2000字范文 > 高斯最小约束原理 Gauss principle of least constraint英语短句 例句大全

高斯最小约束原理 Gauss principle of least constraint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 03:32:43


高斯最小约束原理 Gauss principle of least constraint英语短句 例句大全

高斯最小约束原理,Gauss" principle of least constraint

1)Gauss" principle of least constraint高斯最小约束原理

2)Gauss minimum constraint theory高斯最小拘束原理

1.This paper introduced a method that apply theGauss minimum constraint theory to analyze inertial instruments dynamic characteristic in overloading and vibration compound environment,bat around the diversification and formulation of inertial instrument centroid displacement in different environment,and show the concretely deducibility.文中介绍了一种采用高斯最小拘束原理对过载振动复合环境下惯性仪器的动力学分析方法,详细讨论了在不同环境下惯性仪器质点位移的变化情况及表达形式,并给出了具体推导过程。

2.Applying theGauss minimum constraint theory, a finite segment modeling method is presented for a rigid flexible coupled system.应用高斯最小拘束原理 ,提出了对一类刚柔耦合系统的有限段建模方法 ,将悬臂梁的大范围运动综合到系统模型中 ,比较完整地反映了系统的动力学特征。


1.Application of Gauss Minimum Constraint Principle in Gun Vibration Analysis高斯最小拘束原理在火炮振动分析中的应用

2.Solve the Fermat-Steiner Problems in Light of the Least Potential Energy Theory;用势能最小原理解决费马—斯坦勒尔问题

3.The stimuli to which the mind responds most freely are:-人心最 能无拘无束起感应的刺激有:

4.the restraints of illness病的束缚 [拘束]

5.Glad to see you. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortaBle.很高兴见到你。请坐,不要拘束。

6.The man, who is guided by reason, is more free in a state, where he lives under a general system of law, than in solitude, where he is independent.--Benedict de Spinoza有理智的人在一般法律体系中生活比在无拘无束的独居中更为自由。——斯宾诺莎

7.Truth in her dress finds facts too tight.真理穿了衣裳,觉得事实太拘束了。

8.The relation is discussed between the shift of the point of maximum intensity on axis from the waist of focused Gaussian beam and the radius of the diffracted aperture, and the parameters of the Gaussian beam.讨论了轴上点光强最大值相对会聚高斯光束束腰的偏移量同衍射孔径及高斯光束参数的关系。

9.lay a person under restraint拘束 [羁押,拘留] 某人

10.At last I am free as a bird and can go anywhere I want to.最后我完全无拘无束了,想去哪儿就去哪儿。

11.principle of minimum potential energy in theory of elastic- ity弹性力学最小势能原理

12.Unused to living in so small a house, she felt penned up.不习惯于住在那麽小的房子里,她感到了拘束。

13.The theory and corresponding experiment of the intensity profile modification of a Gaussian laser beam by an ultrasonic standing wave( controlled by electricity) are reported and discussed.本文报道和讨论了在超声驻波作用下实现激光高斯光束空间强度整形的原理与实验。

14.Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.请坐,不要拘束。??

15.Design of Experiment for Measuring Gaussian Beam Spot Size Using Knife Edge刀口法测量高斯光束腰斑大小实验设计

16.Diffraction of Gaussian Beam of Light by an Optical Lens and a Small Circular Aperture高斯光束通过透镜-微小圆形光阑系统的衍射

17.Mechanism of Martensitic Phase Transformation in the HAZs of Constrained Welding Joints;拘束条件下焊接HAZ马氏体相变机理研究

18.Linearly Constrained Matrix Least Squares Problems: Theory and Algorithms;线性约束矩阵最小二乘问题:理论与算法


Gauss minimum constraint theory高斯最小拘束原理

1.This paper introduced a method that apply theGauss minimum constraint theory to analyze inertial instruments dynamic characteristic in overloading and vibration compound environment,bat around the diversification and formulation of inertial instrument centroid displacement in different environment,and show the concretely deducibility.文中介绍了一种采用高斯最小拘束原理对过载振动复合环境下惯性仪器的动力学分析方法,详细讨论了在不同环境下惯性仪器质点位移的变化情况及表达形式,并给出了具体推导过程。

2.Applying theGauss minimum constraint theory, a finite segment modeling method is presented for a rigid flexible coupled system.应用高斯最小拘束原理 ,提出了对一类刚柔耦合系统的有限段建模方法 ,将悬臂梁的大范围运动综合到系统模型中 ,比较完整地反映了系统的动力学特征。

3)minimal constraint,principle of最小约束原理

4)the constrained chemical potential minimization method化学势最小约束原理

1.An efficient algorithm based onthe constrained chemical potential minimization method is proposed for computing these diagrams.根据国内外的优势区相图计算机研究状况,作者采用化学势最小约束原理开发了一种新算法,并给出了新算法的程序框图和应用实例。

5)principle of least constraint最小约束运动原理

6)Gauss minimum constraint高斯最小拘束

1.Analysis of naval gun vibration based onGauss minimum constraint theory舰炮振动的高斯最小拘束分析方法


高斯原理又称高斯最小拘束原理,它是分析力学中的普遍微分变分原理之一。高斯原理可表述为:质点系真实运动的加速度是所有符合约束的可能加速度中使拘束函数取极小值者。设任一质点系{m1,m2,...,mn}在理想的一阶(线性或非线性)约束或完整约束以及主动力{F1,F2,..., Fn}的作用下从某一时刻和某一可能状态出发,则对于符合约束的各可能加速度{惞1,惞2,...,惞n}可建立拘束函数 。如果记δG为符合约束的可能加速度变分,由高斯原理可知,质点系真实运动满足,这就是高斯原理的数学表达式。高斯原理具有简明的极值意义,既适用于一阶线性约束系统(包括完整系统),也适用于一阶非线性约束系统。高斯原理的优点不仅在于原理上的普遍性,而且还有很大的实用价值。目前在机器人的设计和分析中使用的方法之一就是由高斯原理出发,在电子计算机中直接建立拘束函数变分问题,用优化算法和动态规划的办法求解机器人的运动和约束反力。
