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用户化 Customization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-15 11:50:17


用户化 Customization英语短句 例句大全



1.Study onCustomization of ERP Software and Its Implementation;ERP商品软件用户化的研究与实现

2.Several new features in modern DTS are pointed out, such as geographically distributed computation, integration, deregulation, automation and customization.在总结DTS系统新需求和新技术的基础上,对现代DTS系统的概念进行扩展,指出现代DTS系统具有广域化、集成化、市场化、自动化和用户化等新特征,介绍了这些特征的内涵,进一步展望了电网仿真培训技术的未来发展方向。

3.Also the application of Intools customization with Excel Macros is described.文中最后章节介绍如何使用Excel宏程序实现INtools图纸设计用户化。


1.The Research and Practice of Geography Information System Customization;地理信息系统用户化理论与实践研究

2.Study on Customization of ERP Software and Its Implementation;ERP商品软件用户化的研究与实现

3.The Analysis of E-government Acceptance Under the Chinese Culture Atmosphere;中国文化下的电子政务门户用户接受度分析

4.The Disintermediation,Money Preference of Farmer Household and Reestablishment of Farmer Household s Credit;“非中介化”、农户货币偏好与农户信用重建研究

5.Usage Analysis Wizard: Error in initializing user control.使用分析向导:初始化用户控件时出错。

6.The agent is unable to initialize the User TSR.代理无法初始化用户常驻内存程序。

7."Error Initializing User Interface Manager."初始化用户界面管理器时,出现错误。

8.You are about to delete the page personalizations for the selected users.您将删除所选用户的网页个人化信息。

9.Enables you to stream multimedia content to network users.允许您流化多媒体内容给网络用户。

10.analysis of changes in working capital accounts营运用资金帐户变化分析

11.Appling of Data Bank to Realise Students"census Register Management to be Automatic运用数据库实现学生户籍管理自动化

12.Personalization Recommendation Based on User Current Interest View基于用户近期兴趣视图的个性化推荐

13.Optimal Allocation of Multi-Reservoir Systems for Multi-User of DaLian City;多水源多用户大连市水资源优化配置

14.The Research of Property Management Mechanism and Patterns for Deomestic Household Biogas;户用沼气物业化管理机制和模式研究

15.Study and Design of User Model in Personalized Service;个性化服务中用户模型的研究与设计

16.The Personal Information Recommendation System Base on Users Interest;基于用户兴趣的个性化信息推荐系统

17.Simply Talking about Effect of The Census Register System Reforming in the Urbanization Process;户籍制度改革在城市化进程中的作用

18.Providing the Information Service in View of Users-first Approach;以用户需求为中心的个性化信息服务


user optimization用户优化

1.Based on reinforcementlearning ability and parallel processˉing ability in ant colony,the algorithm can make traffic network achieveuser optimization and reduce the assignment complexity substantially,thereby opening a new way for traffic assignment problems and at the same time showing a potential practical prospect fo.算法设计中利用蚂蚁王国中增强型学习系统功能和并行计算的特点 ,使得交通分配系统朝着用户优化的方向发展,降低了分配的复杂性 ,为交通分配问题开创了一条新的途径 ,同时显示了蚂蚁算法在交通规划中的使用前

3)User avatar用户化身

4)GIS CustomizationGIS用户化

5)user personalization用户个性化

6)customer-operated connection用户化联接


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
