,包括若干自然、社会经济和生态环境的支持条件和法则。


