2000字范文 > 最小位能原理 principle of minimum potential energy英语短句 例句大全

最小位能原理 principle of minimum potential energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 23:38:12


最小位能原理 principle of minimum potential energy英语短句 例句大全

最小位能原理,principle of minimum potential energy

1)principle of minimum potential energy最小位能原理

1.Based on theprinciple of minimum potential energy, the helical buckling of a drillstring is studied, with its top end free circumferentially and lower end hinged.基于最小位能原理,研究了斜直井内钻柱的非线性螺旋屈曲问题。

2.Based on theprinciple of minimum potential energy,the helical buckling of a drillstring with its top end free circumferentially and lower end hinged is studied.借助于圆柱面坐标系,基于最小位能原理,用 Rayleigh-Ritz 法研究了斜直井内钻柱的非线性螺旋屈曲问题。

2)minimal potential energy principle最小势能原理

1.Since,the total potential energy of woven fabrics,is in spline function with the yarn shape curve,theminimal potential energy principle is satisfied when the system is stable.首先对被施加外部荷载的织物建立数学模型,由于相应的机织织物结构的总势能U是关于纱线形状曲线的泛函,当系统稳定时满足最小势能原理,通过求泛函极值,获得机织织物结构中纱线路径的较为真实的形状曲线,从而为描述机织织物结构几何模型和力学模型提供了相应的理论途径。


1.principle of minimum potential energy in theory of elastic- ity弹性力学最小势能原理

2.Equation expresses the principle of minimum potential energy.方程表示出最小势能原理。

3.Research on bending of the cantilever based on the principle of minimum potential energy基于最小势能原理的悬臂梁弯曲研究

4.Research on Slope Stability Analysis Using the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy;最小势能原理在边坡稳定性分析中的应用研究

5.Applying the principle of minimum total potential energy, the spline subdomain method of folded plate structures is derived.应用最小势能原理,建立了折板结构分析的样条子域法。

6.According to the principle of the minimum potential energy, the deformation of single tension pile and pile groups was analyzed using a modified variational approach.根据最小势能原理,使用修正变分法来分析抗拔单桩和抗拔群桩的变形。

7.Solve the Fermat-Steiner Problems in Light of the Least Potential Energy Theory;用势能最小原理解决费马—斯坦勒尔问题

8.Helmholtz principle of minimum energy dissipatio亥姆霍兹最小能量损耗原理

9.Advances on the least energy consumption principle and its application关于最小耗能原理及其应用的新进展

10.The new-type pocket radio produced recently By our factory on the latest principle has the smallest size and complete function.我厂最近推出新型袖珍收音机体积最小,原理最新,功能最全。

11.Study on Mechanism of Rockburst Preparation and Development Based on the Least Energy Consumption Principle基于最小耗能原理的岩爆孕育发生机理研究

12.Principle, Algorithm and Realization of Minimum Cost Getting Drug in Intelligent Drugstore智能药房中最小代价取药原理算法及实现

13.Principle of Least Energy Dissipation And Its Application to Rheological Solid最小耗能原理及其在流变固体中的应用

14.Least energy dissipation principle and its application in plastic mechanics最小耗能原理及其在塑性力学中的应用

15.Kelvin"s minimum-energy theorem开尔文最小能量定理

16.Research on Plane Two Dimension Water & Sediment Mathematical Model Based on the Theory of Minimum Rate of Energy Dissipation;基于最小能耗率原理的河道平面二维水沙数学模型研究

17.On Second Stage Minimization Variational Principle in Plasticity塑性理论中的二阶段最小变分原理

18.Calculation of He Atom Ground-State Energy Using Double Generalized Laguerre Polynomial in the Weakest Bound Electron Potential Model Theory最弱受约束电子势模型理论下使用双广义拉盖尔多项式计算氦原子基态能量(英文)


minimal potential energy principle最小势能原理

1.Since,the total potential energy of woven fabrics,is in spline function with the yarn shape curve,theminimal potential energy principle is satisfied when the system is stable.首先对被施加外部荷载的织物建立数学模型,由于相应的机织织物结构的总势能U是关于纱线形状曲线的泛函,当系统稳定时满足最小势能原理,通过求泛函极值,获得机织织物结构中纱线路径的较为真实的形状曲线,从而为描述机织织物结构几何模型和力学模型提供了相应的理论途径。

3)principle of least energy consumption最小耗能原理

1.The thermodynamics theory and theprinciple of least energy consumption were applied to studying the energy consumption and damage evolution of short-fibre composites under repeated low velocity impact.运用热力学理论和最小耗能原理,研究了反复低速冲击下短纤维复合材料的能量耗散与损伤演变,给出了冲击循环下材料耗散能表达式,建立了与复合材料割线模量降低率相关的损伤变量表达式和损伤演变方程。

2.Regarding the process of rock yield deformation and failure as a process of energy release and energy dissipation,a failure criterion of deep rocks subjected to coupling effects of confining pressure and temperature is proposed according to theprinciple of least energy consumption.将岩石的屈服破坏过程视为能量释放和能量耗散的过程,根据最小耗能原理导出了温度和压力耦合作用下的深部岩石屈服破坏准则。

3.any course of energy consumption will be carried out by means of least consumption of energy corresponding to the condition of restraint,calledprinciple of least energy consumption has been verified in this paper.本文证明了“任何耗能过程都将在与其相应的约束条件下,以最小耗能的方式行”这一重要结论,并将此重要结论称为最小耗能原理。

4)minimum energy principle能量最小原理

1.The design and construction of separate tunnels,small net-spacing tunnels and double-arch tunnels should follow the principle of trying to maintain the initial state of the surrounding rock mass and theminimum energy principle.独立隧道、小净距隧道和连拱隧道三种隧道设计与施工都要遵循"基本维持围岩原始状态"和"能量最小原理"。

5)principle of minimum free energy最小自由能原理

1.Multiphase equilibrium mathematical model for the copper flash smelting process is established based on the Gibbsprinciple of minimum free energy.基于吉布斯最小自由能原理,建立了铜闪速熔炼过程的多相平衡数学模型。

6)minimal energy principle最小能量原理

1.By the comparison between the two models,this paper presents the advantage of the finite element method,which is based onminimal energy principle,over the general mathematical analysis.以无引脚表面组装元器件二维焊点问题为例,用两种不同的建模方法对其建立数学模型并进行分析比较,指出用基于最小能量原理的有限元数值分析求解表面组装焊点形态问题的方法优于一般数学分析方法。


