2000字范文 > 电影本体论 movie ontology英语短句 例句大全

电影本体论 movie ontology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-25 03:30:59


电影本体论 movie ontology英语短句 例句大全

电影本体论,movie ontology

1)movie ontology电影本体论

2)movie noumenon电影本体

1."The New Movie Concept" raised by FEI Mu is the awaking ofmovie noumenon, which simplifies the dramatic and advocates, "the sketching of human life ".费穆"新的电影的观念"是电影本体的自觉。


1.The Summary Exposition of Feng Xiaogang s New Year Movies According to the Film Ontology;电影本体性下的冯小刚贺岁电影综论

2.The Apocalypse of the Controversy between the Hard Films and the Soft Films;话语权·电影本体:关于批评的批评——“硬性电影”与“软性电影”论争的启示

3.The New Angle to Reconstruct the Film Ontology;文化资本:一种重构电影本体理论的新维度

4.The Notion of Symphony:an Investigation of Zhong Dianfei s Aesthetic Thought;“和弦论”:回归电影本体,重构电影美学——钟惦棐美学思想疏证

5.Medium,Narrative,Text :A Comparison between the Text of Films and the Text of Novels;媒体·叙事·本体:电影、小说文本比较论

6.Internet and the Subject and Value Revolution of Traditional Movies;网络与传统电影艺术本体、价值革命

7.A Conflict of Dominant Culture in Japan"s Film Okuribito日本电影《入殓师》中文化主体的博弈

8.Some Reflections on the Study of Chinese Movie Literature Texts;电影文学本体研究的座标系——建国至80年代中期

9.This book has been adapted for the cinema.这本书已改成电影剧本。

10.Any of four fundamental ways in which elementary particles and bodies can influence each other, classified as strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational.电子相互作用基本颗粒和物体相互影响的四种基本方式,可分为强弱电磁和引力的

11.filmography:Writings about movies.电影剧本:关于电影的著述.

12.With Remote Media Player you can easily select what movie or music you like to play from the sofa( or from the bathtub).通过远程多媒体播放器,你可以从本地选择喜欢的电影和音乐。

13.Investigation of Mechanism of Genu Recurvatum by EMG in CVA Patients with Losing Proprioception;CVA偏瘫患者的本体感觉丧失肌电图对膝反张影响的机理研究

14.On the Cultural system of Rhetorical Transformation Between Different Texts;“文本”间修辞移植的文化体例——析莫言小说的电影改编

15.There are few fine cinemas in the city.本市几乎没有好电影院。

16.a flat scenario一个乏味的电影剧本

17.a writer of screenplays.编写电影剧本的作者。

18.continuity writer分镜头电影剧本作者


movie noumenon电影本体

1."The New Movie Concept" raised by FEI Mu is the awaking ofmovie noumenon, which simplifies the dramatic and advocates, "the sketching of human life ".费穆"新的电影的观念"是电影本体的自觉。

3)film ontology电影本体性

1.It shifts the exploration offilm ontology from the narrative layer to the deep control of the inherent laws.在电影学中,"景观"特指追求影像的视觉造型效果及其观赏价值的一种镜语范式,它把人们对"电影本体性"的探索从文本叙事层面转移到对影像内在规律的深入把握上。

4)script theorem电影脚本理论

1.Based on thescript theorem, the data architecture of automatic generation system for the LED (Light Emitting Diode) text display is discussed in detail.利用电影脚本理论的基本思想,研究了LED(LightEmitingDiode)图文显示自动生成系统的数据体系结构,并给出了基于该数据模型的LED图文实时显示系统的应用。

5)noumenon consciousness of films电影的本体意识

6)the inner law of film industry电影本体规律


