2000字范文 > 实时操作系统 RTOS英语短句 例句大全

实时操作系统 RTOS英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-31 15:42:10


实时操作系统 RTOS英语短句 例句大全



1.Detection of R wave from ECG signal by DSP/BIOS ofRTOS;在实时操作系统DSP/BIOS上实现心电信号R波的捡出

2.MCU Control System Designed by UsingRTOS;用实时操作系统进行单片机控制系统开发

3.Implementation of PortingRTOSμC/OS-Ⅱto DSP;实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ在DSP上移植的实现


1.distributed real time operating system分布式实时操作系统

2.The Comparison of Four Main Performance for RTO4种实时操作系统实时性的分析对比

3.The Research and Implementation of Real-time Operating System Based on DSP;基于DSP的实时操作系统研究与实现

4.Research and Implementation of Resource Reservation in Real-Time Operating System;实时操作系统资源预留的研究与实现

5.Embedded Real-Time Operating System ZERTLinux Design and Implementation;嵌入式实时操作系统ZERTLinux的设计及实现

6.Design of Real Time Operating System Based on PIC24F MCUPIC24F系列微控制器实时操作系统的设计

7.Portable ECG Analysis System Based on ARM andμC/OS-Ⅱ基于实时操作系统的心电分析系统软件实现

8.terminal-oriented real-time operating system面向终端的实时操作系统

9.RTOS Features and Trends实时操作系统的必备特性与发展趋势

10.The Application of Real-time Operating System in Astronomic Fast Readout CCD;实时操作系统在天文快读CCD上的应用

11.Kernel Analysis and Porting of RTOS μc/os-Ⅱ;实时操作系统μc/os-Ⅱ内核分析与移植

12.Research of Embedded Realtime Operating System Based on 8051;基于8051的嵌入式实时操作系统研究

13.The Key Technology Research on Embedded Real-time Operating System;嵌入式实时操作系统关键技术的研究

14.The Design and Analysis of Real Time Operationg System Based on Linux;基于Linux实时操作系统的分析和设计

15.The Research of Automotive Real-time OS Based on μC/OS-Ⅱ;基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的车载实时操作系统研究

16.The Design and Application of One Small Real Time Operating System;一个小型实时操作系统的设计与应用

17.The Research of Embedded Real-Time Operating System Based on DSP;基于DSP的嵌入式实时操作系统的研究

work Technique Research of Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems;嵌入式实时操作系统的网络技术研究


real-time operating system实时操作系统

1.Power system automation general platform based on μC/OS-Ⅱreal-time operating system;基于μC/OS-II实时操作系统的电力系统自动化通用平台

2.Application ofreal-time operating system QNX in power quality monitoring system;实时操作系统QNX在电能质量网络监测系统中应用

3.An implementation of multi-interface virtualreal-time operating system on Windows platform;Windows平台上多接口虚拟实时操作系统设计与实现

3)real time operating system实时操作系统

1.The Implement of Embedded Real Time Operating System in DATU;嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II在配电自动化远方终端中的应用

2.The system used the ARM as MCU and μC/OS-Ⅱ as thereal time operating system and improved the system performance.该系统采用ARM7微控制器作为CPU,μC/OSⅡ-作为实时操作系统,提高了其性能。

3.A kind of design method of microprocessor protection relay apparatus based onreal time operating system(RTOS) was introduced in this paper.介绍了一种基于实时操作系统的微机继电保护装置的设计方法。

4)real-time operation system实时操作系统

1.Research of Kernel Task Scheduling on Real-time Operation System VxWorks;实时操作系统VxWorks的内核任务调度研究

2.Real-time Operation System Design Based on Linux;基于Linux的实时操作系统设计

3.Embeddedreal-time operation system VxWorks and its application in seismograph嵌入式实时操作系统VxWorks及其在地震勘探仪器中的应用

5)real time operation system实时操作系统

1.On the basis of S3C44B0X used as MCU,the free and source-code-openreal time operation system of μC/OS-Ⅱ is chosen as the software platform.在以S3C44B0X为MCU的基础上,选择了免费、源码公开的μC/OS-Ⅱ实时操作系统作为开发的软件平台。

2.Most of the control software mode is front-background mode,author provide a kind of construct of automatic transmission control software,based on thereal time operation system.现在使用的一般单片机控制软件多是基于前后台模式的,笔者提出了相对前者功能更强、开发维护更容易的基于实时操作系统的自动变速控制软件结构。

3.The hardware structure of DSP+FPGA is introduced,and its soft ware in DSP is designed based on DSP/BIOSreal time operation system.介绍了数字语音网络会议终端硬件平台的设计和实现,提出了DSP+FPGA的硬件结构,DSP中的软件基于DSP/BIOS实时操作系统开发,由FPGA完成网络通信硬件功能。

6)QNX real time operation system(RTOS)QNX实时操作系统


